  • 2017-05-05 (xsd:date)
  • Did Bill Nye Say Parents Should Be Penalized for Having 'Extra Kids'? (en)
  • In late April 2017, Netflix personality Bill Nye (best known to U.S. television audiences as the Science Guy) provoked a social media backlash by asking guests on his show Bill Nye Saves the World whether governments in developed countries ought to impose penalties on parents who have extra kids. The question, posed during a discussion on coping with climate change to Johns Hopkins University bioethicist Travis Rieder and two other panelists (women's and reproductive health experts Rachel Snow and Nerys Benfield), was condemned as dystopic, authoritarian, and worse by politically motivated critics: An article on the right-leaning web site accused Nye of raising the specter of Nazism: On, Todd Starnes labeled Nye one diabolical sicko, adding: Such reactions completely ignored the nature and context of the discussion, however. As a bioethicist, it is Rieder's job to seriously consider and propose answers to such questions. Moreover, the issue was debated by Nye's three panelists, who were not unanimous in their opinions: The bottom line is that Nye instigated an open discussion on the propriety of imposing penalties to control population growth. He neither proposed nor advocated such a measure. (en)