  • 2021-03-30 (xsd:date)
  • No, photo of footbridge in Kenya, not R11m bridge in Qwaqwa, South Africa (en)
  • A photo posted on Facebook in March 2021 shows a group of people standing on a large concrete block over a culvert. This is an official bridge opening in Qwaqwa it cost 11 million... can someone please explain, text below the photo reads. Qwaqwa is a town in South Africa’s Free State province. But what does the photo really show? We checked. KSh1 million bridge snapped in 2018 The results of a TinEye reverse image search reveal that the photo was taken in Kenya in 2018. One article , by Kenyan news website , says the photo was taken in Machakos county , south of the country’s capital of Nairobi. It shows a pedestrian bridge over a box culvert. In a 2018 interview, Machakos governor Alfred Mutua told the photo shows him inspecting the footbridge, which was yet to be completed. This is a simple box culvert and the contract is less than 1 million [shillings], Mutua was quoted as saying . That’s roughly R135,800 . In 2018, the South African Twitter account @AdvoBarryRoux posted photos of the bridge, claiming that it had cost $6million. Lilian Ng’ang’a, Mutua’s wife, responded to the tweet, sharing before and after photos of the bridge – which included the photo in the Facebook post . To verify, visit the actual area! she tweeted . The claim that the bridge was opened in Qwaqwa, South Africa, and cost R11 million, is false. (en)