Since 1998, unsuspecting internet users have been haunted by a terrestrial cephalopod known as the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, a unique amphibious octopus species that dwells in the forests of the Pacific Northwest: Part of what has haunted Internet users about the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus is that the species is said to be endangered, and that prompt action is needed to preserve it from extinction: One little problem with efforts to save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, however, is that the species does not -- and never did -- exist. It's purely a bit of fiction created by Lyle Zapato. As far as internet hoaxes go, you won't find many better than the web site dedicated to octopus paxarbolis. It includes multiple purported sightings, links to articles about other fictional species, and even its own FAQ section. In fact, the web site is so well done that it is frequently used in Internet literacy tests. When researchers at the University of Connecticut's Neag School of Education asked twenty-five 7th graders to examine the web site, twenty-four of those students concluded that information regarding the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus was very credible. The students came to this conclusion despite the site's multiple references to sasquatch and the elusive mountain walrus. Don Leu, the project's lead researcher, concluded that students need to learn a new set of skills in order to properly comprehend Internet content: These results are cause for serious concern because anyone can publish anything on the Internet and today's students are not prepared to critically evaluate the information they find there. Despite the fact that the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus exists only in manipulated images, doctored videos, and incredibly detailed joke websites, Zapato slyly maintains that they are real: Yes, of course. Would someone with a website lie to you?