  • 2017-06-23 (xsd:date)
  • Did 5.7 Million 'Illegal Immigrants' Vote in the 2008 U.S. Election? (en)
  • On 20 June 2017, the Twitter account of the morning show Fox & Friends tweeted a significant sounding bit of news: A more accurate tweet, if it could fit, might be: The Original Study That 2014 study, published in the journal Electoral Studies and authored by Jesse Richman, Gulshan Chattha, and David Earnest at Old Dominion University, made waves when the researchers first described their results in a Washington Post column that inspired three different rebuttals — and one additional rebuttal to those rebuttals, as well as a disclaimer about the disputed nature of the research paper itself. In this study, the authors used data collected by Internet polling firms for a Harvard University initiative known as the Cooperative Congressional Election Studies, or CCES: The thrust of their work was to demonstrate that some people checked off that they were both non-citizens and that they voted, in some cases going so far as to describe the candidate they voted for. As a check of their work, they used information provided by CCES from a research firm named Catalyst to verify that people who said they voted actually voted: Out of the 38 cases from 2008 in which non-citizens claimed to have voted (or had a vote validated they didn't admit to in the survey), the authors found five (as in, the number after four) cases of survey responses from non-citizens who both said they had voted and that Catalyst could verify as having voted. Using this data, some modeling, and error analysis, the authors concluded that between 7.9 percent and 14.7 percent of non-citizens voted in the 2008 elections. They then simply applied this to the entire non-citizen population in the United States. The findings are as crude as they are controversial: These numbers rest on the assumption that a subset of 38 (possible) non-citizen votes out of 339 non-citizens can be used to extrapolate countrywide voting behavior. The Rebuttal If extrapolating to a number based from Internet survey response data from a pool of 339 non-citizens into the millions sounds problematic to you, you are not alone. Brian Schaffner is professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and the co-principal investigator of the Harvard CCES from which Richman got his data. He told us via e-mail: Schaffner was an author on a challenge to the Richman paper (The Perils of Cherry Picking Low Frequency Events in Large Sample Surveys), also published in Electoral Studies in 2015. Schaffner's paper makes the argument that even a nearly non-existent amount of misreporting from the non-citizen group would create deeply flawed results if one tried to use that data to extrapolate. In that paper, they offer the following mental exercise: To further raise the possibility that this kind of error could have happened and could be significant, Schaffner and his colleagues went back and re-interviewed people in the survey using data from 2010, telling us: The existence of even the possibility of misreporting, especially when you consider that only five (5) of the non-citizen voters identified in 2008 were actually verified as voting, is problematic, as articulated by University of California, Irvine political scientist Michael Tesler in his Washington Post rebuttal to the Richman study: The Washington Times / Just Facts Take One surefire way to make it sound like something carries authority without actually understanding any aspect of the topic you are covering would be to describe the process, as the Washington Times did in the story linked by Fox & Friends, as a series of complicated calculations. Outside of the fact that these calculations are found in the 1,010th footnote of the report, the calculations (shown below) don't involve much more complicated mathematics than multiplication, subtraction, and addition (no division, thankfully). What Just Facts did was take the United States Census Bureau estimate of the number of non-citizen adults in the United States (19,805,000) and multiply it by, in essence, high-end and low-end estimates of the percentage of people in that group who vote in elections based on data from the Richman study — but with their own estimates of error: The 8% self-declared voting number comes from the 27 non-citizens out of 339 in the Richman study who said I definitely voted. The 8% undeclared voting also comes from that same study, and is calculated as the 11 non-citizens identified by the Catalyst system as voting (out of the total 140 verified non-citizens matched to records in the Catalyst database). Any conclusion about sweeping waves of millions of non-citizen votes is tied to these undeniably small numbers. In a 15 December 2016 post,'s president James Agresti provided its justification for taking the results of the Richman study seriously. This post, however, serves mainly as an effort to debunk the claim made by Schaffner and his colleagues in their 2015 paper that zero non-citizen votes were cast in the 2008 presidential election. For his part, Schaffner told us: The post also does very little to address the fact that the Richman study’s non-citizen dataset was so limited: Agresti supports the latter part of this statement by providing evidence that certain groups of illegal immigrants frequently use fraudulent Social Security numbers and misrepresent themselves as citizens. He brushes off the former part of the statement by echoing claims made by Richman in a working paper (not peer-reviewed) that other demographic data in the CCES, as well as their own investigation of voter registration data, prove that people were not misreporting their citizenship status after all. People can debate the virtues of those arguments as much as they want, but they certainly do not prove that zero people misreported their citizenship status, or that millions of non-citizen votes occurred in the 2008 election. The arguments also do not change the fact that the conclusion of 5.7 million noncitizen votes in 2008 is based on applying broad estimates of behavior from an exceedingly small subpopulation. The problems with this approach are evidenced by the absurdly large possible range Richman and later Agresti collectively came up with from the same data (38,000 to 5.7 million illegal votes). We asked Richman how he felt about Agresti's analysis of his work, and his response concedes the point that there is a lot of room to play around with this kind of data: Straight-faced claims that there is material evidence for up to 5.7 million non-citizen votes in 2008 are remarkable, given that the study commonly cited as the basis for this claim has provided material evidence for five (not even six!) non-citizen votes in that year. Any analysis based off of Richman’s study or Agresti’s analysis must square itself with the reality that they are based on numbers generated from just these facts: 1) In a group of 339 self reported non-citizens, 27 claim to have voted; and 2) In a group of 140 verified non-citizens, 11 may have voted. In the defense of Fox & Friends, we acknowledge that this additional information would make for a far less flashy tweet. (en)