A photo showing former Kenyan prime minister Raila Odinga holding the Bible upside down has been posted on Facebook. The words Holy Bible on the brown book in Odinga’s hands appear to be flipped , indicating he is holding the book the wrong side up. The caption to the photo posted in a public Facebook group with over 540,000 followers reads : Which verse in the bible do you think Raila Odinga is memorising so as to quote in on Sunday? Did Odinga really read the holy book upside down? We checked. Doctored photo A Google reverse image search of the photo led us to a Twitter post Odinga shared on 28 January 2021. One of the four photos shared shows Odinga reading a brown copy of The Living Bible – the right way up. According to the tweet , Odinga was at a meeting with clergy from all the 47 counties of Kenya. It reads : It was heartening to exchange views on pertinent issues with clergy drawn from all the 47 counties at Ufungamano House, Nairobi county. The photo shared on Facebook was photoshopped, to give the impression Odinga was reading the Bible upside down.