  • 2016-12-12 (xsd:date)
  • House Democrats Strike to Implement Sharia Law (en)
  • On 30 December 2015, an article published on the web site MadWorldNews and reposted on scores of others declared that Democrats in the House of Representatives had that month introduced a bill aimed at implementing Sharia law (religious rules governing members of the Islamic faith) in the United States: While the bill spoken of in the article (H. Res. 569, Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States, introduced by Rep. Don Beyer of Virginia) was real, however, it had nothing to do with Sharia law, much less laid groundwork for implementing it. H. Res. 569 was in fact a non-binding resolution (i.e., having no legal effect) intended to express House members' commitment to the belief that Constitutional rights and liberties apply equally to all American citizens, including Muslims. Although dire warnings characterizing the bill as an attempt to implement Sharia law continued to circulate a year after the fact, H. Res. 569 was dead on arrival and never had a hope of even making it out of committee, given that not a single House Republican would support it. Its likelihood of passage is close to zero. One of the sponsors of the bill was Rep. Mike Honda (D-California), a Japanese-American who, as an infant, was imprisoned in an internment camp with his family during World War II, The Huffington Post reported: The bill was last seen in January 2016, when it was handed off to the House Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice. (en)