  • 2016-07-08 (xsd:date)
  • Obama Commissions Gender Neutral Bible (de)
  • On 7 July 2016, the Christian Post published an article reporting that President Obama signed an executive order commissioning megachurch pastor Rob Bell to create a gender-neutral version of the Bible: The article concluded, referencing a portion of Scripture that holds nothing shall be added to the Bible: Christian Post isn't a satirical web site and typically delivers straight news from an Evangelical perspective. However, the above-quoted article was pubished in a section of the site called BuzzVine, where content is preceded by the following disclaimer: However, that vague signifier is rendered in light gray text, making it extremely easy to skim miss: Those who read the whole article prior to sharing it were likelier to notice a second disclaimer at the bottom, rendered in larger, bold text: (en)