  • 2016-10-22 (xsd:date)
  • Did Hillary Clinton Throw a Tantrum with Matt Lauer? (en)
  • Rumors holding that Hillary Clinton had a meltdown, threw a water glass at a staffer, and engaged in a curse-filled tirade following NBC's Commander-in-Chief Forum with host Matt Lauer have been circulating since the Democratic presidential nominee participated in that forum, which aired on 7 September 2016. While these rumors did seem to be rooted in a little truth — the Clinton campaign was not happy with the questions Lauer asked (or didn't ask) during the event — claims that Clinton threw a hissy fit over it were unfounded. The website Victurus Libertas was the first to promulgate this rumor, publishing an article headlined Temper! Temper! Hillary Goes on Rampage for Over An Hour — Throwing Glass at Staffer’s Head. Although Victurus Libertas linked to credible reports from NY Mag and Yahoo! News detailing that Clinton's campaign was miffed with Lauer for not fact-checking Republican candidate Donald Trump during the event, they cited Politico as their source for the claim that Clinton had thrown a water glass at a staffer: None of this information appeared in the cited Politico report, however. Politico published an article headlined Liberals Lash Out at Lauer, NBC, reporting that Clinton's campaign and supporters were upset with interviewer Lauer for posing unbalanced questions: But Politico did not report that Hillary Clinton threw a water glass at anyone's head, threatened the firing of Matt Lauer, or called Donald Trump a fascist fuck. All of that was invented by Victurus Libertas in an apparent attempt to smear the Democratic candidate, and it served as the basis for a longer, highly embellished version of the rumor that began circulating via e-mail in October 2016: The earliest iteration of that longer narrative we could uncover was posted to the message board of the web site MTStars, where it was presented without citations, source information, audio, video, or any other documentation that the described these events actually transpired. It should also be noted that no credible news outlets reported that Clinton went on a cursed-filled tirade after the Commander-in-Chief Forum, or that she threw a water glass at a staffer's head. Rumors that Clinton threw a tantrum after NBC's Commander-in-Chief Forum started with a fictitious quote, and that narrative was later expanded with more fake quotes from other anonymous sources. Meanwhile, no actual evidence has surfaced to prove that any of these events actually transpired. (en)