  • 2021-07-12 (xsd:date)
  • The Disneyland Space Mountain Prank Story Is Fake (en)
  • Since at least 2020, a false and misleading story has circulated online that described a Disneyland prank involving the popular thrill ride known as Space Mountain. For example, the organization behind this @travelerdoor tweet from July 8 paid Twitter an unknown sum of money to promote it as an ad on the social network: The ad claimed that Plenty of Disney employees were happy to give out the juiciest bits of crazy that happened to them or that they have ever seen in the House of Mouse. Once we clicked the ad we were led to a lengthy slideshow article. The last page of the article described the Space Mountain prank that purportedly took place at Disneyland: However, none of this was true. There is no evidence that this ever happened, and the idea presented in the story was quite absurd. It claimed that small children at Disneyland were unaccompanied by parents in a line for a ride, and although one of them didn't meet Space Mountain's height requirement, cast members allowed both of them on the ride anyway. Then the children somehow safely hopped off of the ride in the dark, without injury, and were undetected despite the cameras covering every inch of the track. This does not jive with reality. In the middle of the Traveler Door article, a photograph showed three young children sitting in front of Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle and was credited to We have chosen to not repost the image here. We reached out to and they told us that the three children in the picture belonged to one of the four co-owners of their website, and that they did not authorize its use on the Traveler Door website. One of the site's co-owners spent a decade as an intellectual property attorney and intended to take the necessary steps to have the picture removed. We provided information on where we found the photograph so that they could begin the process of having it taken down. We also advised them about the specific email address to report abuse to the domain name's registrar, which was As for Disneyland's Space Mountain, it debuted two days after Star Wars premiered, on May 27, 1977: Space Mountain is described by Disneyland as a Race through the cosmos in the dark to the edge of the galaxy and back on a thrilling roller-coaster ride. In sum, there's no evidence from books, Disney blogs, newspapers, or any other source of information confirming the outlandish Disneyland Space Mountain prank story. Further, if past Disney cast members were to actually give out details about bizarre moments from the park, they probably wouldn't be giving them to a simple and clumsy arbitrage website. (en)