  • 2003-07-15 (xsd:date)
  • Is This Embarrassing Breakup E-Mail Real? (en)
  • In June 2003 the brutal break-up e-mail quoted above was fired off by Paul Kelly Tripplehorn, Jr., an intern employed in the office of a U.S. Senator from Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchison, to his now-former girlfriend, Michele. And once again, an e-mail meant for just one recipient escaped into the wilds of the Internet and caused untold embarrassment and professional difficulties for its originator. Once the intemperate missive hit the Internet at large and assumed the proportions of a cyber-national scandal, Mr. Tripplehorn was dismissed from his internship, according to the Washington Post: For his part, Mr. Tripplehorn denied that he had been fired: Unfortunately for Mr. Tripplehorn, the send button was the one button he shouldn't have pushed. His line — I could make a phone call and have your life absolutely ruined — assumed an irony he certainly didn't anticipate. (en)