  • 2021-04-02 (xsd:date)
  • No, media isn’t banned from filming Biden as he boards Air Force One (en)
  • A TikTok video claims there’s a new rule: No cameras allowed when President Joe Biden climbs the stairs to Air Force One. The video was posted on April 1, showing a group of people walking toward Air Force One. It follows another viral social media moment in which Biden on March 19 tripped on his way up the steps to Air Force One. As of today, no one has the right to film or photograph Mr. Biden as he climbs the flight of stairs, reads text on the video . An attached caption says, New White House spokesman orders!!? Though published on April Fools Day, the TikTok video generated thousands of likes and comments, with many indicating they believed the claim to be true. It is not. White House press staff refuted the claim, stating that there is no change in policy — Biden can still be filmed walking up stairs to the aircraft. News media outlets have filmed Biden traveling on Air Force One throughout the week. He most recently was filmed on his way to Pittsburgh, Pa., on March 31 to promote his $2 trillion infrastructure plan. The Hill tweeted a video of his ascent to Air Force One — he made it safely and successfully to the top of the stairs. We rate this post Pants on Fire! (en)