  • 2017-05-30 (xsd:date)
  • Charlie Daniels Writes Open Letter to Senator Chuck Schumer... (de)
  • Charlie Daniels Writes Open Letter to Senator Chuck Schumer -Authorship Confirmed! Charlie Daniels Writes Open Letter to Senator Chuck Schumer – Authorship Confirmed! Summary of eRumor: Country and bluegrass legend Charlie Daniels wrote an open letter to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer about Schumer’s resistance to President Trump’s agenda. The Truth: We can confirm that Charlie Daniels wrote an open letter to Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer that was posted at Daniels’ personal website on May 22, 2017. Charlie Daniels’ letter takes Chuck Schumer to task for leading Senate Democrats’ resistance to President Trump’s agenda. The songwriter of The Devil Goes Down to Georgia even compared the image of Schumer standing at the lectern in the Senate to one of Edgar Allan Poe’s macabre tales of doom and gloom, continuing: I know you’re disappointed, I know you had the balloons ready to fall and the corks halfway out of the champagne bottles election night and I know you just can’t face the truth that what happened in the election was exactly the same thing you continue to do, you forgot about the working people, you forgot about the empty factories of the rust belt, you took for granted the high crime, low employment inner cities you’ve made unkept promises to for decades. Instead of looking inward after Democratic losses in 2016, Charlie Daniels continues, the party looked for a scape goat, and found one in Russia: Sen. Schumer, will you do me and America a favor, will you lay your hand on a Holy Bible and tell America that you believe in your heart that Donald Trump has actually colluded with Vladimir Putin and the Russian Government to the detriment of the United States of America. You see sir, everything you’ve come up with so far, and you’ve been at it since well before the election, has been superficial, and I believe that anything your special counsel will come up with will also be superficial, guilt by association, the fires of trivially fanned and proliferated by a tilted, hate filled media and super partisan politicians. Sen. Schumer, what goes around truly does come around and if, or should I say when, this pendulum starts swinging back the other way, do you realize that Mr. Mueller could actually find a lot more dirt on prominent democrats than they do Trump and his staff. Charlie Daniels writes that a pandora’s box has been opened with the appointment of Robert Mueller as special prosecutor. Daniels speculated that previous allegations levied against Hillary Clinton and President Obama could resurface in the course of the investigation: Did or did not Hillary Clinton allow Russia to purchase up to 20% of American uranium reserves? Who leaked the classified information that started this ball rolling? For the investigation to be valid, that has to come out. Did Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s State department through incompetence, indifference or both allow four American citizens to die in Benghazi? Charlie Daniels has been widely circulated on social media, leading some to question whether or not the country legend actually wrote it. We can confirm that he did. A letter from Charlie Daniels to Chuck Schumer has been widely circulated on social media. It should be noted that we’ve found at least one of Charlie Daniels allegations in the letter to Chuck Schumer, that Hillary Clinton sold 20% of U.S. uranium reserves to Russia, to be mostly fiction. Although Clinton played a role in the approval process for the 2010 sale, the idea that she personally sold uranium to Russia is not true. Click here for our entire investigation. And this isn’t the first time an open letter from Charlie Daniels’ to a political has gone viral, either. Daniels, an outspoken advocate of conservative and political causes, has previously written letters blasting Hollywood starts who opposed the war in Iraq and questioning President Obama’s faith in America. Posted in Celebrities , Politics , Trump Tagged 2016 election , celebrities , congress , donald trump , hillary clinton , russia (en)