In May 2021, an image supposedly showing a screenshot of a tweet posted by Chelsea Clinton went viral. In it, she supposedly lambasted Microsoft founder Bill Gates for having a relationship with a subordinate. This alleged tweet was widely shared on Facebook along with a photo of Monica Lewinsky and Clinton's father, former U.S. President Bill Clinton, and comments about Chelsea's supposed hypocritical criticism: This is not a genuine tweet from Chelsea Clinton. The tweet does not appear anywhere on Clinton's timeline. There's also no evidence that this message was posted and then deleted by Clinton. First off, we couldn't find this tweet on various archived versions of Clinton's Twitter page. Second, we have yet to see any retweets of this alleged post. Rather, the message appears to exist purely in screenshot format, which indicates it was created with a digital-editing program or with any of the many fake tweet-generator programs. This fake tweet was widely shared in the aftermath of the announcement that Bill and Melinda Gates were getting a divorce. There have also been reports that the Microsoft founder's once had an affair with an employee. In short, the above-displayed image appears to be a joke or a hoax that was seemingly designed to turn a current news event into conservative fodder to mock the former first daughter as being being aloof and to turn the spotlight on the past transgressions of the former president.