  • 2020-11-29 (xsd:date)
  • Debunking Trump Tweets: No Big Win in Georgia for #TeamKraken (no)
  • On Nov. 29, 2020, President Donald Trump retweeted a claim that #TeamKraken (the nickname for persons seeking to overturn Trump's election loss to Joe Biden) had won a major injunction in Georgia (a state Trump lost to Biden by about 13,000 votes) resulting in an order to freeze all [voting] machines there: #TeamKraken had filed a lawsuit a few days earlier seeking, among other things, to force Georgia officials to de-certify the election results, to enjoin them from transmitting the already-certified vote results to the Electoral College, to order the governor to declare Donald Trump the winner of the election, and to require that all voting machines be seized and impounded immediately for a forensic audit. The big win for #TeamKraken had supposedly been the issuance of an order enjoining the State of Georgia from wiping or resetting any voting machines in the [state] until further order of the Court: That alleged victory, such at it was, proved to be short-lived, however: U.S. District Court Judge Timothy Batten initially granted a motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO) requiring the State of Georgia to impound and preserve the voting machines in the State of Georgia, and to prevent any wiping of data. However, shortly afterwards Batten reversed himself and denied the request for a TRO because the voting machines in question are not under the control of the defendants in the case (i.e., Georgia state officials), but rather under the control of Georgia county officials (who were not named in the lawsuit): Whether or not the voting machines in Georgia are impounded and/or wiped, the end result is unlikely to be of any import. The state certified its vote after performing a statewide Risk-Limiting Audit of all votes cast which upheld and reaffirmed the original outcome produced by the machine tally of votes cast, and claims by #TeamKraken that machines manufactured by Dominion Voting Systems were part of a massive voting fraud conspiracy which deprived Trump of a lawful victory were contradicted by Dominion spokesman Michael Steel, who explained that the alleged switching of votes from Trump to Biden could not have occurred because it was physically impossible: (en)