  • 2016-11-18 (xsd:date)
  • Donald Trump Says He'll Legalize Weed In Every State (en)
  • On 30 October 2016, the disreputable web site shared a story claiming that then-presidential candidate Donald Trump vowed to legalize marijuana in all U.S. states: JTF stands for Jewish Task Force. They describe themselves, somewhat confusingly, as: The election of Donald Trump on 8 November 2016 has prompted questions about how he would respond to new laws in states that have recently legalized recreational marijuana use. And while he has been vague on the issue, claims that he promised to legalize it in all states are false. We found no explicit promise from Trump, either as a candidate or president-elect, to legalize marijuana in all states. Trump did talk about legalizing drugs to drain profit from illicit dealers, but he made the comment in 1990, long before he entered the presidential race. In 2015, Trump said marijuana legalization should be decided on the state level. But on 18 November 2016, Trump selected a legislator who is notably hostile to legal weed to serve as his attorney general: It's impossible to say what Trump will do in the future. Even if he had been explicit on the matter, he has been known to change course on issues. His recent comments seem to indicate that he will lean toward a practice of letting each state decide whether to legalize marijuana, but his choice of Sessions as attorney general could set a different national tone. (en)