Fourth of July weekend is replete with fireworks and pyrotechnics, but one 2012 display went totally wrong and is still being discussed a decade later. A video went viral on July 4, 2022, reminding us of the time that 7,000 fireworks were accidentally set off in San Diego, California, a decade ago. This video was originally posted by Dan Roy on July 7, 2012, on YouTube, and appears to show one angle of the accidental display from that day. While Snopes has covered Fourth of July embarrassments before, this one is a real misfire. According to a report from the The San Diego Union Tribune, the fireworks went off when the show’s producers, Garden State Fireworks, experienced a computer glitch that caused 7,000 fireworks to go off in roughly 30 seconds. The fireworks display used to be known as the Big Bay Boom, but after the event, news outlets referred to it as the Big Bay Boom Bust of 2012. Thrillist reported an oral history of the event in 2015, and spoke to Dan Roy, the man behind the video about what he experienced when it was taken. He said: He also discussed the aftermath of uploading the video: The Thrillist report also shared his original video. His video was reposted in the Chicago Tribune and the official Big Bay Boom website. The latter website even included a video of the unplanned fiasco from another angle, showing more than one display going off: Sandy Purdon, the sponsor and producer of the event, even saw the video and invited Roy to his event the next year, according to Roy: Sandy Purdon found out who I was and invited me to come film the fireworks at his place the next year. The party was packed. He was definitely nervous. But according to Purdon, Garden State returned the next year, gave them a free event, and did a great job. Given that numerous media outlets and the organizers of the display picked up his recording, and he has spoken about it at length, we rate this claim as True.