  • 2022-12-28 (xsd:date)
  • French climate activists protest video shared with false claim about 'Muslims praying on streets' (en)
  • A video has been viewed thousands of times in multiple posts on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube that falsely claim it shows praying Muslims being forcibly removed from a road in France. In fact, the clip shows climate activists from French protest group Dernière Rénovation being removed during a sit-in demonstration in Paris. The 55-second video shows at least two men lifting and dragging a line of people wearing orange vests who are blocking traffic on a busy road. It was viewed more than 200 times after being shared on Twitter here on December 22, 2022. The post's caption reads: France. People are getting down from their cars and clearing the road occupied by the Namazis. Namazi is a slang term for devout Muslims offering prayers. Screenshot of the misleading post taken on December 27, 2022 ( AFP) One man dressed in a black T-shirt and jeans can be heard using expletives in French as he tells the protesters to move off the road as they are annoying. The video has been shared alongside a similar claim in posts on Facebook ; Twitter and YouTube . The claim, however, is false. A reverse image search on Google using keyframes captured from the video found published here on the official YouTube channel of Sky News Arabic language on December 1, 2022. The Arabic-language title translates to English as: Pedestrians in France forcibly remove environmental activists from the road. A news article published on December 2, 2022 by the website for the UK's The Daily Express newspaper used screenshots from a similar video reporting that climate activists were being removed from the streets in Paris. Below is a screenshot comparison of the video in the false post (left) and the Sky News YouTube video (right): Screenshot comparison of the misleading post and Sky News Arabia YouTube video taken on December 27, 2022. ( AFP) A closer analysis of the logo and text on the back of the orange vest worn by one of the activists shows the words Dernière Rénovation , which translates to English as Last Renovation. This refers to a group of climate activists who have been staging sit-in protests in France, calling on the government to go further in its efforts to tackle climate change. AFP has previously reported on the group's protests here and here . Below is a screenshot comparison of the logo on the vest from a misleading post (left) and an image from a Dernière Rénovation Twitter post (right): Screenshot comparison of the activists' vest taken on December 27, 2022. ( AFP) This photo was uploaded by the group on November 26, 2022, and shows a corresponding street to the one seen in the video in the false posts. Seven supporting citizens #DerniereRenovation block the Pont de Saint-Cloud in Boulogne-Billancourt, reads the Tweet. Sept citoyens soutenant #DerniereRenovation bloquent le Pont de Saint-Cloud à Boulogne-Billancourt. [1] #A22network — Dernière Rénovation (@derniere_renov) November 26, 2022 AFP found the video in the false posts was recorded here on the Pont de Saint-Cloud, a bridge on the outskirts of Paris. Below is a screenshot comparison of the video in the false posts (left) and the same bride seen on Instant Street View (right): A screenshot comparison of the video in the false posts (left) and the same location on Instant Street View (right) ( AFP) (en)