  • 2017-04-25 (xsd:date)
  • Fake news story claims Eric Trump said Donald Trump was ending taxes for the rich (en)
  • A fake Internet post on a website filled with extremely left-leaning stories quoted Eric Trump as saying President Donald Trump was going to end taxes for the rich, making the release of his father’s tax returns irrelevant. The headline on an April 17, 2017, post on read, Eric Trump: ‘My father’s tax return is irrelevant because we’re going to cancel taxes for WEALTHY people anyway.’ The story was flagged by Facebook users as possibly being fabricated, as part of the social media site’s efforts to crack down on fake news. The post focuses on Donald Trump’s past promise to release his tax returns , referring to a tweet he sent out on April 16 : I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again? — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 16, 2017 cites a fake interview Eric Trump supposedly gave with KXYL Radio. The post reads: Eric argued that Trump’s tax return is ‘irrelevant,’ largely because ‘he knows all there is to know about following the letter of the law, especially when it comes to paying taxes.’ He said, ‘When you come from a background like the one my father comes from, you have to know all there is about paying taxes and doing your part to make this country a better place.’ The post goes on, but we know it’s fake, because it steals its content almost entirely from an April 16 story on . The site is related to, which refers to itself in a disclaimer as the first hybrid News/Satire platform on the web. Stories on sites under the umbrella take a small bite of real news or quotes by real people and build fake stories around them. They feature a pair of buttons that allow readers to highlight the true parts of their stories, so readers can conceivably know the difference. But on other sites without the buttons, there’s no way to know. It appears edited some of the details of the original post, such as deleting’s reference to another April 16 Donald Trump tweet backing off his promise to label China a currency manipulator : Why would I call China a currency manipulator when they are working with us on the North Korean problem? We will see what happens! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 16, 2017 The headline also has been changed. The original on read, Eric Trump: ‘My father’s tax return is irrelevant because we’re going to cancel taxes for extra productive people anyway.’ subbed in the word WEALTHY instead, IN ALL CAPS for extra effect. Otherwise, the story contains entire paragraphs of’s story (Neither version notes that the radio interview is fake; calls KXYL an Orlando station, but it’s based in Texas .) has a cryptic About Us description that says only that their team will bring you everything you wanted to know, and some stuff you didn’t even know you needed! There was no apparent way to contact the site, but every post was steeped in anti-Trump fervor. No author information accompanies the profile that posted the article , either. was registered anonymously on Nov. 20, 2016 , after Donald Trump was elected The owner is likely looking to capitalize on anti-Trump sentiment. In this case, it’s by posting a parody story and implying it’s real. It’s clear Eric Trump didn’t say his dad was going to end taxes entirely for anyone, rich or otherwise. We rate the statement Pants On Fire! Share the Facts 2017-04-26 03:27:28 UTC Politifact 6 1 7 Politifact Rating: Pants on Fire Says Eric Trump said, My father’s tax return is irrelevant because we’re going to cancel taxes for WEALTHY people anyway. website in a headline Monday, April 17, 2017 2017-04-17 Read More info (en)