  • 2021-09-02 (xsd:date)
  • providing troops (af)
  • On August 31, the Russian news agency TASS quoted Russian presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov on the topic of the first meeting between U.S. President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. Peskov claimed the U.S. could encourage Ukraine to fulfill the Minsk II accords – the peace agreement from 2015 aimed at ending war in Ukraine’s eastern Donbas region."We are not in a position to interfere in the affairs of two sovereign countries – the United States and Ukraine – and we are not going to do so," Peskov said. "But we keep a very close watch on the results of this trip, from the standpoint the United States can use its influence on Mr. Zelensky to persuade him to follow the path of implementing the Minsk agreements, as well as the agreements that were concluded in Paris, and to give up actions that might cause tremendous harm to the entire Minsk settlement process. The claim that Russia is "not in a position to interfere" in Ukraine’s affairs is preposterous. Since 2014 (en)