An old rumor concerning Bill Nye the Science Guy, the origins of moonlight, and an overtly religious crowd in Waco, Texas, has been circulating around the internet since at least 2006. The most common iteration comes from the web site Think Atheist, which claimed that several audience members stormed out of a theater after Nye supposedly contradicted a biblical passage about the two great lights during a lecture at McLennen Community College in 2006: This paraphrased story tends to circulate around the internet whenever a piece of pseudoscience enters the news cycle. In this case, the rumor about Bill Nye's infamous Waco speech embarked on another viral journey shortly after a few residents in North Carolina town balked at the idea of installing solar panels in December 2015. While the above-quoted story is often shared to illustrate how religious beliefs can interfere with science, it should be noted that this event took place in 2006, and that it only involved a small number of audience members. In fact, the original story published by The Waco Tribune stated that Nye was greeted with raucous standing ovation: While some people may have heckled Nye during his presentation in Waco, Texas, the television host said that he barely noticed the disruption. Nye appeared on Countdown With Keith Olbermann on 7 April 2006 to discuss the controversy: In summation, it's true that Bill Nye gave a scientific lecture at McLennen Community College in Waco, Texas. It's also true that his speech angered at least one audience member. This event, however, did not occur recently, and did not involve a majority — or even a significant portion — of the audience.