  • 2020-05-22 (xsd:date)
  • Did Piers Morgan End His Friendship with Trump in an Open Letter? (en)
  • In late May 2020, Snopes readers asked whether a brutal open letter written by British media personality Piers Morgan to U.S. President Donald Trump, ending their years-long friendship, was authentic. Morgan's letter is real and was published on April 27, 2020, by the British tabloid Daily Mail. The letter is scathing, however it appears Morgan and Trump's friendship was already on the outs when Morgan wrote it. Morgan's letter was largely a critique of Trump's handling of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, and read in part: In the letter, Morgan also notes that Trump unfollowed him on Twitter after Morgan posted another column for the Daily Mail days earlier that began with SHUT THE F**K UP, PRESIDENT TRUMP. In the April 27 open letter, Morgan acknowledged that he and Trump had been friends for 15 years, But if you can’t handle my criticism, and our friendship is over, then let me mark the end of our relationship with a few home truths about your spectacularly bad handling of this crisis that may yet, if you heed them, still enable you to get re-elected in November. Because the letter circulating on social media was indeed written by Morgan, we rate this claim Correct attribution. (en)