  • 2020-12-24 (xsd:date)
  • Is Takanakuy a Real Christmastime Tradition? (en)
  • Every year on December 25, inhabitants of the Chumbivilcas Province of Peru gather for a festival. But you won't find Christmas lights or eggnog. Instead, residents gather for Takanakuy, an annual tradition where residents settle their differences with a public fist fight. A viral meme sums up the basics of the tradition: The content in this meme is accurate. Takanakuy is a tradition in this region of Peru that features people settling their differences in order to start the year anew. The picture included in this meme was taken by Julio Angulo and shared to Flickr in December 2012 along with the following caption (translated via Google): Suemedha Sood wrote about Takanakuy, which also involves music, dancing, drinking and other more commonplace festivities, for the BBC in 2012: A reporter from Vice Magazine traveled to Peru to experience Takanakuy back in 2012 and spoke to a man named Victor Jaime Mantilla about the tradition. Mantilla said that the fighting helps maintain order in the province and noted that all fights start and end with a hug. Mantilla said: Here's a video report from Vice about Takanakuy: (en)