  • 2020-08-25 (xsd:date)
  • members of the nursing staff at Dr. Egor Nucete Hospital launched a sit-down strike. They refused to further treat COVID-19 positive patients until they were guaranteed proper biosafety equipment and supplies (en)
  • On August 18, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro tweeted a video of Norkis Obispo, a member of the pro-government political organization Frente Francisco de Miranda (FFM), talking about her experience being treated for COVID-19 at the Dr. Egor Nucete Hospital. In the video, Obispo says that she, in her role as an FFM member, has been involved in various activities to help the population deal with COVID-19, and that this is likely how she contracted the virus. She notes that she and other activists were getting COVID-19 tested weekly, and that she had tested positive for the virus five weeks earlier. Obispo discusses her experience at the hospital where she was treated, saying she received the necessary care, including daily vitamins and medication, along with four quality meals a day.Maduro accompanied the video with a message: "The simple and heartfelt testimony of Norkis Obispo, a warrior from the [Venezuelan] Plains recovered from the Coronavirus, thanks to the treatments, care and care of all health personnel. The video and the president’s message are misleading (en)