  • 2020-06-19 (xsd:date)
  • Was 'Terminator 2' Villain Created as a Commentary on Policing? (en)
  • In June 2020, as protesters called for the defunding of police departments in the aftermath of the death of another Black man while in police custody, a quote attributed to director James Cameron started to circulate on social media: The quote reads: Cops think all non-cops as less than they are, stupid, weak and evil. They dehumanize the people they are sworn to protect and desensitize themselves in order to do that job. This is a genuine quote from Cameron. This quote comes from the 2010 book The Futurist: The Life and Films of James Cameron by Rebecca Keegan. The full passage involves Cameron and collaborator Stan Winston discussing a story problem with the Terminator 2 script. At the time, the T-100 was little more than a blob of goo and Winston urged Cameron to give the character a more recognizable form. Here's the excerpt from The Futurist (emphasis ours): In a sad twist of fate, this theme of dehumanization was illustrated in the real world a few months before the film's release in 1991 when police officers were filmed beating an unarmed Black man named Rodney King on the streets of Los Angeles. The incident, which sparked riots and mass protests, was filmed by amateur cameraman George Holliday. A few months before Holliday filmed the King beating, he captured some footage of the Terminator 2 crew filming at the same location. Cameron told Los Angeles Times: Here's a newspaper clipping from Los Angeles Times: Tue, Jul 2, 1991 – Page 67 · The Los Angeles Times (Los Angeles, California) · (en)