  • 2021-01-21 (xsd:date)
  • Photos show Honduran migrants trying to enter Guatemala, not post-election violence in Uganda (en)
  • A post shared dozens of times on Facebook claims to show violent clashes between civilians and security forces in Uganda following the recent presidential election. The claim is false; the images are of a caravan of Honduran migrants who were blocked by Guatemalan soldiers upon entering the country. Happening now in Uganda #UgandaDecides 2021, reads a post published on January 18, 2021. A screenshot of the false Facebook post, taken on January 20, 2021 The same claim was shared in other Facebook posts here and here . Tensions during Uganda’s presidential election last week led to the harassment and arrest of opposition members, attacks on the media, a government-imposed internet blackout, and at least 54 deaths, as AFP reported here . The pop-star-turned politician Bobi Wine campaigned to defeat Uganda’s long-serving president, Yoweri Museveni, but was ultimately unsuccessful. Despite poll violence, the images being shared in this Facebook post are not from Uganda. A screenshot of EFE showing Honduran migrant caravan, taken on January 21, 2021 A reverse image search shows the photos were taken in Guatemala by the Spanish news service Agencia EFE; see originals here , here and here . The images depict a large caravan of Honduran migrants who were tear-gassed by Guatemalan soldiers on January 18, 2021, when they entered the country on their journey to the United States. AFP covered the story here . (en)