  • 2018-10-10 (xsd:date)
  • No, Tom Hanks did not wear a T-shirt bearing this vulgar anti-Trump Halloween message (en)
  • A-list celebrity Tom Hanks has not held his cards close to his vest when it comes to his political views. He twice endorsed Barack Obama for president, spoke out against Donald Trump when a recording of then-presidential candidate’s lewd comments about grabbing women was made public and is among the celebrities standing with the When We All Vote voter-registration campaign launched by former first lady Michelle Obama . But in a recent post shared more than 70,000 times on Facebook, Hanks is falsely depicted wearing a white T-shirt that reads, I was going to be a Trump voter for Halloween but my head wouldn’t fit up my a--. This viral photo was flagged by PolitiFact as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) The image is actually a doctored version of a photograph taken of Hanks on May 21, 2010, while he was on the set of the movie Larry Crowne in Los Angeles . Peppa Chapple, an assignments editor with Pacific Coast News, confirms the original image was shot by photographer Juan Sharma. In its original, Hanks’ shirt is plain white without any wording on it. We rate this viral image Pants on Fire. (en)