  • 2022-03-24 (xsd:date)
  • No, this man wasn’t arrested for wearing a shirt that said 'We The People' (en)
  • In a video shared on Facebook, a man can be seen in a confrontation with troopers while the people seated around them wonder about what’s happening. Is this what tyranny looks like? someone can be heard asking. His shirt says ‘We The People,’ please tell me the problem, someone else says. With the Statue of Liberty. One account sharing the video wrote, Arrested for wearing a T-shirt that says ‘We The People’ and has a picture of the ‘Statue of Liberty.’ This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) The footage was taken at the beginning of a March 1 meeting of the Utah Senate Revenue and Taxation Committee, which was considering HB 60, a bill that would ban COVID-19 vaccine passports. The man wasn’t removed because of his T-shirt, news reports said. He was removed for not complying with an order to remove a sticker he was wearing. Committee chair Sen. Dan McCay warned people attending the meeting about breaking rules of decorum, the Salt Lake Tribune reported . McCay said the committee didn’t allow posters, stickers, outbursts or demonstrations and then waited for people to remove pro-HB60 stickers that said Vote yes on HB60. The man wearing the We The People T-shirt refused to remove his sticker, and after a few moments of asking the man to leave, a CBS News affiliate reported , troopers handcuffed the man and took him out of the room for not complying with the request. Two other people were later kicked out for yelling at McCay. RELATED VIDEO The man who was escorted out was cited with disrupting a public meeting and released from custody. Claims that the man was arrested due to the shirt he was wearing are wrong and don’t tell the whole story. We rate them False. (en)