  • 2019-04-18 (xsd:date)
  • Did U.S. Reps. Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar Praise the Destruction of Notre Dame? (en)
  • On 16 April 2019, one day after a fire broke out in the Notre Dame cathedral that caused severe damage to the 800-year-old building, the Daily World Update website published an article reporting that freshmen U.S. House Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar had praised the destruction of the Paris landmark: We note that Muslamic is a derogatory epithet sometimes used by Islamophobes in verbal attacks against Muslims. That Rep. Ilhan Omar, herself a Muslim, is quoted as using the word is a clear indication that the story is a fabrication. A tweet issued by Omar on the day of the Notre Dame fire conveyed an entirely different message: Daily World Update is part of a junk news network that publishes misinformation aimed at generating partisan outrage under the guise of satire. A disclaimer on the site states unambiguously that Everything on this website is fiction. Unfortunately, social media posts in which content from such websites is shared carry no such disclaimer and are all-too-often believed by indiscriminating readers. (en)