  • 2008-02-19 (xsd:date)
  • She has experience, but maybe not at math (en)
  • Sen. Hillary Clinton often boasts that she has a long resume.Asked during a Texas campaign event about the difference between her and Sen. Barack Obama, Clinton replied, Well, about 35 years of experience.But we find her math is off.Although we findherethat she is largely correct when she says she has 35 years of experience in politics, she has failed to include Obama's experience in her calculation.By our count, Obama, who is 14 years younger than Clinton, has about one year running a voter-registration project, three years as a community organizer, four as a full-time attorney handling voting rights, employment and housing cases, and 12 years in the Illinois Senate and U.S. Senate. That's a total of 20 years in public policy matters. So the difference between Clinton and Obama is really 15 years.We rate her claim False. (en)