  • 2021-10-28 (xsd:date)
  • No, Joe Biden didn’t resign and Nancy Pelosi wasn’t detained (en)
  • Some huge news touted in the title of a recent widely-viewed Facebook video would indeed be big — but only if it was real. Biden resigned, Pelosi detained, the title says. This post was flagged as part of Facebook’s efforts to combat false news and misinformation on its News Feed. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook .) The video itself appears to play the audio of a man answering questions he’s reading. Is JFK 104 years old? he says. No. Is Justin Trudeau arrested? Yes. Has Obama been arrested? No. Has Pelosi been arrested? No. There’s a difference, guys, between the word ‘arrested’ and ‘detained.’ Will Biden step down? Yes. Is the real Biden dead? Yes. President Joe Biden has not resigned, as the video’s title claims, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi hasn’t been detained. Both actions would be huge news events widely covered by the media and yet there are no such reports. Biden continues to act as president, making public statements, tweeting as president, appearing in public as president. On Oct. 26 he joined former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in the state for a rally as McAuliffe once again seeks the job of governor. Pelosi, meanwhile, is scheduled to hold her weekly briefing with reporters at the Capitol. You can watch it here . We rate this post Pants on Fire! (en)