After seventeen people were killed during a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida on 14 February 2018, several of its survivors have created a massive gun-control movement. In the weeks following the murders, the youth determined not to let the Parkland shooting become just another mass shooting have become recognizable faces of what is now known as the #NeverAgain movement. With that fame, however, comes a price: heavy scrutiny and a series of attempted smear campaigns against the small group of high school students who lived through a mass shooting. Various memes appearing on social media have attempted to contrast the purported views of Parkland school shooting survivor David Hogg on a school requirement for students to carry clear backpacks and gun ownership rights, the objective being to highlight that Hogg's stance on the First Amendment is supposedly at odds with his stance on the Second Amendment: Such memes appeared to be based on an exchange between Hogg and an interviewer from Axios, during which Hogg was asked about a school rule involving clear backpacks. In response to the question, he opined that students are having ... their First Amendment rights infringed upon and that the policy was inconsiderate to female students in particular: Most versions of this form of meme juxtaposed Hogg's dismay at infringement of First Amendment rights to his purported approval of trampling on Second Amendment rights. Although the now internationally-famous high school student has been outspoken about wanting to see the passage of common sense gun reform legislation, he has also stated that he is not against the Second Amendment and does not seek to abolish it: Reports dating back to the days after the 14 February 2018 Parkland school shooting reflect that Hogg's position on the Second Amendment has not changed: David Hogg did say that schools requiring clear backpacks essentially... infringed on students' First Amendment rights, but he also stated multiple times that he supports the Second Amendment and does not want to eliminate private ownership of firearms or abolish the Second Amendment. His stance on the larger issues at hand might best be summed up by his statement that I am trying to put limitations on the Second Amendment in the same way that we have limitations on the First.