n |
y |
count |
"R" |
"2018" |
1843 |
"SPSS" |
"2016" |
1571 |
"SPSS" |
"2018" |
1552 |
"R" |
"2017" |
1541 |
"SPSS" |
"2017" |
1526 |
"SPSS" |
"2014" |
1492 |
"R" |
"2016" |
1460 |
"R" |
"2019" |
1387 |
"SPSS" |
"2015" |
1359 |
"R" |
"2014" |
1276 |
"R" |
"2015" |
1214 |
"SPSS" |
"2013" |
1205 |
"SPSS" |
"2019" |
1015 |
"R" |
"2013" |
970 |
"Stata" |
"2018" |
952 |
"Stata" |
"2016" |
860 |
"Stata" |
"2017" |
803 |
"SPSS" |
"2012" |
763 |
"Stata" |
"2014" |
718 |
"R" |
"2012" |
685 |
"2018" |
627 |
"2016" |
620 |
"SAS" |
"2014" |
615 |
"Stata" |
"2019" |
609 |
"2017" |
608 |
"SAS" |
"2016" |
599 |
"SAS" |
"2018" |
596 |
"SAS" |
"2017" |
574 |
"Stata" |
"2015" |
554 |
"Stata" |
"2013" |
530 |
"2013" |
526 |
"2014" |
520 |
"SAS" |
"2013" |
504 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2018" |
482 |
"Windows" |
"2014" |
459 |
"Windows" |
"2016" |
451 |
"SAS" |
"2015" |
445 |
"2012" |
423 |
"Windows" |
"2017" |
412 |
"R" |
"2011" |
409 |
"SPM8" |
"2013" |
399 |
"Stata" |
"2012" |
397 |
"Windows" |
"2018" |
394 |
"2019" |
390 |
"Windows" |
"2013" |
385 |
"2015" |
375 |
"SPSS" |
"2011" |
370 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2016" |
359 |
"Windows" |
"2015" |
352 |
"SAS" |
"2019" |
348 |
"SPM8" |
"2014" |
346 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2017" |
345 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2019" |
339 |
"SAS" |
"2012" |
338 |
"SPM8" |
"2012" |
319 |
"2011" |
280 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2014" |
277 |
"Windows" |
"2012" |
276 |
"ImageJ" |
"2016" |
271 |
"Windows" |
"2019" |
259 |
"Prism" |
"2016" |
248 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2013" |
245 |
"Prism" |
"2018" |
244 |
"Prism" |
"2014" |
243 |
"ImageJ" |
"2014" |
243 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2016" |
243 |
"ImageJ" |
"2017" |
241 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2014" |
238 |
"Facebook" |
"2018" |
237 |
"Facebook" |
"2017" |
234 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2015" |
232 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2015" |
231 |
"SPM8" |
"2015" |
225 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2018" |
225 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2017" |
223 |
"Prism" |
"2017" |
218 |
"SPM8" |
"2016" |
211 |
"ImageJ" |
"2018" |
211 |
"ImageJ" |
"2015" |
199 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2012" |
195 |
"ImageJ" |
"2013" |
194 |
"ImageJ" |
"2012" |
192 |
"SPM8" |
"2017" |
188 |
"Prism" |
"2015" |
187 |
"Stata" |
"2011" |
184 |
"SAS" |
"2011" |
180 |
"Prism" |
"2013" |
173 |
"2014" |
168 |
"R" |
"2010" |
160 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2013" |
157 |
"Prism" |
"2019" |
142 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2019" |
137 |
"SPM8" |
"2011" |
135 |
"ImageJ" |
"2019" |
132 |
"Facebook" |
"2019" |
128 |
"SPSS" |
"2010" |
126 |
"Windows" |
"2011" |
124 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2014" |
121 |
"NVivo" |
"2018" |
120 |
"Prism" |
"2012" |
118 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2012" |
118 |
"Python" |
"2018" |
117 |
"Facebook" |
"2016" |
115 |
"MEGA" |
"2013" |
113 |
"2013" |
113 |
"SPM8" |
"2018" |
112 |
"2017" |
109 |
"2015" |
108 |
"2018" |
108 |
"2012" |
107 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2013" |
106 |
"MEGA" |
"2014" |
106 |
"NVivo" |
"2019" |
106 |
"2016" |
100 |
"MEGA" |
"2016" |
99 |
"Python" |
"2019" |
98 |
"MEGA" |
"2015" |
98 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2012" |
97 |
"2013" |
97 |
"Plink" |
"2013" |
95 |
"Facebook" |
"2015" |
95 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2016" |
90 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2018" |
89 |
"2010" |
89 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2011" |
87 |
"G*Power" |
"2018" |
84 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2017" |
84 |
"SPSS" |
"2009" |
83 |
"Facebook" |
"2013" |
83 |
"lme4" |
"2018" |
83 |
"Arlequin" |
"2012" |
83 |
"Python" |
"2016" |
82 |
"ImageJ" |
"2011" |
82 |
"E-Prime" |
"2014" |
81 |
"Plink" |
"2017" |
81 |
"Python" |
"2017" |
80 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2017" |
78 |
"MEGA" |
"2018" |
78 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2015" |
77 |
"MEGA" |
"2012" |
77 |
"Statistica" |
"2016" |
77 |
"Statistica" |
"2013" |
77 |
"lme4" |
"2019" |
76 |
"Statistica" |
"2012" |
76 |
"Mplus" |
"2018" |
76 |
"NVivo" |
"2017" |
76 |
"Plink" |
"2016" |
75 |
"Plink" |
"2012" |
75 |
"Clustal" |
"2014" |
75 |
"lme4" |
"2017" |
74 |
"Plink" |
"2018" |
74 |
"E-Prime" |
"2013" |
74 |
"SAS" |
"2010" |
74 |
"Facebook" |
"2014" |
74 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2015" |
74 |
"Arlequin" |
"2014" |
73 |
"R" |
"2009" |
72 |
"Stata" |
"2010" |
72 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2014" |
72 |
"2015" |
71 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2016" |
71 |
"Arlequin" |
"2013" |
71 |
"E-Prime" |
"2012" |
70 |
"Clustal" |
"2013" |
70 |
"E-Prime" |
"2016" |
69 |
"Statistica" |
"2014" |
69 |
"Prism" |
"2011" |
69 |
"RStudio" |
"2018" |
68 |
"SAS" |
"2009" |
68 |
"NVivo" |
"2016" |
67 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2016" |
67 |
"2014" |
66 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2019" |
66 |
"Mplus" |
"2017" |
66 |
"G*Power" |
"2017" |
66 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2011" |
66 |
"Plink" |
"2014" |
66 |
"Epidata" |
"2014" |
65 |
"lme4" |
"2015" |
65 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2014" |
64 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2018" |
64 |
"G*Power" |
"2019" |
64 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2015" |
63 |
"MEGA" |
"2017" |
63 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2018" |
63 |
"QGIS" |
"2018" |
62 |
"ArcMap" |
"2018" |
62 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2012" |
62 |
"Plink" |
"2011" |
61 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2013" |
61 |
"Statistica" |
"2017" |
60 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2013" |
60 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2014" |
59 |
"2011" |
59 |
"lme4" |
"2016" |
59 |
"Arlequin" |
"2015" |
58 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2015" |
58 |
"Statistica" |
"2015" |
58 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2016" |
58 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2017" |
58 |
"E-Prime" |
"2015" |
57 |
"2008" |
57 |
"Mplus" |
"2016" |
57 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2014" |
57 |
"2012" |
56 |
"2019" |
56 |
"Mplus" |
"2019" |
56 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2012" |
56 |
"SPM8" |
"2019" |
55 |
"2016" |
55 |
"Statistica" |
"2018" |
55 |
"Epidata" |
"2016" |
55 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2017" |
54 |
"NVivo" |
"2015" |
54 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2014" |
54 |
"E-Prime" |
"2017" |
53 |
"Presentation" |
"2013" |
53 |
"RStudio" |
"2019" |
53 |
"R" |
"2008" |
52 |
"E-Prime" |
"2018" |
52 |
"SPSS" |
"2008" |
52 |
"SPM8" |
"2010" |
52 |
"NVivo" |
"2014" |
52 |
"SPM8" |
"2009" |
51 |
"G*Power" |
"2016" |
51 |
"Clustal" |
"2015" |
51 |
"FlowJo" |
"2014" |
50 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2016" |
50 |
"Plink" |
"2015" |
50 |
"Praat" |
"2013" |
50 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2015" |
50 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2018" |
50 |
"ImageJ" |
"2010" |
50 |
"Windows" |
"2010" |
50 |
"Epidata" |
"2015" |
49 |
"Arlequin" |
"2016" |
49 |
"Presentation" |
"2014" |
49 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2013" |
49 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2012" |
49 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2010" |
49 |
"lme4" |
"2014" |
48 |
"2009" |
48 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2013" |
48 |
"Presentation" |
"2012" |
48 |
"Mplus" |
"2014" |
47 |
"G*Power" |
"2015" |
47 |
"Python" |
"2015" |
46 |
"2016" |
46 |
"Clustal" |
"2016" |
46 |
"Epidata" |
"2017" |
46 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2019" |
46 |
"Epi Info" |
"2017" |
46 |
"MEGA" |
"2019" |
45 |
"Epi Info" |
"2018" |
45 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2014" |
45 |
"QGIS" |
"2017" |
45 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2018" |
44 |
"Stata" |
"2009" |
44 |
"2009" |
44 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2012" |
44 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2016" |
44 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2013" |
44 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2018" |
44 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2016" |
43 |
"Python" |
"2013" |
43 |
"MrBayes" |
"2013" |
43 |
"Statistica" |
"2011" |
43 |
"Geneious" |
"2016" |
43 |
"MrBayes" |
"2014" |
42 |
"Epi Info" |
"2014" |
42 |
"ArcMap" |
"2019" |
42 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2012" |
42 |
"Epidata" |
"2018" |
42 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2016" |
42 |
"Tracer" |
"2013" |
41 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2014" |
41 |
"2013" |
41 |
"Epi Info" |
"2016" |
41 |
"Geneious" |
"2018" |
41 |
"2012" |
41 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2017" |
41 |
"Geneious" |
"2017" |
40 |
"Statistica" |
"2019" |
40 |
"ArcMap" |
"2015" |
40 |
"Arlequin" |
"2018" |
40 |
"Clustal" |
"2012" |
40 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2014" |
40 |
"ArcMap" |
"2014" |
40 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2015" |
39 |
"FlowJo" |
"2016" |
39 |
"G*Power" |
"2014" |
39 |
"BioEdit" |
"2013" |
39 |
"ArcMap" |
"2016" |
39 |
"PAUP*" |
"2013" |
38 |
"2015" |
38 |
"NVivo" |
"2013" |
38 |
"ArcMap" |
"2017" |
38 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2018" |
38 |
"2014" |
38 |
"Plink" |
"2019" |
38 |
"Epidata" |
"2013" |
38 |
"lme4" |
"2012" |
38 |
"Epi Info" |
"2019" |
38 |
"Python" |
"2014" |
38 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2015" |
38 |
"GATK" |
"2017" |
38 |
"MrBayes" |
"2012" |
38 |
"lme4" |
"2013" |
37 |
"2012" |
37 |
"Tracer" |
"2015" |
37 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2019" |
37 |
"2007" |
37 |
"Praat" |
"2017" |
37 |
"Mplus" |
"2015" |
36 |
"FlowJo" |
"2017" |
36 |
"GATK" |
"2016" |
36 |
"DnaSP" |
"2014" |
36 |
"Epi Info" |
"2015" |
36 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2016" |
36 |
"MedCalc" |
"2016" |
36 |
"Arlequin" |
"2017" |
36 |
"same" |
"2013" |
35 |
"Presentation" |
"2015" |
35 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2018" |
35 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2018" |
35 |
"2010" |
35 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2017" |
34 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2018" |
34 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2015" |
34 |
"2014" |
34 |
"Tracer" |
"2014" |
34 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2012" |
34 |
"Presentation" |
"2011" |
34 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2019" |
34 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2010" |
34 |
"Haploview" |
"2013" |
34 |
"2017" |
34 |
"SAS" |
"2008" |
34 |
"AMOS" |
"2018" |
34 |
"Epidata" |
"2019" |
33 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2012" |
33 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2013" |
33 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2014" |
33 |
"Clustal" |
"2011" |
33 |
"Praat" |
"2018" |
33 |
"2014" |
33 |
"Stata" |
"2008" |
33 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2017" |
32 |
"2012" |
32 |
"BioEdit" |
"2012" |
32 |
"Praat" |
"2015" |
32 |
"FlowJo" |
"2013" |
32 |
"2018" |
32 |
"Praat" |
"2014" |
32 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2016" |
32 |
"E-Prime" |
"2011" |
32 |
"2012" |
32 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2014" |
32 |
"QGIS" |
"2019" |
32 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2013" |
32 |
"Presentation" |
"2017" |
32 |
"Review Manager" |
"2017" |
32 |
"Epi Info" |
"2013" |
32 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2014" |
32 |
"2013" |
32 |
"2015" |
31 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2015" |
31 |
"DnaSP" |
"2015" |
31 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2011" |
31 |
"DnaSP" |
"2013" |
31 |
"2018" |
31 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2014" |
31 |
"MrBayes" |
"2015" |
31 |
"Clustal" |
"2017" |
31 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2017" |
31 |
"2018" |
31 |
"Praat" |
"2012" |
31 |
"G*Power" |
"2013" |
31 |
"Clustal" |
"2018" |
31 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2018" |
31 |
"EndNote" |
"2018" |
31 |
"2011" |
31 |
"Geneious" |
"2014" |
31 |
"2019" |
31 |
"Windows" |
"2008" |
30 |
"nlme" |
"2016" |
30 |
"2012" |
30 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2011" |
30 |
"Ggplot2" |
"2018" |
30 |
"RStudio" |
"2016" |
30 |
"Minitab" |
"2012" |
30 |
"Mplus" |
"2013" |
30 |
"MuMIn" |
"2015" |
30 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2014" |
30 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2019" |
30 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2015" |
30 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2013" |
30 |
"SPM8" |
"2008" |
30 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2018" |
30 |
"DnaSP" |
"2012" |
29 |
"2013" |
29 |
"2014" |
29 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2013" |
29 |
"RStudio" |
"2017" |
29 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2012" |
29 |
"BioEdit" |
"2014" |
29 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2012" |
29 |
"RAxML" |
"2016" |
29 |
"PAUP*" |
"2012" |
29 |
"AMOS" |
"2017" |
29 |
"Tracer" |
"2012" |
29 |
"FlowJo" |
"2018" |
29 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2013" |
29 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2012" |
29 |
"Presentation" |
"2016" |
28 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2012" |
28 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2017" |
28 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2013" |
28 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2012" |
28 |
"2016" |
28 |
"2018" |
28 |
"Praat" |
"2016" |
28 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2016" |
28 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2016" |
28 |
"2014" |
28 |
"2014" |
28 |
"Arlequin" |
"2011" |
27 |
"NCBI" |
"2014" |
27 |
"GATK" |
"2019" |
27 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2014" |
27 |
"2017" |
27 |
"vegan" |
"2017" |
27 |
"Geneious" |
"2013" |
27 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2013" |
27 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2017" |
27 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2011" |
27 |
"same" |
"2015" |
27 |
"2013" |
27 |
"FigTree" |
"2015" |
27 |
"Geneious" |
"2012" |
27 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2017" |
27 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2016" |
27 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2019" |
27 |
"Java" |
"2015" |
27 |
"E-Prime" |
"2019" |
27 |
"BioEdit" |
"2015" |
27 |
"2013" |
27 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2014" |
26 |
"Geneious" |
"2019" |
26 |
"GATK" |
"2018" |
26 |
"BESA" |
"2013" |
26 |
"2015" |
26 |
"Epidata" |
"2012" |
26 |
"2016" |
26 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2011" |
26 |
"Prism" |
"2010" |
26 |
"2015" |
26 |
"AMOS" |
"2014" |
26 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2012" |
26 |
"Network" |
"2012" |
26 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2016" |
26 |
"2013" |
25 |
"FlowJo" |
"2015" |
25 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2019" |
25 |
"Network" |
"2013" |
25 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2013" |
25 |
"Windows" |
"2009" |
25 |
"stats" |
"2018" |
25 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2013" |
25 |
"Haploview" |
"2012" |
25 |
"2016" |
25 |
"BioEdit" |
"2018" |
25 |
"Presentation" |
"2018" |
25 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2011" |
25 |
"EthoVision" |
"2017" |
25 |
"Tracer" |
"2016" |
25 |
"2008" |
25 |
"PAST" |
"2018" |
24 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2013" |
24 |
"ArcMap" |
"2013" |
24 |
"SaTScan" |
"2017" |
24 |
"Ggplot2" |
"2019" |
24 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2011" |
24 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2016" |
24 |
"BioEdit" |
"2017" |
24 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2018" |
24 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2013" |
24 |
"Java" |
"2017" |
24 |
"PAST" |
"2014" |
24 |
"2016" |
24 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2017" |
24 |
"Section" |
"2017" |
24 |
"SAMtools" |
"2016" |
24 |
"2017" |
24 |
"Routing Table Maintenance Protocol" |
"2009" |
23 |
"2013" |
23 |
"SaTScan" |
"2013" |
23 |
"Minitab" |
"2016" |
23 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2013" |
23 |
"2016" |
23 |
"AMOS" |
"2015" |
23 |
"Statistica" |
"2010" |
23 |
"PASW" |
"2012" |
23 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2010" |
23 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2013" |
23 |
"2016" |
23 |
"Praat" |
"2019" |
23 |
"EndNote" |
"2017" |
23 |
"Stata" |
"2007" |
23 |
"2016" |
23 |
"PASW" |
"2013" |
22 |
"MEGA" |
"2011" |
22 |
"Minitab" |
"2015" |
22 |
"IBM i" |
"2019" |
22 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2019" |
22 |
"2017" |
22 |
"Facebook" |
"2012" |
22 |
"Tracer" |
"2017" |
22 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2018" |
22 |
"2012" |
22 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2018" |
22 |
"Network" |
"2015" |
22 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2019" |
22 |
"pClamp" |
"2012" |
22 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2016" |
22 |
"Geneious" |
"2015" |
22 |
"Minitab" |
"2018" |
22 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2018" |
22 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2012" |
22 |
"AxioVision" |
"2015" |
22 |
"EndNote" |
"2019" |
22 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2017" |
22 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2013" |
22 |
"R" |
"2007" |
22 |
"Igraph" |
"2017" |
22 |
"2019" |
22 |
"2015" |
21 |
"Haploview" |
"2011" |
21 |
"Java" |
"2013" |
21 |
"AMOS" |
"2016" |
21 |
"GraphPad" |
"2018" |
21 |
"MedCalc" |
"2018" |
21 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2013" |
21 |
"G*Power" |
"2012" |
21 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2012" |
21 |
"Python" |
"2012" |
21 |
"MLwiN" |
"2014" |
21 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2015" |
21 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2015" |
21 |
"2017" |
21 |
"Java" |
"2012" |
21 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2012" |
21 |
"Sequencher" |
"2012" |
21 |
"2018" |
21 |
"vegan" |
"2016" |
21 |
"MuMIn" |
"2018" |
21 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2019" |
21 |
"PASW" |
"2014" |
21 |
"2019" |
21 |
"2014" |
21 |
"2013" |
21 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2018" |
21 |
"GIS" |
"2014" |
21 |
"Plink" |
"2010" |
21 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2014" |
21 |
"Sequencher" |
"2014" |
21 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2015" |
21 |
"StatView" |
"2013" |
21 |
"MedCalc" |
"2017" |
21 |
"Airbnb" |
"2017" |
20 |
"Mplus" |
"2012" |
20 |
"vegan" |
"2018" |
20 |
"Ggplot2" |
"2017" |
20 |
"2015" |
20 |
"RevMan" |
"2017" |
20 |
"Igraph" |
"2018" |
20 |
"EndNote" |
"2016" |
20 |
"GATK" |
"2015" |
20 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2013" |
20 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2017" |
20 |
"2016" |
20 |
"QGIS" |
"2016" |
20 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2013" |
20 |
"SAMtools" |
"2018" |
20 |
"ArcMap" |
"2012" |
20 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2017" |
20 |
"RAxML" |
"2015" |
20 |
"PAST" |
"2016" |
20 |
"2015" |
20 |
"same" |
"2018" |
20 |
"Arlequin" |
"2019" |
20 |
"2015" |
20 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2012" |
20 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2011" |
20 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2015" |
20 |
"2015" |
20 |
"Presentation" |
"2019" |
20 |
"ArcView" |
"2013" |
20 |
"SaTScan" |
"2014" |
20 |
"BioEdit" |
"2016" |
20 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2017" |
20 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2014" |
20 |
"Haploview" |
"2014" |
20 |
"2019" |
20 |
"2014" |
20 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2016" |
19 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2009" |
19 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2012" |
19 |
"SPSS" |
"2007" |
19 |
"same" |
"2016" |
19 |
"ArcMap" |
"2011" |
19 |
"PhyML" |
"2013" |
19 |
"FigTree" |
"2016" |
19 |
"Gephi" |
"2018" |
19 |
"2014" |
19 |
"FlowJo" |
"2012" |
19 |
"2017" |
19 |
"2012" |
19 |
"ImageJ" |
"2009" |
19 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2015" |
19 |
"Tracer" |
"2011" |
19 |
"stats" |
"2017" |
19 |
"Google Earth" |
"2018" |
19 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2015" |
19 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2011" |
19 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2012" |
19 |
"2018" |
19 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2018" |
19 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2014" |
19 |
"IBM i" |
"2018" |
19 |
"AMOS" |
"2019" |
19 |
"Microsoft Surface" |
"2012" |
19 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2016" |
19 |
"nlme" |
"2017" |
19 |
"MrBayes" |
"2017" |
19 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2013" |
19 |
"nlme" |
"2013" |
19 |
"FigTree" |
"2013" |
19 |
"same" |
"2012" |
19 |
"same" |
"2017" |
19 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2015" |
19 |
"Epi Info" |
"2012" |
19 |
"SAMtools" |
"2014" |
19 |
"MEGA" |
"2010" |
18 |
"2012" |
18 |
"Network" |
"2014" |
18 |
"GIS" |
"2019" |
18 |
"RevMan" |
"2014" |
18 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2013" |
18 |
"Java" |
"2016" |
18 |
"jModelTest" |
"2013" |
18 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2014" |
18 |
"Mac" |
"2017" |
18 |
"PAST" |
"2017" |
18 |
"MLwiN" |
"2015" |
18 |
"WFU PickAtlas" |
"2014" |
18 |
"VBM8" |
"2014" |
18 |
"2019" |
18 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2015" |
18 |
"SaTScan" |
"2018" |
18 |
"PAST" |
"2013" |
18 |
"2018" |
18 |
"AxioVision" |
"2013" |
18 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2017" |
18 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2019" |
18 |
"limma" |
"2013" |
18 |
"StatView" |
"2012" |
18 |
"PhyML" |
"2014" |
18 |
"Review Manager" |
"2014" |
18 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2014" |
18 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2014" |
18 |
"2014" |
18 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2017" |
18 |
"2017" |
18 |
"2006" |
18 |
"PAST" |
"2015" |
18 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2014" |
18 |
"limma" |
"2014" |
18 |
"REDCap" |
"2019" |
18 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2018" |
18 |
"Praat" |
"2011" |
18 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2013" |
17 |
"AMOS" |
"2013" |
17 |
"2016" |
17 |
"2015" |
17 |
"Arlequin" |
"2010" |
17 |
"image analysis" |
"2014" |
17 |
"RAxML" |
"2017" |
17 |
"AlphaSim" |
"2012" |
17 |
"Photoshop" |
"2016" |
17 |
"RevMan" |
"2016" |
17 |
"Minitab" |
"2013" |
17 |
"EthoVision" |
"2016" |
17 |
"nlme" |
"2015" |
17 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2016" |
17 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2017" |
17 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2013" |
17 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2014" |
17 |
"PhyML" |
"2018" |
17 |
"MrBayes" |
"2018" |
17 |
"same" |
"2019" |
17 |
"FigTree" |
"2018" |
17 |
"Epidata" |
"2011" |
17 |
"2017" |
17 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2011" |
17 |
"AxioVision" |
"2014" |
17 |
"Primer Express" |
"2014" |
17 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2018" |
17 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2014" |
17 |
"2014" |
17 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2018" |
17 |
"Haploview" |
"2015" |
17 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2017" |
17 |
"FastQC" |
"2016" |
17 |
"EthoVision" |
"2012" |
17 |
"SAMtools" |
"2017" |
16 |
"2017" |
16 |
"SAMtools" |
"2015" |
16 |
"AxioVision" |
"2016" |
16 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2015" |
16 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2016" |
16 |
"jModelTest" |
"2016" |
16 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2013" |
16 |
"Quantity One" |
"2014" |
16 |
"Modeltest" |
"2013" |
16 |
"MedCalc" |
"2014" |
16 |
"CellQuest" |
"2012" |
16 |
"Clustal X" |
"2013" |
16 |
"MuMIn" |
"2017" |
16 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2015" |
16 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2016" |
16 |
"DnaSP" |
"2019" |
16 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2016" |
16 |
"Google Earth" |
"2013" |
16 |
"nlme" |
"2018" |
16 |
"Review Manager" |
"2018" |
16 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2014" |
16 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2010" |
16 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2014" |
16 |
"EndNote" |
"2015" |
16 |
"Java" |
"2019" |
16 |
"2012" |
16 |
"PhyML" |
"2016" |
16 |
"Google Earth" |
"2014" |
16 |
"EthoVision" |
"2014" |
16 |
"MedCalc" |
"2019" |
16 |
"RAxML" |
"2013" |
16 |
"IBM i" |
"2017" |
16 |
"RCP" |
"2019" |
16 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2014" |
16 |
"Photoshop" |
"2017" |
16 |
"Google Earth" |
"2017" |
16 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2015" |
16 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2016" |
16 |
"Section" |
"2018" |
16 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2015" |
16 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2017" |
16 |
"ActiLife" |
"2016" |
16 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2012" |
16 |
"Primer Express" |
"2013" |
16 |
"PAUP*" |
"2014" |
16 |
"BET" |
"2012" |
16 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2016" |
16 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2010" |
16 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2019" |
16 |
"TopHat" |
"2016" |
16 |
"AxioVision" |
"2012" |
16 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2016" |
16 |
"Review Manager" |
"2015" |
16 |
"Review Manager" |
"2016" |
16 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2011" |
16 |
"2018" |
16 |
"2019" |
16 |
"lme4" |
"2011" |
15 |
"Open-source software" |
"2017" |
15 |
"NVivo" |
"2012" |
15 |
"NCBI" |
"2011" |
15 |
"SAS" |
"2007" |
15 |
"vegan" |
"2019" |
15 |
"E-Prime" |
"2010" |
15 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2014" |
15 |
"Clustal" |
"2019" |
15 |
"2011" |
15 |
"2019" |
15 |
"MLwiN" |
"2013" |
15 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2018" |
15 |
"EndNote" |
"2013" |
15 |
"MedCalc" |
"2013" |
15 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2012" |
15 |
"SAS Enterprise Guide" |
"2014" |
15 |
"Java" |
"2014" |
15 |
"EthoVision" |
"2015" |
15 |
"RevMan" |
"2018" |
15 |
"ArcView" |
"2011" |
15 |
"Bowtie" |
"2014" |
15 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2015" |
15 |
"Mascot" |
"2014" |
15 |
"same" |
"2014" |
15 |
"Caret" |
"2018" |
15 |
"Bowtie" |
"2015" |
15 |
"2007" |
15 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2018" |
15 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2013" |
15 |
"RevMan" |
"2013" |
15 |
"MuMIn" |
"2016" |
15 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2011" |
15 |
"NCBI" |
"2015" |
15 |
"2013" |
15 |
"EndNote" |
"2014" |
15 |
"Google Earth" |
"2019" |
15 |
"2018" |
15 |
"2016" |
15 |
"Mascot" |
"2016" |
15 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2016" |
15 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2015" |
15 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2013" |
15 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2018" |
15 |
"2014" |
15 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2015" |
15 |
"2013" |
15 |
"2017" |
15 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2015" |
15 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2017" |
15 |
"Trizol" |
"2013" |
15 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2014" |
15 |
"2011" |
15 |
"Minitab" |
"2014" |
15 |
"RAxML" |
"2012" |
15 |
"PAST" |
"2019" |
15 |
"RAxML" |
"2018" |
15 |
"OxCal" |
"2016" |
15 |
"2018" |
15 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2014" |
15 |
"GraphPad" |
"2016" |
15 |
"PhyML" |
"2012" |
14 |
"2013" |
14 |
"2016" |
14 |
"2012" |
14 |
"FigTree" |
"2014" |
14 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2012" |
14 |
"2013" |
14 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2016" |
14 |
"GraphPad" |
"2014" |
14 |
"Prism" |
"2009" |
14 |
"Gephi" |
"2017" |
14 |
"ActiLife" |
"2017" |
14 |
"SAMtools" |
"2019" |
14 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2017" |
14 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2011" |
14 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2014" |
14 |
"Observer" |
"2012" |
14 |
"MedCalc" |
"2015" |
14 |
"MrBayes" |
"2016" |
14 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2016" |
14 |
"AlphaSim" |
"2013" |
14 |
"ArcView" |
"2012" |
14 |
"MACH" |
"2013" |
14 |
"PhyML" |
"2011" |
14 |
"WFU PickAtlas" |
"2012" |
14 |
"ArcView" |
"2008" |
14 |
"Igraph" |
"2015" |
14 |
"2016" |
14 |
"Mascot" |
"2012" |
14 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2019" |
14 |
"2015" |
14 |
"2011" |
14 |
"Haploview" |
"2016" |
14 |
"2015" |
14 |
"lavaan" |
"2018" |
14 |
"GenePix" |
"2012" |
14 |
"OxCal" |
"2017" |
14 |
"2011" |
14 |
"PASW" |
"2015" |
14 |
"MrBayes" |
"2011" |
14 |
"Google Earth" |
"2012" |
14 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2015" |
14 |
"GenomeStudio" |
"2014" |
14 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2016" |
14 |
"Bowtie" |
"2016" |
14 |
"Microsoft" |
"2017" |
14 |
"FastQC" |
"2017" |
14 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2014" |
14 |
"PedsQL" |
"2013" |
14 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2018" |
14 |
"R Statistical" |
"2016" |
14 |
"Open Science Framework" |
"2018" |
14 |
"NCBI" |
"2013" |
14 |
"Psychology" |
"2017" |
14 |
"VBM8" |
"2013" |
14 |
"SPM8" |
"2007" |
14 |
"2015" |
14 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2016" |
14 |
"ActiLife" |
"2015" |
14 |
"Mac" |
"2018" |
14 |
"Tracer" |
"2019" |
14 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2016" |
14 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2018" |
14 |
"Imaris" |
"2017" |
14 |
"RevMan" |
"2015" |
14 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2012" |
14 |
"GraphPad" |
"2017" |
14 |
"2014" |
14 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2018" |
14 |
"nlme" |
"2014" |
14 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2016" |
14 |
"SAGE" |
"2015" |
14 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2010" |
14 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2017" |
14 |
"Psychology" |
"2012" |
14 |
"EstimateS" |
"2014" |
14 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2015" |
13 |
"2015" |
13 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2016" |
13 |
"SurveyMonkey" |
"2018" |
13 |
"Ggplot2" |
"2016" |
13 |
"Origin" |
"2013" |
13 |
"Google Earth" |
"2015" |
13 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2013" |
13 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2012" |
13 |
"Section" |
"2019" |
13 |
"Fiji" |
"2018" |
13 |
"FastQC" |
"2018" |
13 |
"2015" |
13 |
"SAMtools" |
"2013" |
13 |
"WFU PickAtlas" |
"2015" |
13 |
"2012" |
13 |
"2018" |
13 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2014" |
13 |
"GIS" |
"2016" |
13 |
"MuMIn" |
"2019" |
13 |
"Tracer" |
"2018" |
13 |
"Microsoft" |
"2018" |
13 |
"Mascot" |
"2015" |
13 |
"2011" |
13 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2019" |
13 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2014" |
13 |
"WFU PickAtlas" |
"2013" |
13 |
"Java" |
"2018" |
13 |
"BioEdit" |
"2019" |
13 |
"Mac" |
"2019" |
13 |
"Mascot" |
"2013" |
13 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2014" |
13 |
"SurveyMonkey" |
"2017" |
13 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2017" |
13 |
"2014" |
13 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2012" |
13 |
"Quantity One" |
"2013" |
13 |
"SIMCA-P+" |
"2013" |
13 |
"2014" |
13 |
"Google Earth" |
"2016" |
13 |
"2015" |
13 |
"ActiLife" |
"2018" |
13 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2016" |
13 |
"PsychoPy" |
"2018" |
13 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2010" |
13 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2019" |
13 |
"PhyML" |
"2017" |
13 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2013" |
13 |
"Haploview" |
"2010" |
13 |
"PASW" |
"2016" |
13 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2019" |
13 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2014" |
13 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2012" |
13 |
"Photoshop" |
"2012" |
13 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2018" |
13 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2014" |
13 |
"MacOS" |
"2018" |
13 |
"Igraph" |
"2014" |
13 |
"2016" |
13 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2012" |
13 |
"JASP" |
"2019" |
13 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2016" |
13 |
"GIS" |
"2017" |
13 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2014" |
13 |
"Psychology" |
"2014" |
13 |
"IBM i" |
"2016" |
13 |
"Mothur" |
"2013" |
13 |
"EthoVision" |
"2013" |
13 |
"2017" |
13 |
"Igraph" |
"2013" |
13 |
"GIS" |
"2012" |
12 |
"PsychoPy" |
"2017" |
12 |
"Mascot" |
"2018" |
12 |
"2012" |
12 |
"vegan" |
"2015" |
12 |
"2010" |
12 |
"2010" |
12 |
"Microsoft" |
"2012" |
12 |
"2012" |
12 |
"pClamp" |
"2014" |
12 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2008" |
12 |
"2018" |
12 |
"RabiesEcon" |
"2018" |
12 |
"GenomeStudio" |
"2013" |
12 |
"2017" |
12 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2015" |
12 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2016" |
12 |
"PAML" |
"2012" |
12 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2018" |
12 |
"PsychoPy" |
"2014" |
12 |
"Geneious" |
"2011" |
12 |
"Statistical" |
"2014" |
12 |
"StatView" |
"2011" |
12 |
"Section" |
"2014" |
12 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2017" |
12 |
"CLC Genomics Workbench" |
"2018" |
12 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2014" |
12 |
"2019" |
12 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2017" |
12 |
"DnaSP" |
"2017" |
12 |
"2015" |
12 |
"EthoVision" |
"2011" |
12 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2018" |
12 |
"GATK" |
"2014" |
12 |
"mgcv" |
"2014" |
12 |
"GenomeStudio" |
"2015" |
12 |
"Mallet (software project)" |
"2018" |
12 |
"2015" |
12 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2018" |
12 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2014" |
12 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2017" |
12 |
"2014" |
12 |
"2014" |
12 |
"Igraph" |
"2019" |
12 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2013" |
12 |
"Epi Info" |
"2011" |
12 |
"Minitab" |
"2011" |
12 |
"nlme" |
"2019" |
12 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2011" |
12 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2017" |
12 |
"Trizol" |
"2014" |
12 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2011" |
12 |
"2013" |
12 |
"SignalP" |
"2016" |
12 |
"Photoshop" |
"2018" |
12 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2017" |
12 |
"QGIS" |
"2015" |
12 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2013" |
12 |
"DisMod-MR" |
"2019" |
12 |
"SnPM" |
"2012" |
12 |
"FigTree" |
"2012" |
12 |
"2017" |
12 |
"OxCal" |
"2018" |
12 |
"ArcView" |
"2015" |
12 |
"2013" |
12 |
"image analysis" |
"2011" |
12 |
"2014" |
12 |
"Ggplot2" |
"2015" |
12 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2012" |
12 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2011" |
12 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2014" |
12 |
"2015" |
12 |
"2014" |
12 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2009" |
12 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2009" |
12 |
"Genetix" |
"2012" |
12 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2019" |
12 |
"FlowJo" |
"2019" |
12 |
"2017" |
12 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2008" |
12 |
"Epi Info" |
"2010" |
12 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2016" |
12 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2019" |
12 |
"Beagle" |
"2013" |
12 |
"NCBI" |
"2012" |
12 |
"Sequencher" |
"2011" |
12 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2013" |
12 |
"Minitab" |
"2017" |
12 |
"2014" |
12 |
"2013" |
12 |
"NCBI" |
"2017" |
12 |
"Sequencher" |
"2015" |
11 |
"PyMOL" |
"2014" |
11 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2017" |
11 |
"NCBI" |
"2018" |
11 |
"Igraph" |
"2016" |
11 |
"RAxML" |
"2011" |
11 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2012" |
11 |
"Genetix" |
"2013" |
11 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2013" |
11 |
"2016" |
11 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2014" |
11 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2012" |
11 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2017" |
11 |
"TCS" |
"2013" |
11 |
"GenePix" |
"2013" |
11 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2016" |
11 |
"2018" |
11 |
"Open Science Framework" |
"2019" |
11 |
"ImageJ" |
"2008" |
11 |
"Qualtrics" |
"2017" |
11 |
"2013" |
11 |
"BioEstat" |
"2016" |
11 |
"SaTScan" |
"2016" |
11 |
"RCP" |
"2018" |
11 |
"2019" |
11 |
"2019" |
11 |
"MACH" |
"2012" |
11 |
"FactoMineR" |
"2018" |
11 |
"image analysis" |
"2013" |
11 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2013" |
11 |
"StatView" |
"2014" |
11 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2012" |
11 |
"2012" |
11 |
"FEAT" |
"2012" |
11 |
"psych" |
"2019" |
11 |
"WikiPathways" |
"2016" |
11 |
"Skeeter Buster" |
"2011" |
11 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2012" |
11 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2013" |
11 |
"image analysis" |
"2015" |
11 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2014" |
11 |
"Photoshop" |
"2015" |
11 |
"Scan" |
"2012" |
11 |
"2014" |
11 |
"OxCal" |
"2019" |
11 |
"PowerPlex" |
"2017" |
11 |
"DnaSP" |
"2018" |
11 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2013" |
11 |
"image analysis" |
"2016" |
11 |
"Delphi" |
"2018" |
11 |
"RAxML" |
"2019" |
11 |
"DESeq" |
"2019" |
11 |
"2011" |
11 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2017" |
11 |
"mgcv" |
"2017" |
11 |
"2014" |
11 |
"2008" |
11 |
"SAGE" |
"2014" |
11 |
"Sequencher" |
"2013" |
11 |
"GraphPad" |
"2019" |
11 |
"2012" |
11 |
"MrBayes" |
"2008" |
11 |
"TBS" |
"2014" |
11 |
"2014" |
11 |
"PhyML" |
"2015" |
11 |
"Java" |
"2010" |
11 |
"Minitab" |
"2019" |
11 |
"Clustal" |
"2010" |
11 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2018" |
11 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2016" |
11 |
"SAS" |
"2005" |
11 |
"Epi Data" |
"2019" |
11 |
"Meadows" |
"2015" |
11 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2014" |
11 |
"Read" |
"2018" |
11 |
"Epi Data" |
"2018" |
11 |
"AxioVision" |
"2018" |
11 |
"ENVI" |
"2014" |
11 |
"SignalP" |
"2011" |
11 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2017" |
11 |
"Statistical" |
"2017" |
11 |
"SurveyMonkey" |
"2015" |
11 |
"2012" |
11 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2018" |
11 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2018" |
11 |
"2014" |
11 |
"Haploview" |
"2017" |
11 |
"Psychology" |
"2016" |
11 |
"Microsoft" |
"2013" |
11 |
"Review Manager" |
"2013" |
11 |
"Gephi" |
"2016" |
11 |
"jModelTest" |
"2012" |
11 |
"MLwiN" |
"2018" |
11 |
"RCP" |
"2015" |
11 |
"2016" |
11 |
"EthoVision" |
"2019" |
11 |
"PubMed" |
"2017" |
11 |
"Plink" |
"2009" |
11 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2017" |
11 |
"MacOS" |
"2014" |
11 |
"2016" |
11 |
"SAM" |
"2013" |
11 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2012" |
11 |
"Photoshop" |
"2014" |
11 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2011" |
11 |
"FEAT" |
"2013" |
11 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2018" |
11 |
"2014" |
11 |
"MacOS" |
"2017" |
11 |
"Spike2" |
"2012" |
11 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2015" |
11 |
"Review Manager" |
"2012" |
10 |
"stats" |
"2019" |
10 |
"Mac OS X Panther" |
"2017" |
10 |
"Statistics" |
"2015" |
10 |
"GIS" |
"2015" |
10 |
"Amira" |
"2012" |
10 |
"Statistica" |
"2007" |
10 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2017" |
10 |
"SPSS" |
"2006" |
10 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2019" |
10 |
"BESA" |
"2012" |
10 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2010" |
10 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2011" |
10 |
"BioEdit" |
"2011" |
10 |
"PAUP*" |
"2010" |
10 |
"IBM i" |
"2013" |
10 |
"DESeq" |
"2017" |
10 |
"Clustal" |
"2009" |
10 |
"BWA" |
"2016" |
10 |
"LabChart" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2019" |
10 |
"car" |
"2019" |
10 |
"2015" |
10 |
"CLC Genomics Workbench" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Quantity One" |
"2015" |
10 |
"Python" |
"2011" |
10 |
"Mothur" |
"2014" |
10 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2012" |
10 |
"2013" |
10 |
"GeneMarker" |
"2014" |
10 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2018" |
10 |
"Winsteps" |
"2018" |
10 |
"R Statistical" |
"2018" |
10 |
"2017" |
10 |
"2015" |
10 |
"CLC Genomics Workbench" |
"2014" |
10 |
"GPower" |
"2015" |
10 |
"FactoMineR" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Framework" |
"2019" |
10 |
"FAST" |
"2013" |
10 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2013" |
10 |
"2016" |
10 |
"CellQuest" |
"2014" |
10 |
"PAUP*" |
"2011" |
10 |
"2009" |
10 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2015" |
10 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2012" |
10 |
"REDCap" |
"2018" |
10 |
"2015" |
10 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2017" |
10 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2017" |
10 |
"vegan" |
"2014" |
10 |
"SAGE" |
"2019" |
10 |
"RevMan" |
"2019" |
10 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2019" |
10 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2014" |
10 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2015" |
10 |
"Primer Premier" |
"2014" |
10 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2012" |
10 |
"EstimateS" |
"2013" |
10 |
"Statistical" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2018" |
10 |
"2011" |
10 |
"2018" |
10 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Qubit" |
"2018" |
10 |
"2017" |
10 |
"psych" |
"2018" |
10 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2013" |
10 |
"jModelTest" |
"2011" |
10 |
"image analysis" |
"2012" |
10 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2017" |
10 |
"2005" |
10 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2016" |
10 |
"2011" |
10 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2016" |
10 |
"PennCNV" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Mascot" |
"2011" |
10 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2014" |
10 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2019" |
10 |
"2018" |
10 |
"Primer Premier" |
"2013" |
10 |
"PyMOL" |
"2013" |
10 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2017" |
10 |
"Quanto" |
"2013" |
10 |
"2012" |
10 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2017" |
10 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2013" |
10 |
"2012" |
10 |
"2016" |
10 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2015" |
10 |
"2013" |
10 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2011" |
10 |
"2011" |
10 |
"TCS" |
"2014" |
10 |
"BESA" |
"2011" |
10 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2014" |
10 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2018" |
10 |
"2016" |
10 |
"FastQC" |
"2019" |
10 |
"Scan" |
"2014" |
10 |
"2010" |
10 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2016" |
10 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2018" |
10 |
"EstimateS" |
"2011" |
10 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2015" |
10 |
"SPM Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Network" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Haploview" |
"2018" |
10 |
"FAST" |
"2014" |
10 |
"Review Manager" |
"2019" |
10 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2016" |
10 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2014" |
10 |
"QSR NVivo" |
"2014" |
10 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2012" |
10 |
"PASW" |
"2011" |
10 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2017" |
10 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2014" |
10 |
"Dedoose" |
"2018" |
10 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2014" |
10 |
"lmerTest" |
"2018" |
10 |
"2013" |
10 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2014" |
10 |
"Gephi" |
"2013" |
10 |
"RStudio" |
"2015" |
10 |
"PAUP*" |
"2015" |
10 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2018" |
10 |
"SurveyMonkey" |
"2019" |
10 |
"GPS" |
"2014" |
10 |
"TopHat" |
"2013" |
10 |
"RAxML" |
"2014" |
10 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2011" |
10 |
"PASW Statistics" |
"2018" |
10 |
"GIFT" |
"2012" |
10 |
"MACH" |
"2014" |
10 |
"2018" |
10 |
"Mascot" |
"2017" |
10 |
"GPower" |
"2018" |
10 |
"Network" |
"2017" |
10 |
"2011" |
9 |
"DnaSP" |
"2016" |
9 |
"metafor" |
"2014" |
9 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2013" |
9 |
"2014" |
9 |
"Sdb (debugger)" |
"2018" |
9 |
"R Statistical" |
"2014" |
9 |
"SPOT" |
"2014" |
9 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2016" |
9 |
"2009" |
9 |
"2013" |
9 |
"GTEx" |
"2019" |
9 |
"MLwiN" |
"2011" |
9 |
"Fiji" |
"2017" |
9 |
"2011" |
9 |
"MLwiN" |
"2012" |
9 |
"Spike2" |
"2013" |
9 |
"Modeltest" |
"2012" |
9 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Open Data Kit" |
"2019" |
9 |
"stats" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Cufflinks" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2010" |
9 |
"Photoshop" |
"2010" |
9 |
"MEGA" |
"2008" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"Signal" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Gblocks" |
"2013" |
9 |
"PAUP*" |
"2009" |
9 |
"2013" |
9 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2011" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"Gephi" |
"2015" |
9 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2017" |
9 |
"2018" |
9 |
"GATK" |
"2013" |
9 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2013" |
9 |
"FEAT" |
"2014" |
9 |
"Statistics" |
"2017" |
9 |
"CellQuest" |
"2013" |
9 |
"Beagle" |
"2016" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"jModelTest" |
"2014" |
9 |
"2012" |
9 |
"lavaan" |
"2016" |
9 |
"ANY-maze" |
"2017" |
9 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2012" |
9 |
"Modeltest" |
"2014" |
9 |
"Macintosh" |
"2012" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"Pong" |
"2017" |
9 |
"ArcGIS" |
"2009" |
9 |
"Psychology" |
"2013" |
9 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2013" |
9 |
"TopHat" |
"2017" |
9 |
"2019" |
9 |
"Scan" |
"2013" |
9 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2017" |
9 |
"JASP" |
"2018" |
9 |
"Clustal" |
"2007" |
9 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2013" |
9 |
"2012" |
9 |
"2011" |
9 |
"2012" |
9 |
"2015" |
9 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2007" |
9 |
"SignalP" |
"2013" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"GeneMarker" |
"2017" |
9 |
"2012" |
9 |
"2012" |
9 |
"pClamp" |
"2018" |
9 |
"PAUP*" |
"2007" |
9 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2017" |
9 |
"EstimateS" |
"2015" |
9 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2018" |
9 |
"2013" |
9 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2014" |
9 |
"2010" |
9 |
"Image" |
"2018" |
9 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2017" |
9 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2015" |
9 |
"Step" |
"2018" |
9 |
"SciPy" |
"2018" |
9 |
"Windows" |
"2007" |
9 |
"MLwiN" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2014" |
9 |
"mgcv" |
"2016" |
9 |
"GenePix" |
"2008" |
9 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2017" |
9 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2017" |
9 |
"2014" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"stats" |
"2014" |
9 |
"SignalP" |
"2017" |
9 |
"Statistics" |
"2013" |
9 |
"2012" |
9 |
"jModelTest" |
"2018" |
9 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2012" |
9 |
"2012" |
9 |
"GenABEL" |
"2015" |
9 |
"Ggplot2" |
"2014" |
9 |
"R Statistical" |
"2015" |
9 |
"GenomeStudio" |
"2012" |
9 |
"jModelTest" |
"2015" |
9 |
"Brainstorm" |
"2017" |
9 |
"Tris-HCl" |
"2017" |
9 |
"2015" |
9 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2012" |
9 |
"S-Plus" |
"2013" |
9 |
"Arlequin" |
"2008" |
9 |
"lavaan" |
"2019" |
9 |
"MRIcron" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Sequencher" |
"2016" |
9 |
"2014" |
9 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2015" |
9 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2013" |
9 |
"Analyst" |
"2015" |
9 |
"Mplus" |
"2011" |
9 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2017" |
9 |
"Ggplot2" |
"2013" |
9 |
"2013" |
9 |
"Statistics" |
"2014" |
9 |
"CONN (functional connectivity toolbox)" |
"2015" |
9 |
"NCBI" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Trizol" |
"2012" |
9 |
"Delphi" |
"2016" |
9 |
"pClamp" |
"2017" |
9 |
"GIS" |
"2018" |
9 |
"ArcView" |
"2014" |
9 |
"IBM i" |
"2015" |
9 |
"Clampfit" |
"2013" |
9 |
"R" |
"2006" |
9 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2009" |
9 |
"Blender" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2015" |
9 |
"BWA" |
"2017" |
9 |
"Framework" |
"2015" |
9 |
"lmerTest" |
"2019" |
9 |
"PyMOL" |
"2016" |
9 |
"SuperLab" |
"2013" |
9 |
"GeoDA" |
"2016" |
9 |
"Bowtie" |
"2017" |
9 |
"TopHat" |
"2015" |
9 |
"Clustal X" |
"2014" |
9 |
"MetaboAnalyst" |
"2018" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"Qualtrics" |
"2019" |
9 |
"Automated Anatomical Labeling" |
"2013" |
9 |
"Access" |
"2016" |
9 |
"OxCal" |
"2015" |
9 |
"Microsoft" |
"2019" |
9 |
"in-house" |
"2012" |
9 |
"2014" |
9 |
"PAML" |
"2014" |
9 |
"StereoInvestigator" |
"2013" |
9 |
"2018" |
9 |
"2018" |
9 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2008" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2015" |
9 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2013" |
9 |
"2015" |
9 |
"2017" |
9 |
"CellQuest" |
"2015" |
9 |
"PAML" |
"2013" |
9 |
"BisANS" |
"2019" |
9 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2014" |
9 |
"2016" |
9 |
"NVivo" |
"2011" |
8 |
"GenABEL" |
"2013" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2015" |
8 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2010" |
8 |
"Mesquite" |
"2012" |
8 |
"Open Science Framework" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Mothur" |
"2012" |
8 |
"BWA" |
"2018" |
8 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2014" |
8 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2008" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"Spike2" |
"2015" |
8 |
"IBM i" |
"2012" |
8 |
"2013" |
8 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2009" |
8 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2015" |
8 |
"MgCl2" |
"2014" |
8 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Stan" |
"2017" |
8 |
"limma" |
"2018" |
8 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2012" |
8 |
"Simplot" |
"2016" |
8 |
"PyMOL" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Section" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Statistics" |
"2018" |
8 |
"glmmADMB" |
"2018" |
8 |
"TopHat" |
"2014" |
8 |
"MALDI Biotyper" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Bowtie" |
"2018" |
8 |
"DnaSP" |
"2011" |
8 |
"image analysis" |
"2018" |
8 |
"MRIcron" |
"2014" |
8 |
"MacClade" |
"2014" |
8 |
"BEAUti" |
"2012" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"BioMart" |
"2011" |
8 |
"Psychology" |
"2011" |
8 |
"GeoDA" |
"2014" |
8 |
"EstimateS" |
"2012" |
8 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2013" |
8 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2014" |
8 |
"Microsoft" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Epi Data" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Statistical" |
"2018" |
8 |
"PoPoolation" |
"2015" |
8 |
"2014" |
8 |
"Trizol" |
"2015" |
8 |
"2019" |
8 |
"2017" |
8 |
"2010" |
8 |
"Genome Analysis Toolkit" |
"2018" |
8 |
"Python" |
"2009" |
8 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Clampfit" |
"2012" |
8 |
"Boot" |
"2019" |
8 |
"lme4" |
"2010" |
8 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2008" |
8 |
"BWA" |
"2015" |
8 |
"BESA" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2010" |
8 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2017" |
8 |
"2016" |
8 |
"OriginPro" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2016" |
8 |
"GIFT" |
"2015" |
8 |
"VBM8" |
"2015" |
8 |
"2016" |
8 |
"2017" |
8 |
"2017" |
8 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2011" |
8 |
"MrBayes" |
"2019" |
8 |
"FastTree" |
"2018" |
8 |
"ANY-maze" |
"2018" |
8 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2018" |
8 |
"RAW" |
"2015" |
8 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2014" |
8 |
"lmerTest" |
"2017" |
8 |
"ActiLife" |
"2014" |
8 |
"Sequencher" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2018" |
8 |
"PubMed" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2016" |
8 |
"GraphPad" |
"2013" |
8 |
"NCSS (statistical software)" |
"2014" |
8 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2014" |
8 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2011" |
8 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2011" |
8 |
"Spanish" |
"2016" |
8 |
"RQ Manager" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Mac" |
"2016" |
8 |
"JASP" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Heidelberg Eye Explorer" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2013" |
8 |
"2016" |
8 |
"Fiji" |
"2019" |
8 |
"FlowJo" |
"2011" |
8 |
"adehabitatHR" |
"2015" |
8 |
"2010" |
8 |
"2015" |
8 |
"BigDye" |
"2012" |
8 |
"GenePix" |
"2009" |
8 |
"Psychology" |
"2018" |
8 |
"Mac" |
"2015" |
8 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2016" |
8 |
"2006" |
8 |
"TopHat" |
"2018" |
8 |
"Stan" |
"2018" |
8 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Mesquite" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2012" |
8 |
"BayesTraits" |
"2013" |
8 |
"GIS" |
"2010" |
8 |
"Blast2GO" |
"2011" |
8 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2016" |
8 |
"GenomeStudio" |
"2016" |
8 |
"SciPy" |
"2019" |
8 |
"Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney" |
"2018" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"2017" |
8 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2017" |
8 |
"ENVI" |
"2018" |
8 |
"PubMed" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Haploview" |
"2009" |
8 |
"2014" |
8 |
"QGIS" |
"2014" |
8 |
"GenStat" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2017" |
8 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2010" |
8 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2014" |
8 |
"Open-source software" |
"2014" |
8 |
"XNAT" |
"2018" |
8 |
"R/Bioconductor" |
"2018" |
8 |
"SurveyMonkey" |
"2016" |
8 |
"GIFT" |
"2017" |
8 |
"metafor" |
"2018" |
8 |
"adegenet" |
"2018" |
8 |
"OxCal" |
"2014" |
8 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2012" |
8 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2018" |
8 |
"OriginPro" |
"2018" |
8 |
"2015" |
8 |
"Origin" |
"2016" |
8 |
"AMPure" |
"2018" |
8 |
"DnaSP" |
"2008" |
8 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2018" |
8 |
"BioMart" |
"2016" |
8 |
"stats" |
"2015" |
8 |
"LibLAS" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Scikit-learn" |
"2019" |
8 |
"Epi Data" |
"2016" |
8 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2019" |
8 |
"GPS" |
"2015" |
8 |
"2012" |
8 |
"WFU PickAtlas" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Statistica" |
"2009" |
8 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2019" |
8 |
"Psychology" |
"2015" |
8 |
"2019" |
8 |
"2016" |
8 |
"Perl" |
"2013" |
8 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2011" |
8 |
"MICE" |
"2018" |
8 |
"Factor" |
"2018" |
8 |
"2016" |
8 |
"Max" |
"2013" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"mgcv" |
"2015" |
8 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2012" |
8 |
"ParaDB" |
"2019" |
8 |
"OxCal" |
"2012" |
8 |
"SignalP" |
"2014" |
8 |
"Beacon designer" |
"2013" |
8 |
"BayesAss" |
"2016" |
8 |
"MacBook" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Tmetab" |
"2014" |
8 |
"edgeR" |
"2019" |
8 |
"FaceReader" |
"2018" |
8 |
"SPOT" |
"2016" |
8 |
"Partek Genomics Suite" |
"2012" |
8 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2014" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"SaTScan" |
"2015" |
8 |
"ape" |
"2012" |
8 |
"Origin" |
"2012" |
8 |
"DESeq" |
"2018" |
8 |
"Genome-wide complex trait analysis" |
"2017" |
8 |
"MMGdi" |
"2014" |
8 |
"GIFT" |
"2014" |
8 |
"Imaris" |
"2012" |
8 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2017" |
8 |
"R Statistical" |
"2017" |
8 |
"Ekuseru-Toukei" |
"2016" |
8 |
"2019" |
8 |
"ProtTest" |
"2013" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"SeqScape" |
"2013" |
8 |
"Image" |
"2011" |
8 |
"edgeR" |
"2016" |
8 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2013" |
8 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2015" |
8 |
"Network" |
"2011" |
8 |
"2018" |
8 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2011" |
8 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2014" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"Access" |
"2013" |
7 |
"CLC Main Workbench" |
"2014" |
7 |
"SciPy" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Cell Quest" |
"2013" |
7 |
"SaTScan" |
"2012" |
7 |
"MetaGAP" |
"2017" |
7 |
"mgcv" |
"2019" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"BeadStudio" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Clustal" |
"2008" |
7 |
"MacOS" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Trimmomatic" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Gephi" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Origin" |
"2015" |
7 |
"BrainVision Analyzer" |
"2012" |
7 |
"2012" |
7 |
"Arlequin" |
"2009" |
7 |
"activPAL" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Caret" |
"2013" |
7 |
"2013" |
7 |
"2016" |
7 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2014" |
7 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2015" |
7 |
"RCP" |
"2016" |
7 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2015" |
7 |
"MICE" |
"2016" |
7 |
"EyeLink" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Cogent" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Network" |
"2018" |
7 |
"2016" |
7 |
"FoldX" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"metafor" |
"2016" |
7 |
"ImageQuant" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Mimics" |
"2013" |
7 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Read" |
"2013" |
7 |
"GraphPad" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2013" |
7 |
"GenStat" |
"2015" |
7 |
"AxioVision" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2011" |
7 |
"2014" |
7 |
"MLwiN" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"Beagle" |
"2015" |
7 |
"PartitionFinder" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"SPSS Statistics" |
"2010" |
7 |
"Coancestry" |
"2015" |
7 |
"AxioVision" |
"2011" |
7 |
"SaTScan" |
"2011" |
7 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2012" |
7 |
"GenePix" |
"2014" |
7 |
"PennCNV" |
"2012" |
7 |
"2014" |
7 |
"Feature Extraction" |
"2014" |
7 |
"HLM" |
"2015" |
7 |
"SafeCare Essentials" |
"2015" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Kubios HRV" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Simple Mail Access Protocol" |
"2013" |
7 |
"GeneMarker" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2010" |
7 |
"NeEstimator" |
"2017" |
7 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Clustal X" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Access" |
"2014" |
7 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2016" |
7 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2011" |
7 |
"PAST" |
"2012" |
7 |
"randomForest" |
"2018" |
7 |
"PsychoPy" |
"2019" |
7 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2019" |
7 |
"2014" |
7 |
"Eprime" |
"2014" |
7 |
"StatView" |
"2017" |
7 |
"STAR" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Environmental Performance Index" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Framework" |
"2018" |
7 |
"2012" |
7 |
"Mac" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney" |
"2013" |
7 |
"MuMIn" |
"2014" |
7 |
"GenCAT" |
"2016" |
7 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2017" |
7 |
"ProExtract" |
"2012" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"SAM" |
"2014" |
7 |
"JMMS" |
"2017" |
7 |
"MetaModel Manager" |
"2013" |
7 |
"MetaboAnalyst" |
"2019" |
7 |
"Step" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Mesquite" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Bio-Plex Manager" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Step" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Mallet (software project)" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Neurolucida" |
"2013" |
7 |
"2013" |
7 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2011" |
7 |
"MEGA" |
"2009" |
7 |
"MrModeltest" |
"2012" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"Agilent Feature Extraction" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Origin" |
"2019" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"Minitab" |
"2010" |
7 |
"ape" |
"2014" |
7 |
"SuperLab" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Framework" |
"2016" |
7 |
"2013" |
7 |
"Cogent" |
"2016" |
7 |
"Spanish" |
"2017" |
7 |
"multcomp" |
"2015" |
7 |
"raster" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Origin" |
"2011" |
7 |
"PopART" |
"2018" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2016" |
7 |
"GeoDA" |
"2018" |
7 |
"FDT" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Power" |
"2018" |
7 |
"2014" |
7 |
"2013" |
7 |
"survival" |
"2013" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"Cell Quest" |
"2014" |
7 |
"2011" |
7 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2019" |
7 |
"PAUP*" |
"2017" |
7 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2019" |
7 |
"Amira" |
"2018" |
7 |
"2011" |
7 |
"NetDraw" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2016" |
7 |
"2018" |
7 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Clustal Omega" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Visual Molecular Dynamics" |
"2014" |
7 |
"SeaView" |
"2013" |
7 |
"MacOS" |
"2012" |
7 |
"edgeR" |
"2018" |
7 |
"metafor" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Environmental Performance Index" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Signal" |
"2014" |
7 |
"CellQuest" |
"2011" |
7 |
"FactoMineR" |
"2014" |
7 |
"2014" |
7 |
"Clustal Omega" |
"2019" |
7 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2018" |
7 |
"NetLogo" |
"2016" |
7 |
"LightCycler" |
"2017" |
7 |
"R stats" |
"2008" |
7 |
"Primer Express" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Mac" |
"2013" |
7 |
"OpenBUGS" |
"2015" |
7 |
"2016" |
7 |
"2016" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"Epi Data" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Geospatial Modelling Environment" |
"2015" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"SentiStrength" |
"2014" |
7 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2016" |
7 |
"MacOS" |
"2019" |
7 |
"DESeq" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Gephi" |
"2019" |
7 |
"NetLogo" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Mascot" |
"2019" |
7 |
"car" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Arc GIS" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Image" |
"2012" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"DnaSP" |
"2010" |
7 |
"custom" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Stata/SE" |
"2010" |
7 |
"glmmADMB" |
"2016" |
7 |
"EthoVision" |
"2018" |
7 |
"StatView" |
"2010" |
7 |
"Observer XT" |
"2018" |
7 |
"MacOS" |
"2016" |
7 |
"PubMed" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Atlas" |
"2018" |
7 |
"MacClade" |
"2012" |
7 |
"FEAT" |
"2016" |
7 |
"BatSound Pro" |
"2012" |
7 |
"INLA" |
"2018" |
7 |
"PennCNV" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Macintosh" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Sawtooth" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Primer Express" |
"2011" |
7 |
"Framework" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Imaris" |
"2018" |
7 |
"mgcv" |
"2012" |
7 |
"MetaboAnalyst" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2013" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"MEGA" |
"2007" |
7 |
"Arc GIS" |
"2019" |
7 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2016" |
7 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2008" |
7 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2013" |
7 |
"mgcv" |
"2018" |
7 |
"EndNote" |
"2012" |
7 |
"GeneScan" |
"2013" |
7 |
"Rate-monotonic scheduling" |
"2019" |
7 |
"PowerLab" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2017" |
7 |
"TCS" |
"2012" |
7 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2016" |
7 |
"SAGE" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Sequencher" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Python" |
"2010" |
7 |
"NAMD" |
"2014" |
7 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2012" |
7 |
"Agilent Feature Extraction" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2018" |
7 |
"ANY-maze" |
"2016" |
7 |
"GIFT" |
"2013" |
7 |
"BellCurve" |
"2019" |
7 |
"LabChart" |
"2018" |
7 |
"2018" |
7 |
"SignalP" |
"2015" |
7 |
"GraphPad" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Section" |
"2015" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2017" |
7 |
"VBM8" |
"2016" |
7 |
"Scan" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2015" |
7 |
"Trimmomatic" |
"2019" |
7 |
"Neuron" |
"2018" |
7 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2019" |
7 |
"AMOS" |
"2012" |
7 |
"PAML" |
"2016" |
7 |
"IsotopeR" |
"2012" |
7 |
"MorphoJ" |
"2015" |
7 |
"GenStat" |
"2014" |
7 |
"MLwiN" |
"2019" |
7 |
"WorldClim" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Open-source software" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Mac" |
"2011" |
7 |
"mgcv" |
"2013" |
7 |
"REML" |
"2016" |
7 |
"SAS Enterprise Guide" |
"2019" |
7 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2015" |
7 |
"SAGE" |
"2013" |
7 |
"nlme" |
"2012" |
7 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2019" |
7 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2014" |
7 |
"2014" |
7 |
"Observer XT" |
"2014" |
7 |
"2019" |
7 |
"WinPop" |
"2017" |
7 |
"2018" |
7 |
"Epi Data" |
"2014" |
7 |
"2013" |
7 |
"ArtRepair" |
"2017" |
7 |
"GenomeStudio" |
"2018" |
7 |
"Sections" |
"2018" |
7 |
"G*Power" |
"2011" |
7 |
"ArtinM" |
"2016" |
7 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2018" |
7 |
"ENVI" |
"2015" |
7 |
"survival" |
"2015" |
7 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"2013" |
7 |
"MACH" |
"2015" |
7 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2017" |
7 |
"Cogent" |
"2013" |
7 |
"2013" |
6 |
"Dar (disk archiver)" |
"2016" |
6 |
"SOAPdenovo" |
"2016" |
6 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2017" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"jModelTest" |
"2019" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"GenStat" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2013" |
6 |
"custom" |
"2018" |
6 |
"CalcuSyn" |
"2014" |
6 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2010" |
6 |
"Spike2" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2011" |
6 |
"2009" |
6 |
"Beagle" |
"2019" |
6 |
"RDP" |
"2018" |
6 |
"adehabitatHR" |
"2019" |
6 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2008" |
6 |
"InterProScan" |
"2012" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"ENVI" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Quantity One" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Scan" |
"2011" |
6 |
"MRIcron" |
"2013" |
6 |
"2013" |
6 |
"GPS" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Volocity" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Agilent ChemStation" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Java" |
"2011" |
6 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2011" |
6 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2013" |
6 |
"survival" |
"2014" |
6 |
"OsiriX" |
"2013" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Beagle" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Quanto" |
"2015" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"GraphPad" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Gblocks" |
"2016" |
6 |
"WHO Anthro" |
"2017" |
6 |
"edgeR" |
"2017" |
6 |
"GeneMarker" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Cufflinks" |
"2018" |
6 |
"NCBI" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Image" |
"2016" |
6 |
"AxioVision" |
"2010" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"stats" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Microsoft Visual Studio" |
"2015" |
6 |
"LSM" |
"2013" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"Open-source software" |
"2016" |
6 |
"SoftMax Pro" |
"2015" |
6 |
"bipartite" |
"2015" |
6 |
"CFX Manager" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2012" |
6 |
"2013" |
6 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2014" |
6 |
"WHO Anthro" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Genome-wide complex trait analysis" |
"2016" |
6 |
"SoftMax Pro" |
"2016" |
6 |
"FactoMineR" |
"2019" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"Oasis" |
"2018" |
6 |
"Google Notebook" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Brainstorm" |
"2013" |
6 |
"ArcMap" |
"2010" |
6 |
"PrePex" |
"2014" |
6 |
"GeauxDock" |
"2016" |
6 |
"MetaMap" |
"2016" |
6 |
"MICE" |
"2017" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"Polymerase cycling assembly" |
"2017" |
6 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Weka (machine learning)" |
"2013" |
6 |
"CellQuest" |
"2008" |
6 |
"R Statistical" |
"2019" |
6 |
"car" |
"2017" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Dedoose" |
"2016" |
6 |
"pClamp" |
"2011" |
6 |
"FDT" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Cell Quest" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2012" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"PsychoPy" |
"2016" |
6 |
"custom" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2018" |
6 |
"GIFT" |
"2018" |
6 |
"custom" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"Epi Data" |
"2015" |
6 |
"BeadStudio" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2015" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"MrModeltest" |
"2014" |
6 |
"MACH" |
"2017" |
6 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2010" |
6 |
"Psychophysics Toolbox" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Prism" |
"2008" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"ESRI" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Analysis" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Quanto" |
"2011" |
6 |
"PubMed" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Spike2" |
"2011" |
6 |
"SPM Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Observer" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Wrocław" |
"2018" |
6 |
"Stepwise" |
"2018" |
6 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Observer XT" |
"2016" |
6 |
"SAS Enterprise Guide" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Surfer" |
"2014" |
6 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2018" |
6 |
"RSEM" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2014" |
6 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2014" |
6 |
"GenABEL" |
"2017" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"LibLAS" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Google Street View" |
"2013" |
6 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Wrocław" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Open-source software" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Experiment Builder" |
"2018" |
6 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2019" |
6 |
"LabChart" |
"2013" |
6 |
"LinRegPCR" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Stereo Investigator" |
"2015" |
6 |
"dismo" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2016" |
6 |
"survey" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Erdas Imagine" |
"2013" |
6 |
"SnpEff" |
"2016" |
6 |
"IEEE" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Factor" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Social Science Statistics" |
"2018" |
6 |
"Clampfit" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Igraph" |
"2012" |
6 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2016" |
6 |
"limma" |
"2012" |
6 |
"2010" |
6 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2017" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"custom-made" |
"2016" |
6 |
"2019" |
6 |
"BioEstat" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2013" |
6 |
"Gimlet (tool)" |
"2014" |
6 |
"FigTree" |
"2019" |
6 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2018" |
6 |
"ProtTest" |
"2016" |
6 |
"MgCl2" |
"2013" |
6 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2018" |
6 |
"2013" |
6 |
"SmartTrOAE" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Weka (machine learning)" |
"2014" |
6 |
"ClockLab" |
"2013" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Macintosh" |
"2014" |
6 |
"TensorFlow" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Amira" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Java Treeview" |
"2013" |
6 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2014" |
6 |
"ape" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Expanded Disability Status Scale" |
"2017" |
6 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2008" |
6 |
"QSR NVivo" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2014" |
6 |
"CIDI" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Simplot" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Genetix" |
"2017" |
6 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2018" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"2018" |
6 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2019" |
6 |
"ape" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Adobe Photoshop" |
"2007" |
6 |
"MRIcron" |
"2012" |
6 |
"image analysis" |
"2017" |
6 |
"pClamp" |
"2013" |
6 |
"GIFT" |
"2011" |
6 |
"FAST" |
"2012" |
6 |
"InVEST" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2018" |
6 |
"2019" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"G*Power" |
"2010" |
6 |
"Sawtooth" |
"2015" |
6 |
"NeEstimator" |
"2015" |
6 |
"GPower" |
"2019" |
6 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2016" |
6 |
"BioNetApp" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Operating system" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Trizol" |
"2016" |
6 |
"2009" |
6 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2015" |
6 |
"AMPfoot" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2014" |
6 |
"SAM" |
"2012" |
6 |
"LibLAS" |
"2016" |
6 |
"OsiriX" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Caret" |
"2019" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2017" |
6 |
"BioMart" |
"2014" |
6 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2019" |
6 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Wikipedia" |
"2014" |
6 |
"DESeq" |
"2016" |
6 |
"WHO AnthroPlus" |
"2018" |
6 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Bowtie" |
"2013" |
6 |
"vegan" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2012" |
6 |
"BMGE" |
"2018" |
6 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2013" |
6 |
"vegan" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Mothur" |
"2010" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"DNAStar" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Spike2" |
"2018" |
6 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2015" |
6 |
"2011" |
6 |
"Bio-Rad CFX manager" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Origin" |
"2017" |
6 |
"BrainMap" |
"2014" |
6 |
"InterProScan" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Visual Basic" |
"2014" |
6 |
"PrePex" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Actigraphy" |
"2018" |
6 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Pknbpxb" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2012" |
6 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2012" |
6 |
"GPS" |
"2016" |
6 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Cogent" |
"2018" |
6 |
"2007" |
6 |
"GenStat" |
"2018" |
6 |
"GIS" |
"2013" |
6 |
"WHO Anthro" |
"2018" |
6 |
"CSPro" |
"2017" |
6 |
"psych" |
"2015" |
6 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Environmental Performance Index" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Meshlab" |
"2016" |
6 |
"2018" |
6 |
"Nordpred" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2018" |
6 |
"same" |
"2011" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"2012" |
6 |
"RDP" |
"2013" |
6 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Network" |
"2019" |
6 |
"MacClade" |
"2013" |
6 |
"StereoInvestigator" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Statistics" |
"2016" |
6 |
"GingerALE" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Białowieża" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Wikipedia" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Pathway Studio" |
"2012" |
6 |
"lsmeans" |
"2018" |
6 |
"T/Maker" |
"2014" |
6 |
"GeoDA" |
"2017" |
6 |
"AndoSanTM" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Genetix" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Delphi" |
"2019" |
6 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2016" |
6 |
"SPOT" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Analysis" |
"2019" |
6 |
"EstimateS" |
"2019" |
6 |
"QSR NVivo" |
"2016" |
6 |
"Observer" |
"2014" |
6 |
"RCP" |
"2017" |
6 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2011" |
6 |
"2019" |
6 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Eureqa" |
"2015" |
6 |
"PhyML" |
"2010" |
6 |
"PowerLab" |
"2016" |
6 |
"SAS Enterprise Guide" |
"2017" |
6 |
"activPAL" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2017" |
6 |
"CLC Genomics Workbench" |
"2015" |
6 |
"FAST" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Origin" |
"2014" |
6 |
"TopHat" |
"2019" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"Geospatial Modelling Environment" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Bowtie" |
"2019" |
6 |
"lavaan" |
"2017" |
6 |
"FILM" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2015" |
6 |
"Image-Pro Plus" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Spike2" |
"2017" |
6 |
"GenABEL" |
"2014" |
6 |
"SimRank" |
"2018" |
6 |
"2012" |
6 |
"Sequence Scanner" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Simplot" |
"2014" |
6 |
"WFU" |
"2014" |
6 |
"GeneXpert" |
"2018" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"TensorFlow" |
"2018" |
6 |
"Delphi" |
"2017" |
6 |
"randomForest" |
"2016" |
6 |
"ELAN" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Rotor-Gene" |
"2013" |
6 |
"2016" |
6 |
"forecast" |
"2018" |
6 |
"2018" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"LASSBio-1586" |
"2018" |
6 |
"MySQL" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Distance" |
"2014" |
6 |
"2017" |
6 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2010" |
6 |
"AlphaSim" |
"2014" |
6 |
"METs" |
"2012" |
6 |
"limma" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2008" |
6 |
"TriTrypDB" |
"2019" |
6 |
"2019" |
6 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2019" |
6 |
"BESA" |
"2017" |
6 |
"OpenGeoDa" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Cutadapt" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Agilent Feature Extraction" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2014" |
6 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2013" |
6 |
"pROC" |
"2018" |
6 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2009" |
6 |
"TriReagent" |
"2013" |
6 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2013" |
6 |
"PennCNV" |
"2014" |
6 |
"jModelTest" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Mini-Mental State Exam" |
"2017" |
6 |
"IBM i" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Partek Genomics Suite" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Inkscape" |
"2019" |
6 |
"Genetix" |
"2016" |
6 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2015" |
6 |
"survival" |
"2019" |
6 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Resting-State fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Statistical" |
"2012" |
6 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2012" |
6 |
"MaxEnt" |
"2009" |
6 |
"2014" |
6 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2016" |
6 |
"2018" |
6 |
"commercial" |
"2017" |
6 |
"Statistica" |
"2008" |
6 |
"Open-source software" |
"2019" |
6 |
"FEAT" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Big Dye Terminator" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Geospatial Modelling Environment" |
"2017" |
6 |
"VBM8" |
"2011" |
6 |
"BEDtools" |
"2016" |
6 |
"FAST" |
"2016" |
6 |
"MacOS" |
"2011" |
6 |
"Sawtooth" |
"2013" |
6 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2019" |
6 |
"ASA" |
"2017" |
6 |
"STUDENT (computer program)" |
"2015" |
6 |
"Clustal X" |
"2015" |
6 |
"StatSoft" |
"2016" |
6 |
"2013" |
6 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2010" |
6 |
"GeneScan" |
"2014" |
6 |
"Boot" |
"2013" |
6 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2019" |
6 |
"PolyPhen" |
"2017" |
6 |
"SaTScan" |
"2019" |
6 |
"CIDI" |
"2013" |
6 |
"QSR NVivo" |
"2019" |
6 |
"2018" |
5 |
"FreeNA" |
"2016" |
5 |
"multcomp" |
"2014" |
5 |
"CEC" |
"2016" |
5 |
"MrModeltest" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Inquisit" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2006" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"Mothur" |
"2017" |
5 |
"R2WinBUGS" |
"2012" |
5 |
"TriReagent" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2010" |
5 |
"Tris-HCl" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2015" |
5 |
"MASON (Java)" |
"2014" |
5 |
"FuGENE" |
"2013" |
5 |
"PyMOL" |
"2011" |
5 |
"Modeltest" |
"2007" |
5 |
"CellQuest" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Genetix" |
"2011" |
5 |
"metafor" |
"2012" |
5 |
"ProtTest" |
"2018" |
5 |
"MySQL" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Ensembl" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2009" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"MrBayes" |
"2007" |
5 |
"R language" |
"2019" |
5 |
"LiTat" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Equation" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"Eprime" |
"2017" |
5 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Observer XT" |
"2017" |
5 |
"OpenMRS" |
"2017" |
5 |
"BayesAss" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Marxan" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"MitoSOX" |
"2010" |
5 |
"S-Plus" |
"2012" |
5 |
"WFU" |
"2010" |
5 |
"E-Prime" |
"2009" |
5 |
"Generalized method of moments" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Modeltest" |
"2010" |
5 |
"AnyMaze" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2015" |
5 |
"Statistical" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"AlphaSim" |
"2015" |
5 |
"PolyPhen" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Rate-monotonic scheduling" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Statistic" |
"2017" |
5 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2016" |
5 |
"EventMeasure" |
"2016" |
5 |
"PAUP*" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Rate-monotonic scheduling" |
"2017" |
5 |
"DNAStar" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Step" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Erdas Imagine" |
"2017" |
5 |
"PMOD" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2013" |
5 |
"VocalTractLab" |
"2013" |
5 |
"FEAT" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"DnaSP" |
"2007" |
5 |
"NGS" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Vienna Development Method" |
"2016" |
5 |
"CSPro" |
"2016" |
5 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2019" |
5 |
"metafor" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"ML-Relate" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Surfer" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2013" |
5 |
"ALMaSS" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Soft independent modelling of class analogies" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"Gblocks" |
"2014" |
5 |
"BET" |
"2014" |
5 |
"BigDye" |
"2015" |
5 |
"TCS" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"Tris-HCl" |
"2015" |
5 |
"BESA" |
"2015" |
5 |
"SAGE" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Microsoft OneNote" |
"2016" |
5 |
"SampEn" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Brainstorm" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Brain Vision Recorder" |
"2014" |
5 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Social Science Statistics" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Sequence Detection" |
"2014" |
5 |
"survey" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Primer Express" |
"2012" |
5 |
"EtOH" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Primer3Plus" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Velvet assembler" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Circuitscape" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"GenStat" |
"2012" |
5 |
"meta" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Signal" |
"2011" |
5 |
"Amharic" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2015" |
5 |
"ArtRepair" |
"2018" |
5 |
"CONN (functional connectivity toolbox)" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"Flow" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Bio-Plex Manager" |
"2013" |
5 |
"NCBI" |
"2009" |
5 |
"EndNote" |
"2011" |
5 |
"StereoInvestigator" |
"2011" |
5 |
"NIH Image J" |
"2013" |
5 |
"tpsDig2" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"SNPStats" |
"2014" |
5 |
"PAML" |
"2015" |
5 |
"SeaView" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Analyst" |
"2016" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"C++" |
"2016" |
5 |
"FlexAnalysis" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"BrainNet Viewer" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Skeeter Buster" |
"2012" |
5 |
"ANY-maze" |
"2011" |
5 |
"GraphPad InStat" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"Amira" |
"2017" |
5 |
"The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach" |
"2017" |
5 |
"MeSH" |
"2018" |
5 |
"CoC Standard" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2013" |
5 |
"NetworGame" |
"2013" |
5 |
"ASA" |
"2014" |
5 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2014" |
5 |
"NanoDrop" |
"2014" |
5 |
"ArrayExpress" |
"2012" |
5 |
"AutoDock" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Open Data Kit" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Psychophysics Toolbox" |
"2019" |
5 |
"SPME" |
"2010" |
5 |
"2015" |
5 |
"SIMCA-P+" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Qualtrics" |
"2015" |
5 |
"BrainVision Analyzer" |
"2017" |
5 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2011" |
5 |
"ActiLife" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"WFU" |
"2012" |
5 |
"MitoSOX" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Bowtie" |
"2012" |
5 |
"VBM8" |
"2012" |
5 |
"SPOT" |
"2013" |
5 |
"MorphoJ" |
"2018" |
5 |
"The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Image Lab" |
"2015" |
5 |
"MRIcro" |
"2013" |
5 |
"RDP" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Stan" |
"2016" |
5 |
"IPDASi" |
"2009" |
5 |
"Trimmomatic" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"survival" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Eprime" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Sequencher" |
"2010" |
5 |
"activPAL" |
"2016" |
5 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2015" |
5 |
"VBM8" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Qualtrics survey" |
"2019" |
5 |
"FastTree" |
"2016" |
5 |
"car" |
"2013" |
5 |
"RStudio" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Brain Voyager" |
"2013" |
5 |
"raster" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"survival" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Affymetrix" |
"2013" |
5 |
"BioNetGen" |
"2015" |
5 |
"SNA" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Source (game engine)" |
"2016" |
5 |
"computer" |
"2018" |
5 |
"FEAT" |
"2017" |
5 |
"FluoView" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"Agencourt AMPure" |
"2018" |
5 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2019" |
5 |
"FaceGen" |
"2011" |
5 |
"SoftMax Pro" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"Genetix" |
"2015" |
5 |
"psych" |
"2017" |
5 |
"BioMart" |
"2017" |
5 |
"RSEM" |
"2017" |
5 |
"X-ray" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Stepwise" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2011" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"PolyPhen" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Genome Analysis Toolkit" |
"2015" |
5 |
"ape" |
"2018" |
5 |
"betapart" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"Cufflinks" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Avizo" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2018" |
5 |
"psych" |
"2016" |
5 |
"MgCl2" |
"2016" |
5 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Mini-Mental State Exam" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"spatstat" |
"2012" |
5 |
"PyroMark Assay Design" |
"2014" |
5 |
"MusicBrainz Picard" |
"2018" |
5 |
"SeqScape" |
"2015" |
5 |
"BrainVision Analyzer" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Statistics" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Clustal X" |
"2016" |
5 |
"iNEXT" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Mark (designation)" |
"2013" |
5 |
"adehabitatHR" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2009" |
5 |
"Qubit" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"CRAN" |
"2013" |
5 |
"GPower" |
"2016" |
5 |
"SEER*Stat" |
"2017" |
5 |
"HLM" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Odyssey" |
"2013" |
5 |
"MySQL" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"Security event manager" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Minitab" |
"2009" |
5 |
"STAR" |
"2019" |
5 |
"BioEdit" |
"2010" |
5 |
"MeterPlus" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Erdas Imagine" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2011" |
5 |
"SuperLab" |
"2012" |
5 |
"pavo" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"Quantity One" |
"2016" |
5 |
"StepOne" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Gen5" |
"2017" |
5 |
"PASW" |
"2017" |
5 |
"OriginPro" |
"2019" |
5 |
"GSEA" |
"2015" |
5 |
"BET" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"XSE" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Gblocks" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Covidence" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Oasis" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Visual Molecular Dynamics" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Avizo" |
"2016" |
5 |
"in-house" |
"2015" |
5 |
"LightCycler" |
"2014" |
5 |
"GPS" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"Imaris" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"Beagle" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2018" |
5 |
"FDT" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"Malawi" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2016" |
5 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2011" |
5 |
"MED-PC" |
"2012" |
5 |
"S-Plus" |
"2016" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"Scikit-learn" |
"2018" |
5 |
"AMPure" |
"2017" |
5 |
"JWatcher" |
"2014" |
5 |
"TBS" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Qualtrics" |
"2018" |
5 |
"BioMart" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Patchmaster" |
"2018" |
5 |
"AlphaSim" |
"2017" |
5 |
"NetDraw" |
"2014" |
5 |
"WebRDS" |
"2015" |
5 |
"MgCl2" |
"2012" |
5 |
"MrBayes" |
"2010" |
5 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2019" |
5 |
"TerraView" |
"2017" |
5 |
"OxCal" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Table (information)" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"adehabitatHR" |
"2017" |
5 |
"SeqScape" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Mesquite" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Xgboost" |
"2018" |
5 |
"BioNetGen" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Brainstorm" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Oasis" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Vision Analyzer" |
"2014" |
5 |
"survival" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Winsteps" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"DESeq" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Presentation" |
"2008" |
5 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2014" |
5 |
"SAS" |
"2006" |
5 |
"RSEM" |
"2018" |
5 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2018" |
5 |
"MetaMorph" |
"2017" |
5 |
"OptiMEM" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Weka (machine learning)" |
"2019" |
5 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"MatMan" |
"2012" |
5 |
"BET" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"GeoDA" |
"2012" |
5 |
"LimeSurvey" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Avizo" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2013" |
5 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2018" |
5 |
"OsiriX" |
"2019" |
5 |
"SnpEff" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2011" |
5 |
"R/Bioconductor" |
"2016" |
5 |
"VideoMot2" |
"2013" |
5 |
"R2WinBUGS" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Genotyper" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Proteome Discoverer" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Cufflinks" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Trizol" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2019" |
5 |
"VBM8" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Inquisit" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"GIMP" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Mark (designation)" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Scan" |
"2015" |
5 |
"FSLView" |
"2014" |
5 |
"SampEn" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Eprime" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2015" |
5 |
"BESA" |
"2014" |
5 |
"MCMCglmm" |
"2013" |
5 |
"MacOS" |
"2015" |
5 |
"SPM Anatomy" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2009" |
5 |
"VideoMeterLab" |
"2015" |
5 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Primer Express" |
"2016" |
5 |
"PALM" |
"2018" |
5 |
"DTIFit" |
"2012" |
5 |
"WaUM3" |
"2014" |
5 |
"TNT" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"LogCombiner" |
"2011" |
5 |
"in-house" |
"2011" |
5 |
"multcomp" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"Review Manager" |
"2011" |
5 |
"ArrayExpress" |
"2014" |
5 |
"pCR" |
"2014" |
5 |
"CytoSpec" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"PseAAC" |
"2018" |
5 |
"PowerMarker" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Clustal" |
"2006" |
5 |
"OriginPro" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"FILM" |
"2011" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"Professional" |
"2018" |
5 |
"AnyMaze" |
"2013" |
5 |
"CSPro" |
"2019" |
5 |
"EyeLink" |
"2018" |
5 |
"GTEx" |
"2018" |
5 |
"TransDecoder" |
"2019" |
5 |
"PaleoDB" |
"2016" |
5 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Simplot" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Net Station" |
"2013" |
5 |
"SAS Enterprise Guide" |
"2018" |
5 |
"metafor" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2019" |
5 |
"FigTree" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Cogent" |
"2015" |
5 |
"PAML" |
"2010" |
5 |
"Operating system" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2008" |
5 |
"GIS" |
"2011" |
5 |
"PowerLab" |
"2013" |
5 |
"RAAB" |
"2018" |
5 |
"R stats" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"Merlin" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Mallet (software project)" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Eclipse" |
"2014" |
5 |
"NIH Image J" |
"2016" |
5 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2018" |
5 |
"SPOT" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Mesquite" |
"2011" |
5 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"Modeltest" |
"2011" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"Cartool" |
"2015" |
5 |
"pClamp" |
"2019" |
5 |
"LibLAS" |
"2018" |
5 |
"LabChart" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"OPUS" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Primer Express" |
"2008" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"Chapter" |
"2019" |
5 |
"MetaCore" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2010" |
5 |
"Network" |
"2008" |
5 |
"Mark (designation)" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Quantum Turing machine" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Visual Basic for Applications" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Expert Analysis Tool" |
"2012" |
5 |
"OriginPro" |
"2015" |
5 |
"SIMCA-P+" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"SAGE" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2018" |
5 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Quantity One" |
"2017" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"R Foundation for Statistical Computing" |
"2011" |
5 |
"Sequencher" |
"2008" |
5 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2019" |
5 |
"MacBook" |
"2018" |
5 |
"TBSS" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"dbSNP" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2008" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"Neurolucida" |
"2014" |
5 |
"party" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"ENMtools" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Proteome Discoverer" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Agencourt AMPure" |
"2016" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"OpenStreetMap" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Quanto" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Clustal Omega" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Open-source software" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Biopython" |
"2013" |
5 |
"MRIcron" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Power" |
"2016" |
5 |
"FlowJo analysis" |
"2013" |
5 |
"graphics" |
"2016" |
5 |
"WFU PickAtlas" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2014" |
5 |
"SeaView" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"Brain Vision Analyzer" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2006" |
5 |
"TBS" |
"2013" |
5 |
"SuperLab" |
"2016" |
5 |
"GPS" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Stepwise" |
"2016" |
5 |
"custom" |
"2017" |
5 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2018" |
5 |
"PairPerf" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Mesquite" |
"2017" |
5 |
"FACS Diva" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"BESA" |
"2018" |
5 |
"PennCNV" |
"2009" |
5 |
"PyMOL" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Resting-State fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Partek Genomics Suite" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Expert Analysis Tool" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Genotyper" |
"2012" |
5 |
"GeneMarker" |
"2012" |
5 |
"GenStat" |
"2011" |
5 |
"metaphor" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Proteome Discoverer" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Psychophysics Toolbox" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2015" |
5 |
"Topspin" |
"2013" |
5 |
"BioGRID" |
"2014" |
5 |
"BecomeAnEX" |
"2017" |
5 |
"SAMtools" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Mothur" |
"2016" |
5 |
"Ecopath" |
"2013" |
5 |
"limma" |
"2016" |
5 |
"SSIs" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"FlowJo" |
"2010" |
5 |
"Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"Cutadapt" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2008" |
5 |
"Genome-wide complex trait analysis" |
"2018" |
5 |
"2012" |
5 |
"PAUP*" |
"2008" |
5 |
"Tris-HCl" |
"2013" |
5 |
"PhyML" |
"2019" |
5 |
"MySQL" |
"2016" |
5 |
"FEAT" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2011" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"Swiss-model" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Mfold" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Microsoft Word" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"NetStation" |
"2016" |
5 |
"ENMtools" |
"2016" |
5 |
"FBAT" |
"2015" |
5 |
"StataSE" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Genome Analysis Toolkit" |
"2013" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"FastTree" |
"2015" |
5 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2012" |
5 |
"TopHat" |
"2012" |
5 |
"GDA" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Google Docs, Sheets and Slides" |
"2018" |
5 |
"GraphPad InStat" |
"2014" |
5 |
"NetLogo" |
"2014" |
5 |
"R metafor" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Modeltest" |
"2008" |
5 |
"Distance" |
"2016" |
5 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Quantum Turing machine" |
"2018" |
5 |
"EyeLink" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2010" |
5 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2015" |
5 |
"BrainVision Analyzer" |
"2013" |
5 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2018" |
5 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2018" |
5 |
"C++" |
"2015" |
5 |
"Peak Scanner" |
"2019" |
5 |
"SPM Anatomy" |
"2012" |
5 |
"GeneChip" |
"2014" |
5 |
"2014" |
5 |
"SmartPLS" |
"2015" |
5 |
"2016" |
5 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2019" |
5 |
"2019" |
5 |
"QSR NVivo" |
"2017" |
5 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2017" |
5 |
"Image" |
"2010" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"2017" |
5 |
"Signal" |
"2013" |
5 |
"Amira" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Monte" |
"2016" |
5 |
"GeoDA" |
"2011" |
5 |
"GraphPad InStat" |
"2016" |
5 |
"NetworkX" |
"2019" |
5 |
"Gblocks" |
"2018" |
5 |
"STAR" |
"2014" |
5 |
"Epi Data" |
"2012" |
5 |
"2013" |
5 |
"Affymetrix" |
"2014" |
5 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2012" |
5 |
"Telecentros.BR" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2010" |
4 |
"xjView" |
"2012" |
4 |
"FlyLimbTracker" |
"2017" |
4 |
"GeneScan" |
"2012" |
4 |
"R-INLA" |
"2016" |
4 |
"EyeLink" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2019" |
4 |
"CaCl2" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Chronux" |
"2017" |
4 |
"EpiCalc" |
"2014" |
4 |
"PicoGreen" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"NimbleScan" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Brown-Forsythe" |
"2016" |
4 |
"TetraColorSpace" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Se-Al" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"Odyssey" |
"2015" |
4 |
"MorphoJ" |
"2016" |
4 |
"DIVA" |
"2017" |
4 |
"GraphPad InStat" |
"2010" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"PowerLab" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2007" |
4 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2010" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"CSPro" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Qualtrics" |
"2016" |
4 |
"MorphoJ" |
"2014" |
4 |
"z-Tree" |
"2014" |
4 |
"CPCe" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Phylogeny.fr" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2009" |
4 |
"Mfold" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2017" |
4 |
"ArcView" |
"2016" |
4 |
"SciPy" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2010" |
4 |
"Image" |
"2014" |
4 |
"TESS" |
"2013" |
4 |
"ImageQuant" |
"2014" |
4 |
"BrainAmp" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Caper" |
"2014" |
4 |
"PSS" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"ClockLab" |
"2015" |
4 |
"LIAN" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Origin" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2011" |
4 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2009" |
4 |
"Network" |
"2010" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"OriginPro" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Agilent ChemStation" |
"2016" |
4 |
"LimeSurvey" |
"2016" |
4 |
"InSight" |
"2016" |
4 |
"TargetScan" |
"2016" |
4 |
"REDCap" |
"2017" |
4 |
"SIMCA-P+" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Venny" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"GenePix" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Analysis of Moment Structures" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"ESRI" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"MATLAB Statistics" |
"2019" |
4 |
"BeadStudio" |
"2010" |
4 |
"Jalview" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Chromas" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"PerioPresent" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Mandriva Directory Server" |
"2018" |
4 |
"BayesFactor" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Terminator" |
"2012" |
4 |
"PyMOL" |
"2019" |
4 |
"iTOL" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"OriginPro" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Analysis" |
"2011" |
4 |
"BrainMap" |
"2012" |
4 |
"OsiriX" |
"2012" |
4 |
"GreenGenes" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Natural Language Toolkit" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Kingdom of Poland (1916–18)" |
"2016" |
4 |
"SAM" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Operating system" |
"2013" |
4 |
"miRBase" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2014" |
4 |
"BWA" |
"2014" |
4 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2014" |
4 |
"edgeR" |
"2014" |
4 |
"MapMan" |
"2015" |
4 |
"PickAtlas" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Trizol" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"Agilent ChemStation" |
"2015" |
4 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Kubios HRV" |
"2015" |
4 |
"HLM" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"Signal" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Barabási" |
"2014" |
4 |
"MACS" |
"2017" |
4 |
"NHRI" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Reasonable Server Faces" |
"2015" |
4 |
"meta" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"Bio-Plex Manager" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"MCMCglmm" |
"2017" |
4 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Volocity" |
"2015" |
4 |
"BestKeeper" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Tracer" |
"2010" |
4 |
"ImageQuant" |
"2017" |
4 |
"nlme" |
"2010" |
4 |
"FastQC" |
"2015" |
4 |
"GeneNetwork" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Microsoft" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Blender" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"MouseTracker" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"Pipeline Pilot" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"FAST" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Microsoft Visual Studio" |
"2017" |
4 |
"spdep" |
"2018" |
4 |
"GeNIe" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Pajek" |
"2015" |
4 |
"BrainSuite" |
"2016" |
4 |
"ANY-maze" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Microsoft" |
"2015" |
4 |
"MapInfo Professional" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2009" |
4 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2010" |
4 |
"2010" |
4 |
"limma" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"Feature Extraction" |
"2013" |
4 |
"BeadStudio" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Environmental Performance Index" |
"2012" |
4 |
"MatMan" |
"2011" |
4 |
"PyNAST" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Stepwise" |
"2017" |
4 |
"PowerMarker" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"WALK" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Scopus" |
"2017" |
4 |
"review" |
"2018" |
4 |
"InSight" |
"2018" |
4 |
"NetworkX" |
"2018" |
4 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Amira" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Genome-wide complex trait analysis" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Presence/Absence" |
"2013" |
4 |
"STAI" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Exametrika" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"Genome-wide complex trait analysis" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Clustal Omega" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2009" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"AntPost" |
"2016" |
4 |
"SuperLab" |
"2017" |
4 |
"TrypLE" |
"2017" |
4 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2011" |
4 |
"ape" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"ArcEditor" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"GeneChip" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Openlab" |
"2011" |
4 |
"InVEST" |
"2018" |
4 |
"GenePix" |
"2018" |
4 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2018" |
4 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"SNPAlyze" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"pROC" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Weka (machine learning)" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Clampex" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Pajek" |
"2018" |
4 |
"IMovie" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Mann-Whitney" |
"2017" |
4 |
"FDT" |
"2017" |
4 |
"CLAM" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Prokopack" |
"2017" |
4 |
"MITI" |
"2017" |
4 |
"MscuOBP8" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"Hmisc" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Sylvatub" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Gimlet (tool)" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Distance" |
"2013" |
4 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2009" |
4 |
"Analyze (imaging software)" |
"2012" |
4 |
"SeqMan" |
"2017" |
4 |
"PAST" |
"2010" |
4 |
"2010" |
4 |
"Trimmomatic" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Genetix" |
"2009" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Affymetrix" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2015" |
4 |
"lmerTest" |
"2016" |
4 |
"VGStudio MAX" |
"2015" |
4 |
"HYDE" |
"2013" |
4 |
"RDP" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Genome Analysis Toolkit" |
"2019" |
4 |
"MRIcron" |
"2011" |
4 |
"RDP" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Bioanalyzer" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"LAS AF" |
"2012" |
4 |
"SPM Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Primer Premier" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Erdős-Réyni" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2014" |
4 |
"SynAmps2" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"PsychoPy" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Winsteps" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"Sequencing Analysis" |
"2012" |
4 |
"gplots" |
"2018" |
4 |
"SHEsis" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Heidelberg Eye Explorer" |
"2018" |
4 |
"stats" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Pelli-Robson" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Pathway Studio" |
"2014" |
4 |
"OPUS" |
"2017" |
4 |
"PsyScope" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Brainstorm" |
"2019" |
4 |
"GeneDoc" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Ruby MRI" |
"2014" |
4 |
"R/Bioconductor" |
"2015" |
4 |
"RevMan" |
"2011" |
4 |
"jMRUI" |
"2017" |
4 |
"SIFT" |
"2017" |
4 |
"ARSQ" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Clustal Omega" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Marxan" |
"2018" |
4 |
"GSEA" |
"2012" |
4 |
"EQS" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Spike2" |
"2016" |
4 |
"MacClade" |
"2008" |
4 |
"OpenBUGS" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Chart" |
"2017" |
4 |
"MatInspector" |
"2014" |
4 |
"E-Prime Professional" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2015" |
4 |
"MiniPAT" |
"2018" |
4 |
"CircStat" |
"2019" |
4 |
"2009" |
4 |
"ASReml" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Kingdom of Poland (1916–18)" |
"2017" |
4 |
"ClinProTools" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Psychtoolbox" |
"2011" |
4 |
"FDT" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Analyst" |
"2017" |
4 |
"standard" |
"2018" |
4 |
"GIMP" |
"2018" |
4 |
"SeaView" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Proteome Discoverer" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Java" |
"2008" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"SeqScape" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2011" |
4 |
"Mutation Surveyor" |
"2011" |
4 |
"TempEst" |
"2018" |
4 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2013" |
4 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2008" |
4 |
"FILM" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Statistical Package for the Social Sciences—SPSS" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"GenBank" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"MaxQuant" |
"2019" |
4 |
"GeneScan" |
"2018" |
4 |
"navigation" |
"2017" |
4 |
"BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Map" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Predictive Analytics" |
"2012" |
4 |
"SidePak" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Ensembl" |
"2011" |
4 |
"BET" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2016" |
4 |
"ML-Relate" |
"2012" |
4 |
"EPPI-Reviewer" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Hmisc" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Step" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Agilent ChemStation" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Scott" |
"2015" |
4 |
"SPOT" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Spike2" |
"2010" |
4 |
"MySQL" |
"2015" |
4 |
"C++" |
"2017" |
4 |
"MySQL" |
"2008" |
4 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Analysis" |
"2017" |
4 |
"NAST" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Visual C++" |
"2013" |
4 |
"GingerALE" |
"2014" |
4 |
"HYDE" |
"2016" |
4 |
"edgeR" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Alpha" |
"2013" |
4 |
"SHEsis" |
"2016" |
4 |
"WebGestalt" |
"2016" |
4 |
"FastTree" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"AdapterRemoval" |
"2018" |
4 |
"FDT" |
"2019" |
4 |
"FibroScan" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Agilent Feature Extraction" |
"2016" |
4 |
"ReMIT Client" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"Partek Genomics Suite" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Multi Gauge" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Delphi" |
"2012" |
4 |
"PedCheck" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"BrainNet Viewer" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Avizo" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Wrocław" |
"2016" |
4 |
"EPPI-Reviewer" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Statistical Package for the Social Sciences—SPSS" |
"2014" |
4 |
"SASLab Pro" |
"2007" |
4 |
"PearPC" |
"2018" |
4 |
"pClamp" |
"2010" |
4 |
"Microsoft" |
"2010" |
4 |
"ArtRepair" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Access" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"IBGE" |
"2016" |
4 |
"CellVizio" |
"2017" |
4 |
"MARS" |
"2019" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Pajek" |
"2011" |
4 |
"SeqScape" |
"2014" |
4 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2018" |
4 |
"FastQC" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"SAS Enterprise Guide" |
"2015" |
4 |
"FaceGen" |
"2014" |
4 |
"effects" |
"2015" |
4 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Winpepi" |
"2015" |
4 |
"GSDS" |
"2018" |
4 |
"SoftMax Pro" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Statistic" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Qualtrics" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"OLIGO Primer Analysis Software" |
"2014" |
4 |
"ClearView" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Momocs" |
"2017" |
4 |
"TargetScan" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2011" |
4 |
"MapInfo Professional" |
"2012" |
4 |
"WinMX" |
"2011" |
4 |
"@Risk" |
"2017" |
4 |
"RDP" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"SCID" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2017" |
4 |
"MeV" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"MapQTL" |
"2007" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"GenePix" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"Echoview" |
"2019" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"StepOne" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Malawi" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"CellQuest" |
"2019" |
4 |
"GPower" |
"2017" |
4 |
"WFU" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"Expression Console" |
"2014" |
4 |
"SNAP" |
"2012" |
4 |
"GraphPad InStat" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Sequencing Analysis" |
"2013" |
4 |
"rpart" |
"2014" |
4 |
"SOMP-I" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Open Data Kit" |
"2016" |
4 |
"MaxQuant" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Weka (machine learning)" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Analyze (imaging software)" |
"2011" |
4 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2012" |
4 |
"MSigDB" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"Eclipse" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Sequencher" |
"2019" |
4 |
"AnyMaze" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Mark (designation)" |
"2016" |
4 |
"sjPlot" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Amiga Unix" |
"2013" |
4 |
"PSI" |
"2018" |
4 |
"OptiMEM" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2018" |
4 |
"X-ray" |
"2016" |
4 |
"BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Modeltest" |
"2016" |
4 |
"PolyPhen" |
"2015" |
4 |
"OCT" |
"2017" |
4 |
"RAW" |
"2012" |
4 |
"RUMM2020" |
"2017" |
4 |
"LibLAS" |
"2014" |
4 |
"AICcmodavg" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Newbler" |
"2014" |
4 |
"TreeMix" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Geomagic Studio" |
"2018" |
4 |
"X-ray" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Graph Pad Prism" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"SAM" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Stereo Investigator" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"Delphi" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Max" |
"2016" |
4 |
"SPME" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Actiware" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Curry" |
"2018" |
4 |
"OpenStreetMap" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Psychophysics Toolbox" |
"2012" |
4 |
"limma" |
"2009" |
4 |
"NetworkX" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Android" |
"2018" |
4 |
"RAAB" |
"2017" |
4 |
"SCID" |
"2013" |
4 |
"WHO AnthroPlus" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Amira" |
"2015" |
4 |
"GenABEL" |
"2011" |
4 |
"PyroMark" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Clampex" |
"2019" |
4 |
"SuperLab" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2010" |
4 |
"Pajek" |
"2012" |
4 |
"MusicBrainz Picard" |
"2015" |
4 |
"InterProScan" |
"2011" |
4 |
"SPAdes" |
"2016" |
4 |
"LogCombiner" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Phoenix WinNonlin" |
"2015" |
4 |
"BayesTraits" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Qubit" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Fiji" |
"2015" |
4 |
"LIAN" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"computer" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Brain Vision Recorder" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"TerrSet" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"Optimas" |
"2010" |
4 |
"raster" |
"2014" |
4 |
"@Risk" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Białowieża" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Quanto" |
"2014" |
4 |
"BLAT (bioinformatics)" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Scan" |
"2016" |
4 |
"MapWin" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"Naswar" |
"2017" |
4 |
"GeoDA" |
"2013" |
4 |
"GenePix" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Cogent" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Framework" |
"2013" |
4 |
"tpsDig2" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"MaxQuant" |
"2018" |
4 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2010" |
4 |
"Cochrane RevMan" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Partek Genomics Suite" |
"2014" |
4 |
"GPS" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Analyst" |
"2018" |
4 |
"CrowdFlower" |
"2016" |
4 |
"MRIcron" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"Primer Premier" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Agilent ChemStation" |
"2018" |
4 |
"image analysis" |
"2010" |
4 |
"TreeView" |
"2007" |
4 |
"msm" |
"2018" |
4 |
"StatView" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Stepwise" |
"2014" |
4 |
"MapInfo Professional" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Alexa-Fluor" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Leica LAS AF" |
"2013" |
4 |
"sleep" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Quanto" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Grab" |
"2018" |
4 |
"C++" |
"2010" |
4 |
"PresenceAbsence" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Caret" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Sawtooth" |
"2018" |
4 |
"tpsDig2" |
"2017" |
4 |
"WFU Pick Atlas" |
"2013" |
4 |
"MACH" |
"2010" |
4 |
"Avisoft" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Barrier (computer science)" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Trizol" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Peak Scanner" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"EcosimPro" |
"2019" |
4 |
"LSM" |
"2010" |
4 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2016" |
4 |
"survey" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Ensembl" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Ngene" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Mascot" |
"2006" |
4 |
"Stepwise" |
"2015" |
4 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Experiment Builder" |
"2017" |
4 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Distance" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"PUL" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Ethograph" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Oasis" |
"2015" |
4 |
"pClamp" |
"2016" |
4 |
"RMET" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Framework" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2012" |
4 |
"ToMPT" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"BrainAmp" |
"2016" |
4 |
"VirtualDub" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"GFMT" |
"2016" |
4 |
"FlexControl" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Genomatix" |
"2014" |
4 |
"MCID" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Sequence Navigator" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"mean±SEM" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Rate-monotonic scheduling" |
"2018" |
4 |
"CFX Manager" |
"2016" |
4 |
"RCP" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Winpepi" |
"2019" |
4 |
"BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"PyMOL" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"Analyst" |
"2013" |
4 |
"WorldClim" |
"2014" |
4 |
"GraphPad6 Prism" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Avisoft Recorder" |
"2012" |
4 |
"AxioVision" |
"2019" |
4 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2012" |
4 |
"topGO" |
"2017" |
4 |
"randomForest" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Image Lab" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2019" |
4 |
"GeneSpring GX" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Section" |
"2013" |
4 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Presentation" |
"2009" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"C++" |
"2013" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"2007" |
4 |
"Ficoll-Paque" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"Nexus" |
"2019" |
4 |
"StereoInvestigator" |
"2012" |
4 |
"SNAP" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Mac OS" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"SeqMan" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Cluster Picker" |
"2018" |
4 |
"TreeMix" |
"2018" |
4 |
"BESA" |
"2019" |
4 |
"MatMan" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"RTA" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2018" |
4 |
"MPEG-4" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2012" |
4 |
"AlphaSim" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Plink" |
"2008" |
4 |
"FlexAnalysis" |
"2018" |
4 |
"RAW" |
"2018" |
4 |
"BAPS" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Partek Genomics Suite" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2010" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"Dedoose" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Spanish" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Gen5" |
"2014" |
4 |
"SVM" |
"2018" |
4 |
"EPA Method" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2019" |
4 |
"WikiPathway" |
"2017" |
4 |
"MIME" |
"2014" |
4 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2012" |
4 |
"MRIcron" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"BioEdit" |
"2007" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"SPM12b" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"2011" |
4 |
"MUMmer" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Morphologika" |
"2013" |
4 |
"HapMap" |
"2014" |
4 |
"WebRDS" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Subsection" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2019" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"Agilent Feature Extraction" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Freebayes" |
"2017" |
4 |
"LightCycler" |
"2015" |
4 |
"NCBI Build" |
"2012" |
4 |
"IDL" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2010" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"SlideBook" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Malawi" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"SignalP" |
"2018" |
4 |
"MCMCglmm" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Image Lab" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"IOL Master" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"Genious" |
"2019" |
4 |
"The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach" |
"2016" |
4 |
"FactoMineR" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Stan" |
"2019" |
4 |
"FDR<0.05" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Clampfit" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Sequencing Analysis" |
"2016" |
4 |
"adegenet" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Wildbook" |
"2016" |
4 |
"MusicBrainz Picard" |
"2019" |
4 |
"QSR NVivo" |
"2015" |
4 |
"JWatcher" |
"2012" |
4 |
"WinBUGS" |
"2008" |
4 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2010" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"VassarStats" |
"2017" |
4 |
"ActiReg" |
"2018" |
4 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2017" |
4 |
"geomorph" |
"2019" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"mean±SEM" |
"2008" |
4 |
"Bayes" |
"2018" |
4 |
"MATA-SBoot" |
"2019" |
4 |
"xjView" |
"2015" |
4 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Statistical" |
"2011" |
4 |
"HLM" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Exon" |
"2016" |
4 |
"StepOnePlus" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Tris-HCl" |
"2012" |
4 |
"BaySICS" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Summit" |
"2010" |
4 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2009" |
4 |
"LSM" |
"2011" |
4 |
"TBSS" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Modeltest" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Step" |
"2019" |
4 |
"IMa2" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Tri-Reagent" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Geneious R8" |
"2018" |
4 |
"limma" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Affymetrix Expression Console" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Factor" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Eprime" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"Quantity One" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Bioconductor" |
"2019" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"GenABEL" |
"2018" |
4 |
"standard" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Wikipedia" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"BiLEVE" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"Open-source software" |
"2015" |
4 |
"OriginPro" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Subsection" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2011" |
4 |
"Mr.Bayes" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Gblocks" |
"2015" |
4 |
"PrePex" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2008" |
4 |
"JACS" |
"2019" |
4 |
"MACH" |
"2011" |
4 |
"StatView" |
"2016" |
4 |
"WHO AnthroPlus" |
"2017" |
4 |
"BioGPS" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Avisoft Recorder" |
"2018" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"PedCheck" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Spatial Analyst" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Visual C++" |
"2011" |
4 |
"openSMILE" |
"2017" |
4 |
"StereoInvestigator" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Białowieża" |
"2012" |
4 |
"SeaView" |
"2011" |
4 |
"GitHub" |
"2019" |
4 |
"StepOne" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Neurolucida" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2009" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"mean±SEM" |
"2009" |
4 |
"TargetScan" |
"2015" |
4 |
"TSA" |
"2012" |
4 |
"SPM8" |
"2006" |
4 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2017" |
4 |
"FieldTrip" |
"2011" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"NetLogo" |
"2018" |
4 |
"BEDtools" |
"2017" |
4 |
"DESeq" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Bayes" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2015" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"z-Tree" |
"2013" |
4 |
"PncAOM" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2013" |
4 |
"LibLAS" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Stereo Investigator" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Primer-E Primer" |
"2008" |
4 |
"C57BL/6J" |
"2013" |
4 |
"EyeVision" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Erdös-Rényi" |
"2014" |
4 |
"MassCONECT" |
"2012" |
4 |
"GEEs" |
"2014" |
4 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms" |
"2017" |
4 |
"glmnet" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Joinpoint Regression" |
"2018" |
4 |
"PowerLab" |
"2014" |
4 |
"FreKAQ-J" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Avisoft Recorder" |
"2013" |
4 |
"ClinProTools" |
"2014" |
4 |
"PostgreSQL" |
"2017" |
4 |
"tpsDig2" |
"2019" |
4 |
"R Foundation for Statistical Computing" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Ngene" |
"2014" |
4 |
"McNemar" |
"2014" |
4 |
"SNAP" |
"2016" |
4 |
"GPower" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2014" |
4 |
"Ensembl" |
"2009" |
4 |
"Environmental Performance Index" |
"2014" |
4 |
"NodeXL" |
"2012" |
4 |
"FigTree" |
"2011" |
4 |
"MegAlign" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Affymetrix GeneChip" |
"2014" |
4 |
"RMET" |
"2018" |
4 |
"PAUP*" |
"2018" |
4 |
"FAST" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Curry" |
"2017" |
4 |
"BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor" |
"2014" |
4 |
"survival" |
"2017" |
4 |
"ENMtools" |
"2014" |
4 |
"GeneChip" |
"2013" |
4 |
"NIH" |
"2014" |
4 |
"2018" |
4 |
"GreenGenes" |
"2018" |
4 |
"CLC Genomics Workbench" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Matplotlib" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Praat" |
"2010" |
4 |
"ELAN" |
"2019" |
4 |
"ratetoprob" |
"2013" |
4 |
"FDT" |
"2016" |
4 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2011" |
4 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2011" |
4 |
"activPAL" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Haploview" |
"2019" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"Psychophysics Toolbox" |
"2015" |
4 |
"EEMD" |
"2014" |
4 |
"MatchIt" |
"2017" |
4 |
"IDL" |
"2015" |
4 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Sequencher" |
"2007" |
4 |
"Quanto" |
"2017" |
4 |
"Avizo" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Analook" |
"2018" |
4 |
"GeneMarker" |
"2016" |
4 |
"MSEL" |
"2019" |
4 |
"randomForest" |
"2015" |
4 |
"JMP (statistical software)" |
"2007" |
4 |
"R Foundation for Statistical Computing" |
"2018" |
4 |
"SNPAlyze" |
"2012" |
4 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Stereo Investigator" |
"2011" |
4 |
"Baobab" |
"2017" |
4 |
"diveMove" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Fiji" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Gene Mapper" |
"2014" |
4 |
"FreeIPA" |
"2009" |
4 |
"StatView" |
"2015" |
4 |
"sRAGE" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2017" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"SKAT" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2019" |
4 |
"FACS Diva" |
"2012" |
4 |
"CONN (functional connectivity toolbox)" |
"2019" |
4 |
"Presentation" |
"2010" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"ImPACT" |
"2012" |
4 |
"Affymetrix Power Tools" |
"2012" |
4 |
"image processing" |
"2015" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"Image" |
"2013" |
4 |
"Cran R" |
"2015" |
4 |
"BET" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2011" |
4 |
"PowerLab" |
"2011" |
4 |
"TCS" |
"2018" |
4 |
"PopTools" |
"2012" |
4 |
"PowerLab" |
"2018" |
4 |
"GeneScan" |
"2015" |
4 |
"Wikipedia" |
"2015" |
4 |
"R2WinBUGS" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Arlequin" |
"2007" |
4 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2016" |
4 |
"Eupristina" |
"2014" |
4 |
"PowerMarker" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Observer" |
"2016" |
4 |
"2016" |
4 |
"Max" |
"2011" |
4 |
"PsyScope" |
"2012" |
4 |
"2012" |
4 |
"MetaMap" |
"2019" |
4 |
"VOSviewer" |
"2018" |
4 |
"Statistical" |
"2013" |
4 |
"randomForest" |
"2019" |
4 |
"MassHunter" |
"2017" |
4 |
"TBSS" |
"2014" |
4 |
"randomForest" |
"2017" |
4 |
"2019" |
4 |
"PRSice" |
"2018" |
4 |
"MAF<1" |
"2012" |
3 |
"NRecon" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"R-INLA" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"SentiWordNet" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Genotyper" |
"2008" |
3 |
"msm" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"NPInter" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ViroBLAST" |
"2017" |
3 |
"R Project" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Bio-Plex Manager" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"elPrep" |
"2019" |
3 |
"StatView" |
"2019" |
3 |
"TESS" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Qubit" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2009" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"image analysis" |
"2019" |
3 |
"BaseSpace" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"AutoDELFIA" |
"2014" |
3 |
"WT(ABb" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MacBook" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Phylocom" |
"2014" |
3 |
"CNS" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Apple Software Restore" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Gene-E" |
"2017" |
3 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Photoshop" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2010" |
3 |
"Psychophysics" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2010" |
3 |
"MegAlign" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Amelia" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"MedCalc Statistical" |
"2016" |
3 |
"RAST" |
"2016" |
3 |
"DeCyder" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Max" |
"2018" |
3 |
"CD-HIT" |
"2015" |
3 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Mandoto" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MacVector" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Resting-State fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Power" |
"2013" |
3 |
"RavenPro" |
"2014" |
3 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2010" |
3 |
"2010" |
3 |
"Igraph" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MAF<1" |
"2014" |
3 |
"AlexaFluor" |
"2018" |
3 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Macintosh" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2008" |
3 |
"GeoVision" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Neurolucida" |
"2012" |
3 |
"BESA" |
"2008" |
3 |
"Sickle" |
"2017" |
3 |
"mean±SEM" |
"2013" |
3 |
"ModFit" |
"2016" |
3 |
"AIC" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"Minimac" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Bio-Rad CFX manager" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BigDye" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2012" |
3 |
"TNT" |
"2012" |
3 |
"FuGENE" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Tracer" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Natural Language Toolkit" |
"2011" |
3 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2011" |
3 |
"ASA" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Advanced Normalization Tools" |
"2014" |
3 |
"EViews" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"SOAPdenovo" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"OpenMx" |
"2015" |
3 |
"fmsb ’" |
"2018" |
3 |
"CaCl2" |
"2018" |
3 |
"C++" |
"2018" |
3 |
"SimpleM" |
"2012" |
3 |
"SwissProt" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Sample Size Calculation" |
"2013" |
3 |
"NetStation" |
"2013" |
3 |
"InfoStat" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Sigma Stat" |
"2013" |
3 |
"ASL" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"LatentGOLD" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MedINRIA" |
"2015" |
3 |
"GeneChip" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"FIA" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SPOT" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2012" |
3 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Tableau" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"PyNAST" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"GIMP" |
"2016" |
3 |
"TissueFAXS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"standard" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Coancestry" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Internal rate of return" |
"2017" |
3 |
"CorelDRAW" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Robust Multichip Average" |
"2013" |
3 |
"BioSemi ActiveTwo" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MixSIAR" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Living Image" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BCFtools" |
"2018" |
3 |
"R-INLA" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BrainNet Viewer" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ape" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"NeuroExplorer" |
"2017" |
3 |
"emmeans" |
"2019" |
3 |
"geosphere" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Cutadapt" |
"2019" |
3 |
"ResNet" |
"2019" |
3 |
"OCT" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"MrModeltest" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MicrobeJ" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Breslow" |
"2017" |
3 |
"StatsDirect" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BenMAP" |
"2016" |
3 |
"FreeSurfer" |
"2010" |
3 |
"FuGENE" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Trizol" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2009" |
3 |
"BALB/cAJ" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Qubit" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"RTCA" |
"2012" |
3 |
"xjView" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"SPAdes" |
"2017" |
3 |
"ArcView" |
"2009" |
3 |
"InfoStat" |
"2015" |
3 |
"BioPlex" |
"2014" |
3 |
"DSI Studio" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Coefficient of relationship" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Spatial Analysis" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"WinNonlin" |
"2014" |
3 |
"DataAnalysis" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MapQTL" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MEME" |
"2015" |
3 |
"ART image file format" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SocioPatterns" |
"2014" |
3 |
"NetStation" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SOAP" |
"2014" |
3 |
"CalcuSyn" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Predictive Analytics" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SkyScan" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"MrBayes" |
"2005" |
3 |
"Geomagic Studio" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Unscrambler X" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Image" |
"2017" |
3 |
"GPS" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Gimlet (tool)" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2016" |
3 |
"labdsv" |
"2014" |
3 |
"FMRIB ’s diffusion" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"GeNorm" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Canvas" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Pajek" |
"2014" |
3 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Browser" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Primer3Plus" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"Sawtooth" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"TSA" |
"2017" |
3 |
"TBS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"GTEx" |
"2016" |
3 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2014" |
3 |
"InVEST" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Isoplot" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Ensembl" |
"2019" |
3 |
"TruSeq" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Brain Voyager" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"DESeq" |
"2012" |
3 |
"JEOL" |
"2015" |
3 |
"FSLView" |
"2017" |
3 |
"IMSS" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Professional" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Tobii StudioTM" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"TwitterMate" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Psychophysics Toolbox" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Paint Bucket" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2010" |
3 |
"LibLAS" |
"2013" |
3 |
"PowerMarker" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Typer" |
"2012" |
3 |
"TASK" |
"2017" |
3 |
"μCT" |
"2017" |
3 |
"TaKaRa" |
"2016" |
3 |
"MNE" |
"2013" |
3 |
"TBSS" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SAM" |
"2018" |
3 |
"R Statistical" |
"2011" |
3 |
"PAID" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PieceRank" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Solomon Coder" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BET" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Tri-Reagent" |
"2014" |
3 |
"adehabitat" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Clustal X" |
"2011" |
3 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2018" |
3 |
"OGS" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"C57BL/6J" |
"2019" |
3 |
"AICcmodavg" |
"2016" |
3 |
"CilDB" |
"2019" |
3 |
"QuantStudio Real-Time PCR" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Cancer Genome Atlas" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Affymetrix" |
"2011" |
3 |
"PennCNV" |
"2010" |
3 |
"SSM" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"CLC Genomics Workbench" |
"2013" |
3 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Macintosh" |
"2013" |
3 |
"glmmADMB" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Analyzer" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Fast System SDS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SQL" |
"2019" |
3 |
"MATSim" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SnPM" |
"2013" |
3 |
"IPLab" |
"2015" |
3 |
"FaceGen" |
"2015" |
3 |
"graphics" |
"2017" |
3 |
"BepiPred" |
"2017" |
3 |
"TBS" |
"2012" |
3 |
"PartitionFinder" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Patchmaster" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Security event manager" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Clustal X" |
"2010" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"Pfam" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Newbler" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Analyst" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Annotation" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Read" |
"2012" |
3 |
"BioPAX" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Openlab" |
"2013" |
3 |
"S_Tools-STx" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Landsat" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"ISEI" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ProtParam" |
"2018" |
3 |
"SOAPdenovo" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Scaffold" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MRIcro" |
"2014" |
3 |
"NeuroExplorer" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Coot" |
"2014" |
3 |
"S-Plus" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Vision" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Stata" |
"2006" |
3 |
"StataSE" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MySQL" |
"2010" |
3 |
"MrBayes" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Endo-PAT" |
"2015" |
3 |
"BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Atlas" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Microsoft Kinect" |
"2016" |
3 |
"RStan" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Sample Size Calculation" |
"2015" |
3 |
"NucleoSpin" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"glmer" |
"2017" |
3 |
"PickAtlas" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"Wikipedia" |
"2013" |
3 |
"UCSF Chimera" |
"2013" |
3 |
"FreeNA" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2012" |
3 |
"PickAtlas" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Scion" |
"2011" |
3 |
"NaH2PO4" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Optimas" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Inquisit" |
"2013" |
3 |
"BatSound Pro" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"EventMeasure" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Mothur" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"MarkSimGCM" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ProtTest" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MetaWin" |
"2014" |
3 |
"forecast" |
"2014" |
3 |
"PBS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"MicroView" |
"2016" |
3 |
"miTALOS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"NeuroExplorer" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Rotor-Gene" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"N-Vivo" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Landsat" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"Statistical Package for the Social Sciences—SPSS" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2007" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"RAW" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"MySQL" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MiSeq Reagent Kit" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2008" |
3 |
"RNase" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Reference Manager" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"MALDI Biotyper" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ConvEEGNN" |
"2016" |
3 |
"μCT" |
"2018" |
3 |
"FEAT" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PubMed" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Odyssey" |
"2012" |
3 |
"ProtParam" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Spanish" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SAS Studio" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Ledalab" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Ekondotiti" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Psychology" |
"2010" |
3 |
"MZmine" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Tris-HCl" |
"2010" |
3 |
"NaH2PO4" |
"2012" |
3 |
"CaCl2" |
"2019" |
3 |
"ImageLab" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Clampex" |
"2012" |
3 |
"SIAR" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Se-Al" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Clampex" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SeqMan" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SL:WL" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"GNU Compiler Collection" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Anthro-Plus" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Automated Anatomical Labeling" |
"2017" |
3 |
"WiseNews" |
"2017" |
3 |
"image analysis system" |
"2012" |
3 |
"OpenMx" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"LimeSurvey" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Mauve (test suite)" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MetaCore" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"SemMedDB" |
"2018" |
3 |
"forecast" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Microsoft Academic Search" |
"2010" |
3 |
"SeqMan" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Weka (machine learning)" |
"2012" |
3 |
"GelRed" |
"2018" |
3 |
"MetaMorphTM" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Genetix" |
"2006" |
3 |
"geepack" |
"2014" |
3 |
"export" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"πikπik′" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BrainVision Recorder" |
"2013" |
3 |
"ASReml" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Genome Analysis Toolkit" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Light Cycler" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Vortex" |
"2018" |
3 |
"SNA" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"ANTS" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GenStat" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Swiss-model" |
"2014" |
3 |
"FPSS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"BaseSpace" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"FastTree-II" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PhpMyAdmin" |
"2012" |
3 |
"AngioVue" |
"2018" |
3 |
"PASW" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ICC" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Lasso" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Unity" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Geomagic" |
"2018" |
3 |
"StatsDirect" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Mac OS" |
"2013" |
3 |
"TBSS" |
"2018" |
3 |
"iPYRAD" |
"2018" |
3 |
"LSM" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"A-MUD" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Gene Mapper" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Mann-Whitney" |
"2018" |
3 |
"FibroScan" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"VG Studio MAX" |
"2018" |
3 |
"GingerALE" |
"2016" |
3 |
"ArcCN-Runoff" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Emilia-Romagna" |
"2017" |
3 |
"PyCorder" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Imaris" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Gemtc" |
"2019" |
3 |
"OS/VS2 (SVS)" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Google Search" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Olympus CAST system" |
"2013" |
3 |
"TempEst" |
"2019" |
3 |
"TreeStat" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"PickAtlas" |
"2012" |
3 |
"STATAv.13" |
"2015" |
3 |
"CorelDRAW" |
"2018" |
3 |
"RQ Manager" |
"2012" |
3 |
"AutoDock" |
"2015" |
3 |
"TukeyHSD" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2007" |
3 |
"SitFIT" |
"2019" |
3 |
"IsoArk" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Vienna Development Method" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SuperLab" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Brain Products" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Ecopath" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"computer" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"SPOT" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Babylab" |
"2019" |
3 |
"ImageGauge" |
"2015" |
3 |
"CombCount" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"MacBook" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Modeltest" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Wolfram Mathematica" |
"2010" |
3 |
"AngioVue Analytics" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"BEDtools" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Morfessor" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Monitor" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach" |
"2019" |
3 |
"3D-Rugle" |
"2019" |
3 |
"glmnet" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Mothur" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Tree Annotator" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Discovery Studio" |
"2016" |
3 |
"P2down" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GDA" |
"2013" |
3 |
"RDS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"BiAS" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"CellProfiler" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Kubios" |
"2015" |
3 |
"EstimateS" |
"2017" |
3 |
"PubMed" |
"2010" |
3 |
"SmartCapture" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MarkerView" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Mothur" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Comsol" |
"2018" |
3 |
"TNT" |
"2018" |
3 |
"IDL" |
"2011" |
3 |
"SPTB" |
"2012" |
3 |
"FMO3" |
"2016" |
3 |
"RAW" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"LabChart" |
"2014" |
3 |
"OpenMx" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SDMtoolbox" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Prokka" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2009" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Analyzer" |
"2014" |
3 |
"art-imaging" |
"2014" |
3 |
"miRDB" |
"2016" |
3 |
"TCS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"MiSeq Reagent Kit" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2010" |
3 |
"MiniAnalysis" |
"2012" |
3 |
"GeneAmp" |
"2017" |
3 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Pfam" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SSMU" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Newton-Raphson" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Sound Forge" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"twang ’" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Blender" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Epa Cardio" |
"2017" |
3 |
"BiLSTM" |
"2019" |
3 |
"MatMan" |
"2016" |
3 |
"REDCap" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MacVector" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"AMOS" |
"2011" |
3 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2007" |
3 |
"activPAL ™ Professional Research Edition" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Winsteps" |
"2015" |
3 |
"InterProScan" |
"2013" |
3 |
"OCT" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Phred quality score" |
"2019" |
3 |
"BESA" |
"2010" |
3 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2015" |
3 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2015" |
3 |
"BAPS" |
"2014" |
3 |
"LightCycler" |
"2008" |
3 |
"WHO AnthroPlus" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Mimics" |
"2015" |
3 |
"PCBaSe" |
"2014" |
3 |
"VBM8" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Generic Mapping Tools" |
"2017" |
3 |
"AutoDock" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Analyst" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2009" |
3 |
"Clampfit" |
"2017" |
3 |
"TBS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"PennCath" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Amelia" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MCMCglmm" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MedDRA" |
"2011" |
3 |
"BeGaze" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Stan" |
"2015" |
3 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"gplots" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MUMmer" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"BRMS" |
"2019" |
3 |
"R igraph" |
"2007" |
3 |
"CRU TS" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Correlation Engine" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Plexon Sort Client" |
"2013" |
3 |
"X-ray" |
"2019" |
3 |
"FastTree" |
"2013" |
3 |
"NaCl" |
"2012" |
3 |
"HTSeq" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Lathe center" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SHEsis" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Sequencher" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"AxioVision" |
"2006" |
3 |
"Lasso" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Curry" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Social Science Statistics" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SHEsis" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Caret" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Plexiglas" |
"2017" |
3 |
"IMovie" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"OpenSesame" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Manifold System" |
"2014" |
3 |
"StatsDirect" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Google Search" |
"2012" |
3 |
"NetDraw" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Brill tagger" |
"2013" |
3 |
"TEMPy" |
"2018" |
3 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2008" |
3 |
"ActiLife" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Galaxy (computational biology)" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Genious" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Tissue Studio" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Ensembl" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MCMC" |
"2013" |
3 |
"multcomp" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Neuroscore" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Landsat" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BayesAss" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SUMA" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Access" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PostgreSQL" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Viewpoint Media Player" |
"2018" |
3 |
"WFU PickAtlas" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Vienna Development Method" |
"2018" |
3 |
"EyeLink" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Avisoft Recorder" |
"2008" |
3 |
"Feature Extraction" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Visiopharm Integrator System" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Tableau" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Tobii" |
"2014" |
3 |
"TreeView" |
"2013" |
3 |
"R2WinBUGS" |
"2011" |
3 |
"LDNe" |
"2014" |
3 |
"RASP" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Chromas" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SAGA" |
"2018" |
3 |
"LIWC2015" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2016" |
3 |
"TreeView" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Primer Express" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Neurosynth" |
"2015" |
3 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MobilityLab" |
"2016" |
3 |
"StatSoft" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Lasso" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Brain Voyager QX" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"InVEST" |
"2017" |
3 |
"glmmADMB" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SoftMax Pro" |
"2017" |
3 |
"geomorph" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Syrinx" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"custom-written" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"WorldClim" |
"2019" |
3 |
"AxioVision" |
"2009" |
3 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2011" |
3 |
"PrimeScript" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Mutation Surveyor" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Diffusion Toolkit" |
"2013" |
3 |
"English" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PC-ORD" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"MAAS" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"PhpMyAdmin" |
"2013" |
3 |
"dismo" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"EstimateS" |
"2010" |
3 |
"ClinicalTrials.gov" |
"2018" |
3 |
"psychopy_ext" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SignalP" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Observer" |
"2011" |
3 |
"METs" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Microsoft Kinect" |
"2018" |
3 |
"AntWeb" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Lasso" |
"2019" |
3 |
"BioSig" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"National Statistics" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Meadow (programming)" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Cutadapt" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Galaxy (computational biology)" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Psychomorph" |
"2018" |
3 |
"EyeLink Data Viewer" |
"2012" |
3 |
"PAML" |
"2008" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"MATLAB-based" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Statistic" |
"2016" |
3 |
"R stats" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Mark (designation)" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Zonal Statistics" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"March–May" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MicroPEM" |
"2016" |
3 |
"MyHeARTs" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Open PHACTS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Progenesis QI" |
"2018" |
3 |
"SuperLab" |
"2019" |
3 |
"GenomicRanges" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Bristol Perseus" |
"2019" |
3 |
"languageR" |
"2013" |
3 |
"GraphPadPrism" |
"2017" |
3 |
"GeNorm" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GraphPadPrism" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Clustal X" |
"2008" |
3 |
"MiSeq" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Beacon designer" |
"2011" |
3 |
"InterVA" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Read" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Simplot" |
"2011" |
3 |
"OpenCV" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Max" |
"2014" |
3 |
"OsiriX" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Max" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Openlab" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2009" |
3 |
"Mixed-Effects" |
"2016" |
3 |
"MiDAS" |
"2012" |
3 |
"MacVector" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Enketo" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Image-Pro Express" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SHEsis" |
"2012" |
3 |
"GelRed" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Genetic Power Calculator" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SoundEdit" |
"2010" |
3 |
"BD FACSDiva" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Bioconductor R" |
"2012" |
3 |
"SAIL" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"ESTScan" |
"2014" |
3 |
"S-Plus" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Instat" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"SIMMs" |
"2012" |
3 |
"ConsNet" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"Block" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Mac OS X Panther" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Pathway Studio" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Medoc Israel" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Biotyper" |
"2014" |
3 |
"PowerMarker" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SurveyGizmo" |
"2017" |
3 |
"LENA" |
"2016" |
3 |
"PartitionFinder" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MICE" |
"2019" |
3 |
"EPA Method" |
"2015" |
3 |
"NaCl" |
"2014" |
3 |
"C57BL/6J" |
"2016" |
3 |
"multcomp" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"OpenBUGS" |
"2017" |
3 |
"computer" |
"2012" |
3 |
"CorelDRAW" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Bayes" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"NeuroPatt" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"BrainVision" |
"2014" |
3 |
"calculator" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Beagle" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Winsteps" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GridQTL" |
"2013" |
3 |
"AnyMaze" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Bio-Rad" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"AmpureXP" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2010" |
3 |
"randomForest" |
"2011" |
3 |
"FDT" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GNU Scientific Library" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Brain Vision" |
"2013" |
3 |
"EQS" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Raster Calculator" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SwissProt" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Primer Express" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Consed" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2011" |
3 |
"ASReml" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Tris-EDTA" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"GRS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2015" |
3 |
"FACS Suite" |
"2016" |
3 |
"NetLogo" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Brain Voyager QX" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Clampex" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Genome Analysis Toolkit" |
"2017" |
3 |
"REDCap" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Agilent ChemStation" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Ecodist" |
"2013" |
3 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Wells-Riley" |
"2016" |
3 |
"MeterPlus" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Open Code" |
"2018" |
3 |
"MSD ChemStation" |
"2016" |
3 |
"StepOne" |
"2014" |
3 |
"ELAN" |
"2018" |
3 |
"MRIcro" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Table (information)" |
"2012" |
3 |
"BatSound Pro" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Marxan" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2012" |
3 |
"ROCR" |
"2016" |
3 |
"VGStudio MAX" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"OpenCV" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Visual Basic" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"Imaris" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"FluoView" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Analysis of Functional NeuroImages" |
"2009" |
3 |
"CONN (functional connectivity toolbox)" |
"2016" |
3 |
"JWatcher" |
"2013" |
3 |
"R Commander" |
"2017" |
3 |
"ReMOAT" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Essential" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Distance" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Visual C++" |
"2014" |
3 |
"PyNAST" |
"2014" |
3 |
"LAS AF" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Analyse-it" |
"2013" |
3 |
"AxioCam" |
"2016" |
3 |
"ImmunoSpot" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Multi Gauge" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"gstat" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SASLab Pro" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Tobii Studio" |
"2013" |
3 |
"pegas" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"Perl" |
"2008" |
3 |
"SHMS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"GeneNetwork" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Pfam" |
"2007" |
3 |
"GSEA" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Jacob" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Reference Manager" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Linux" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Survey Monkey" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GoPro" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Stata/MP" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SVM" |
"2016" |
3 |
"computer" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Procrustes" |
"2018" |
3 |
"PedsQL" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Visual FoxPro" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"ABI BigDye Terminator" |
"2012" |
3 |
"OsiriX" |
"2011" |
3 |
"glmnet" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Appendix" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Visual Molecular Dynamics" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"ProbABEL" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Image Studio" |
"2018" |
3 |
"multcomp" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"ImageMaster" |
"2014" |
3 |
"AxioVision" |
"2007" |
3 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2008" |
3 |
"EyeSeeCam ™" |
"2018" |
3 |
"AttoVision" |
"2018" |
3 |
"PAL" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Precellys®24" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"VLC media player" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Distance" |
"2007" |
3 |
"SeqScape" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"analyzepsat" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Stereo Investigator" |
"2012" |
3 |
"InterPro" |
"2012" |
3 |
"BayesX" |
"2010" |
3 |
"R Project" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Primer Premier" |
"2019" |
3 |
"MacClade" |
"2007" |
3 |
"Solomon Coder" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Statistic" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Boot" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Bowman′s" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Netica" |
"2018" |
3 |
"R2WinBUGS" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Biostat" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"FunctionAnnotator" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Java Treeview" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"X-ray" |
"2013" |
3 |
"AutoDimer" |
"2013" |
3 |
"VitalView" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Open Access" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Rosetta" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MLwiN" |
"2010" |
3 |
"MSMBuilder" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Topspin" |
"2014" |
3 |
"DnaSP" |
"2006" |
3 |
"Twitter" |
"2017" |
3 |
"E-Prime Professional" |
"2015" |
3 |
"KineSoft" |
"2015" |
3 |
"in-house" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Mobile Service Architecture" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Anthro-Plus" |
"2014" |
3 |
"BayesFactor" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Ratwalk" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SUMA" |
"2015" |
3 |
"RT-PCR" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Network Security Services" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Surrogate Variable Analysis" |
"2019" |
3 |
"@Risk" |
"2010" |
3 |
"CIDI" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Genesifter" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Operating system" |
"2019" |
3 |
"ExploreDTI" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Bio-Plex Manager" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Sci2" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Stata/IC" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Adobe Illustrator" |
"2012" |
3 |
"OpenGeoDa" |
"2015" |
3 |
"GeneMapper" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Common ISDN Application Programming Interface" |
"2017" |
3 |
"NCSS (statistical software)" |
"2017" |
3 |
"TreeView" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Observer XT" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PyHST2" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Analysis" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Merlin" |
"2014" |
3 |
"ABI" |
"2018" |
3 |
"KCl" |
"2014" |
3 |
"KING" |
"2012" |
3 |
"GeneScan" |
"2008" |
3 |
"edgeR" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SeqScape" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Ctrax" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Twitter Advanced Search" |
"2018" |
3 |
"MIDI" |
"2018" |
3 |
"rptR" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GEE" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Vortex" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Exam" |
"2019" |
3 |
"lsmeans" |
"2017" |
3 |
"NASA" |
"2013" |
3 |
"FlexAnalysis" |
"2016" |
3 |
"STAR" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Tracker" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"NCBI Primer-BLAST" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SNA" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Hmisc" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Kallisto" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SNAP" |
"2013" |
3 |
"ETE" |
"2016" |
3 |
"DADA2" |
"2019" |
3 |
"BioNJ" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Expression Analysis Systematic Explorer" |
"2016" |
3 |
"PyMOL" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Tinker" |
"2014" |
3 |
"PyCogent" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Primer3Plus" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"MgCl2" |
"2017" |
3 |
"PEEK and POKE" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Epoch Multi-Volume Spectrophotometer System" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"JoinMap" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SIMCA-P+" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MetaboAnalyst" |
"2014" |
3 |
"BAPS" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"PyNAST" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Mascot Distiller" |
"2011" |
3 |
"iPlan Stereotaxy" |
"2016" |
3 |
"MapInfo Professional" |
"2016" |
3 |
"PAS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Genetix" |
"2010" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"PopART" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"Chart" |
"2018" |
3 |
"PMOD" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Geneious R8" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"SAM" |
"2016" |
3 |
"PSPP" |
"2017" |
3 |
"NodeXL" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Berkeley Madonna" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Abrosoft FantaMorph" |
"2018" |
3 |
"México" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Image EP" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Creative Commons Attribution" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Primer Premier" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GeneScan" |
"2009" |
3 |
"InterProScan" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"MUMmer" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2012" |
3 |
"mirt" |
"2018" |
3 |
"C++" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Tools" |
"2010" |
3 |
"TotalPop" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Master" |
"2017" |
3 |
"NanoDrop" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2009" |
3 |
"Staden Package" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GenAlEx" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Delphi" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Microsoft Office Excel" |
"2011" |
3 |
"X-ray" |
"2015" |
3 |
"StatCalc" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Magpi" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"BrainVision" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Ekuseru-Toukei" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Eventlog" |
"2009" |
3 |
"AMOS" |
"2010" |
3 |
"FASTX-Toolkit" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Triton-X" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MacBook" |
"2015" |
3 |
"HOMER2" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SNPRelate R" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Research" |
"2016" |
3 |
"custom-made" |
"2014" |
3 |
"AlphaSim" |
"2016" |
3 |
"image processing" |
"2012" |
3 |
"CIDI" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Plink" |
"2007" |
3 |
"car" |
"2016" |
3 |
"NCSS (statistical software)" |
"2018" |
3 |
"DIVA" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Gnuplot" |
"2014" |
3 |
"RVAideMemoire" |
"2019" |
3 |
"StereoInvestigator" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Extended QUEST" |
"2014" |
3 |
"BioSemi ActiveTwo" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SPSS PASW Statistics" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Statistical Computing" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Stubb" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Visual Analogue Scale" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Nuance" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Leica Confocal" |
"2011" |
3 |
"ORF Finder" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Hawth ’s Analysis Tools" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Greenhouse-Geisser" |
"2015" |
3 |
"BioMart" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PHYRE2" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Cartool" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Gen5" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Graph Prism" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Java Treeview" |
"2012" |
3 |
"VLC media player" |
"2019" |
3 |
"MassHunter" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2016" |
3 |
"ReMIT" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"FDiv.SES" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Image Lab" |
"2013" |
3 |
"BayeSSC" |
"2013" |
3 |
"raster" |
"2018" |
3 |
"RDS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GeneMarker" |
"2019" |
3 |
"GoldWave" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Agilent ChemStation" |
"2019" |
3 |
"UCSF Chimera" |
"2018" |
3 |
"TaqMan Environmental Master" |
"2018" |
3 |
"CLC Main Workbench" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Bio-Rad CFX manager" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Analyst" |
"2014" |
3 |
"VG Studio MAX" |
"2015" |
3 |
"tpsDig2" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Natural Language Toolkit" |
"2019" |
3 |
"NAMD" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"MosaiX" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Innokin iTaste MVP" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BioNJ" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GRADEpro" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Bio-Rad CFX manager" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SuperLab" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"BWA" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"R-software" |
"2017" |
3 |
"lmer" |
"2019" |
3 |
"TasteSensomics" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Etholog" |
"2014" |
3 |
"TreeView" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Kinovea" |
"2018" |
3 |
"NIH Image J" |
"2015" |
3 |
"FaceGen Modeller" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Wake Forest University Pickatlas" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MgSO4" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SnpEff" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Brain Vision Recorder" |
"2013" |
3 |
"AIC" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"RCP" |
"2013" |
3 |
"NAMD" |
"2016" |
3 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Microsoft Academic Search" |
"2018" |
3 |
"NIST (metric)" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Clustal X" |
"2007" |
3 |
"qBasePLUS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Bray-Curtis" |
"2013" |
3 |
"GenBank" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Audacity (audio editor)" |
"2012" |
3 |
"AnyMaze" |
"2016" |
3 |
"TCS" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"NbClust" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"MarketScan" |
"2019" |
3 |
"TrEMBL" |
"2016" |
3 |
"adehabitatHR" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SpectraSuite" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Framework" |
"2012" |
3 |
"CaCl2" |
"2011" |
3 |
"TreeView" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"ggtree" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Coda (web development software)" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MetaMap" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"MaxRel" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"PSS" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Home Range Tools" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SIFT" |
"2014" |
3 |
"geepack" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GenomeStudio" |
"2017" |
3 |
"R Project for Statistical Computing" |
"2014" |
3 |
"qBase" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Antechamber" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Stoplight Game" |
"2015" |
3 |
"AIC" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Motion Studio" |
"2015" |
3 |
"WalkRun" |
"2016" |
3 |
"gamm4" |
"2018" |
3 |
"MoLFunCs" |
"2009" |
3 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2013" |
3 |
"CFX Manager" |
"2017" |
3 |
"JWatcher" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Genetic Power Calculator" |
"2013" |
3 |
"RUMM2020" |
"2014" |
3 |
"March–May" |
"2018" |
3 |
"PQmethod" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"Microsoft Visual Studio" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"EstimateS" |
"2018" |
3 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2010" |
3 |
"UCSF Chimera" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Song-GUI" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2009" |
3 |
"RP" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Chart" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2019" |
3 |
"BrainVision Analyzer" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Open Science Framework" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BioMart" |
"2012" |
3 |
"BigDye" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Coin3D" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"FantaMorph" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MetABEL" |
"2015" |
3 |
"ARB Project" |
"2013" |
3 |
"glmmADMB" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"AlexNet" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Facebook" |
"2010" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"MitoSOX" |
"2017" |
3 |
"ActiLife" |
"2013" |
3 |
"CaCl2" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"LRmix Studio" |
"2017" |
3 |
"AnyMaze" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"iPLEX" |
"2013" |
3 |
"standard" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GenStat" |
"2010" |
3 |
"ProbABEL" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Reference Manager" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Proteome Discoverer" |
"2019" |
3 |
"GeneScan" |
"2011" |
3 |
"BrainWeb" |
"2013" |
3 |
"NimbleScan" |
"2012" |
3 |
"ISSU" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BUCKy" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Vicon Nexus" |
"2018" |
3 |
"PubMed" |
"2015" |
3 |
"TransCAD" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Mini Analysis" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Pajek" |
"2009" |
3 |
"AmberTools" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"STIM2" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Affect" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Rao-Scott" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"2010" |
3 |
"TritonX-PBS" |
"2010" |
3 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2019" |
3 |
"meta" |
"2015" |
3 |
"LDNe" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Lasergene" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2008" |
3 |
"EZR" |
"2017" |
3 |
"GenBank" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Security event manager" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SAPS" |
"2013" |
3 |
"TMEV" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Gen5" |
"2018" |
3 |
"DIAS" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Cogent" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Arc GIS" |
"2018" |
3 |
"RAW" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Primer Express" |
"2017" |
3 |
"OptiMEM" |
"2018" |
3 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Mplus" |
"2008" |
3 |
"GOstats" |
"2011" |
3 |
"AlexNet" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Kinship" |
"2012" |
3 |
"mean±SEM" |
"2014" |
3 |
"custom-written" |
"2017" |
3 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Morphologika" |
"2012" |
3 |
"CaCl2" |
"2017" |
3 |
"AnalySeries" |
"2014" |
3 |
"ArcView" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Empower" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MapViewer" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Analysis of Moment Structures" |
"2017" |
3 |
"FluoView" |
"2013" |
3 |
"GingerALE" |
"2011" |
3 |
"JoinMap" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Zeiss AxioVision" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Comprehensive Meta-Analysis" |
"2010" |
3 |
"FastTree" |
"2019" |
3 |
"DisMod-MR" |
"2018" |
3 |
"FCS Express" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Multi Gauge" |
"2015" |
3 |
"glmnet" |
"2014" |
3 |
"AxioCam digital camera" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Soft independent modelling of class analogies" |
"2016" |
3 |
"TAMs" |
"2016" |
3 |
"IntCal13" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"PLS Toolbox" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie Algebra" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Insect Life Cycle Modeling" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Genetix" |
"2018" |
3 |
"GenABEL" |
"2012" |
3 |
"NaH2PO4" |
"2011" |
3 |
"lme4 R" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2018" |
3 |
"NAMD" |
"2013" |
3 |
"NanoDrop" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Avisoft Recorder" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Oasis" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Mallet (software project)" |
"2019" |
3 |
"In-Silico" |
"2017" |
3 |
"CS Pro" |
"2017" |
3 |
"AMPure" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"Mimics" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Marxan" |
"2006" |
3 |
"MINI" |
"2018" |
3 |
"domain" |
"2016" |
3 |
"IntCal13" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"mitools" |
"2019" |
3 |
"OpenEx" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GeneScan" |
"2017" |
3 |
"GPS" |
"2011" |
3 |
"meta" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MetaboChip" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Sigma Stat" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Statistic" |
"2018" |
3 |
"domain" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Collect" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BEAUti" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Collaborative Computational Project Number 4" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"Cross_Match" |
"2012" |
3 |
"ImmPRESS" |
"2013" |
3 |
"pscl" |
"2017" |
3 |
"ASA" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"TRIzol Reagent" |
"2014" |
3 |
"ENA" |
"2016" |
3 |
"TransectMeasure" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Observer XT" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"HaploReg" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Open Context" |
"2019" |
3 |
"OLIGO Primer Analysis Software" |
"2016" |
3 |
"NetworkX" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Simplot" |
"2012" |
3 |
"MITI" |
"2016" |
3 |
"PMOD" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Observer" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"Amazon Mechanical Turk" |
"2018" |
3 |
"tpsDig2" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"GWR" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Macintosh" |
"2016" |
3 |
"car" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MED-PC" |
"2014" |
3 |
"FoodWorks" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"KDE Plasma 4" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Operating system" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Ensembl" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SigmaScan" |
"2012" |
3 |
"SDMTools" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"BLOT" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Phred quality score" |
"2012" |
3 |
"MestReNova" |
"2013" |
3 |
"REDCap" |
"2015" |
3 |
"PTE" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Talking Rx" |
"2018" |
3 |
"R Statistical" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"iTOL" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"image analysis system" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2010" |
3 |
"SPSS Modeler" |
"2017" |
3 |
"RAxML" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"OpenMx" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Ingenuity" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Access" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Resting-State fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit" |
"2016" |
3 |
"GARPTools" |
"2019" |
3 |
"ESRI" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Genotyper" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Cartool" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Macintosh" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Ensembl" |
"2017" |
3 |
"CFX Manager" |
"2019" |
3 |
"cellSens Dimension" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Bio-Plex Manager" |
"2014" |
3 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2012" |
3 |
"NCBI" |
"2008" |
3 |
"mclust" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GIFT" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Genome Analysis Toolkit" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"SocioPatterns" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"PBS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BeadStudio" |
"2015" |
3 |
"GEE" |
"2015" |
3 |
"RevMan" |
"2012" |
3 |
"TNT" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GelRed" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Eye of GNOME" |
"2016" |
3 |
"PriProbit" |
"2013" |
3 |
"ABI" |
"2013" |
3 |
"RDP" |
"2012" |
3 |
"EstimateS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"MorphoJ" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SwissProt" |
"2015" |
3 |
"NIH" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2018" |
3 |
"SEED" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Praat" |
"2008" |
3 |
"Observer" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Epidata" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Topspin" |
"2017" |
3 |
"ESRI" |
"2016" |
3 |
"NASA" |
"2019" |
3 |
"FlexArray" |
"2014" |
3 |
"HumanCytoSNP12" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Sequencing Analysis" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Agencourt AMPure" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MitPower" |
"2013" |
3 |
"WFU PickAtlas Tool" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Polar Precision Performance" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"in-house" |
"2017" |
3 |
"GoPro" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Inquisit" |
"2015" |
3 |
"WorldClim" |
"2010" |
3 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"PrGen" |
"2012" |
3 |
"CLC Main Workbench" |
"2015" |
3 |
"BioSigRP" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Bayescan" |
"2017" |
3 |
"FaceGen Modeller" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Analysis" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ABI" |
"2015" |
3 |
"rmeta" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Haplogrep" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MultiGauge" |
"2013" |
3 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2011" |
3 |
"TUNEL assay" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2005" |
3 |
"MCMCglmm" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Metal (API)" |
"2016" |
3 |
"InnerView Research" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MitoSOX" |
"2014" |
3 |
"NimbleScan" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Adobe" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Visual Basic" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Phoenix WinNonlin" |
"2018" |
3 |
"SIMCA-P+" |
"2012" |
3 |
"lsmeans" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SsoPox" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Google Search" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"R Project for Statistical Computing" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BrainNet Viewer" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Biobserve Viewer" |
"2018" |
3 |
"GoldWave" |
"2012" |
3 |
"Image Browser and Adobe Photoshop" |
"2016" |
3 |
"deSolve" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MapInfo Professional" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Power" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Network Analyst" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SwissProt" |
"2012" |
3 |
"SsoPox" |
"2013" |
3 |
"EthoVision XT" |
"2016" |
3 |
"OLIGO Primer Analysis Software" |
"2018" |
3 |
"MIR" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"InSight" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Scaffold" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Primer Premier" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Globalworks" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Vector NTI Advance" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Distance" |
"2018" |
3 |
"WikiPathways" |
"2017" |
3 |
"PMOD" |
"2012" |
3 |
"GLIA" |
"2018" |
3 |
"R Project" |
"2019" |
3 |
"MSMAll" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"PubMed" |
"2018" |
3 |
"RavenPro" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Analysis" |
"2016" |
3 |
"RSEM" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MRIcro" |
"2017" |
3 |
"GeneMANIA" |
"2015" |
3 |
"MICE" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Qubit" |
"2014" |
3 |
"GreenGenes" |
"2016" |
3 |
"miRBase" |
"2019" |
3 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Jalview" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Ranges8" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Affymetrix GeneChip Command Console" |
"2013" |
3 |
"adegenet" |
"2019" |
3 |
"AAR" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SeaView" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SpectroTYPER" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Statistics" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"PartitionFinder" |
"2019" |
3 |
"WordNet" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Noldus Observer" |
"2014" |
3 |
"limma" |
"2015" |
3 |
"rpart" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BLAT (bioinformatics)" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"FastSNP" |
"2013" |
3 |
"BEElab" |
"2012" |
3 |
"VarScan" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2012" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"LimeSurvey" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Paravision" |
"2011" |
3 |
"HLM" |
"2019" |
3 |
"BayesX" |
"2014" |
3 |
"VCFtools" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Macintosh" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Statistics" |
"2011" |
3 |
"custom-written" |
"2012" |
3 |
"HistCite" |
"2017" |
3 |
"DIVA" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Kubios HRV Analysis" |
"2019" |
3 |
"PartitionFinder" |
"2018" |
3 |
"BEDtools" |
"2015" |
3 |
"PresenceAbsence" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"FaceReader" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MACSQuantify" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Gamebreaker" |
"2011" |
3 |
"Rate-monotonic scheduling" |
"2015" |
3 |
"FlexAnalysis" |
"2017" |
3 |
"BisoGenet" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Clampfit" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Morpho" |
"2015" |
3 |
"PsycINFO" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Stepwise" |
"2013" |
3 |
"randomForest" |
"2010" |
3 |
"2010" |
3 |
"BioTrace+" |
"2014" |
3 |
"The Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Read" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Pajek" |
"2016" |
3 |
"OpenSesame" |
"2019" |
3 |
"EventMeasure" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Wilcoxon Signed-Rank" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Dedoose" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Natural Earth" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Merlin" |
"2017" |
3 |
"AcqKnowledge" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Qualimap" |
"2018" |
3 |
"TCS" |
"2010" |
3 |
"PopART" |
"2017" |
3 |
"FaceReader" |
"2014" |
3 |
"WFU PickAtlas Tool" |
"2015" |
3 |
"ArrayExpress" |
"2013" |
3 |
"ProtParam" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Merlin" |
"2011" |
3 |
"SonoBat" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Generic Mapping Tools" |
"2012" |
3 |
"SignalP" |
"2008" |
3 |
"SMS" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"BEElab" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2014" |
3 |
"RNABindR" |
"2016" |
3 |
"InfoStat" |
"2017" |
3 |
"NanoDrop" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Eprime" |
"2013" |
3 |
"PoolEMG" |
"2016" |
3 |
"ENMtools" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Sdb (debugger)" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"Circuitscape" |
"2013" |
3 |
"CCHS" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Eye of GNOME" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Photoshop" |
"2019" |
3 |
"CKAT" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Internal rate of return" |
"2018" |
3 |
"PhyloTree" |
"2013" |
3 |
"PsyScope" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Picante" |
"2014" |
3 |
"MEABench" |
"2012" |
3 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Kodak molecular imaging" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Visual Analogue Scale" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Web (web browser)" |
"2016" |
3 |
"ALOS" |
"2019" |
3 |
"adegenet" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Staden Package" |
"2017" |
3 |
"RS" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Sound Forge" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Abbott" |
"2018" |
3 |
"RNAi" |
"2017" |
3 |
"image processing" |
"2014" |
3 |
"TSA" |
"2018" |
3 |
"ABI Prism" |
"2010" |
3 |
"SIAR" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Android" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Microsoft Access" |
"2007" |
3 |
"BWA" |
"2013" |
3 |
"PS" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2006" |
3 |
"TreeMix" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Image SI" |
"2011" |
3 |
"PAML" |
"2009" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"Mac OS X Panther" |
"2019" |
3 |
"GraphPad Prism" |
"2010" |
3 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2013" |
3 |
"SimaPro" |
"2016" |
3 |
"AngioVue" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2017" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"VGAM" |
"2018" |
3 |
"CrowdFlower" |
"2018" |
3 |
"NCSS (statistical software)" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SAS-callable SUDAAN" |
"2012" |
3 |
"LogCombiner" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Android (operating system)" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"ClockLab" |
"2011" |
3 |
"MMPBSA.py" |
"2019" |
3 |
"CXP" |
"2014" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"iCycler" |
"2014" |
3 |
"BrainVoyagerQX" |
"2011" |
3 |
"VLC media player" |
"2017" |
3 |
"ComBat" |
"2017" |
3 |
"NIH Image J" |
"2012" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Geospatial Modelling Environment" |
"2016" |
3 |
"BrainVision Recorder" |
"2016" |
3 |
"D-Sight" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Table (information)" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Turbo-BrainVoyager" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Avisoft" |
"2019" |
3 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Security event manager" |
"2013" |
3 |
"MaxQuant" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"R/Bioconductor" |
"2013" |
3 |
"2015" |
3 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Access" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Cogent" |
"2010" |
3 |
"Baire category theorem" |
"2017" |
3 |
"SemEval" |
"2018" |
3 |
"XomAnnotate" |
"2015" |
3 |
"CLC" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Latent Gold" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Illumina GenomeStudio" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"2016" |
3 |
"Skyline operator" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Qualtrics survey" |
"2018" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"FinchTV" |
"2014" |
3 |
"SAM" |
"2015" |
3 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2016" |
3 |
"APIS" |
"2006" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Partek Flow" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Instat" |
"2014" |
3 |
"OligoAnalyzer" |
"2015" |
3 |
"2018" |
3 |
"Photoshop" |
"2011" |
3 |
"PBAT" |
"2009" |
3 |
"Openlab" |
"2014" |
3 |
"OLIGO Primer Analysis Software" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Anatomy" |
"2012" |
3 |
"VetDIT" |
"2016" |
3 |
"2019" |
3 |
"2017" |
3 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Raster Calculator" |
"2019" |
3 |
"Actigraphy" |
"2017" |
3 |
"WEGO" |
"2015" |
3 |
"ordinal" |
"2019" |
3 |
"METs" |
"2017" |
3 |
"Pupil" |
"2017" |
3 |
"MacVector" |
"2016" |
3 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2019" |
3 |
"2011" |
3 |
"Coefficient of relationship" |
"2013" |
3 |
"Vertical Mapper" |
"2014" |
3 |
"EUR" |
"2019" |
3 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2016" |
3 |
"Shiny" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Ekuseru-Toukei" |
"2015" |
3 |
"SAIL" |
"2013" |
3 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2019" |
3 |
"SonoBat" |
"2016" |
3 |
"PAML" |
"2011" |
3 |
"2013" |
3 |
"Proteome Discoverer" |
"2014" |
3 |
"Ersatz" |
"2018" |
3 |
"Automated Anatomical Labeling" |
"2015" |
3 |
"FinchTV" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Trans-Proteomic Pipeline" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Freesurfer image analysis suite" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Qualitative Data Analysis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Gene Expression Module" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PharmGKB" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Carestream MI" |
"2015" |
2 |
"LabFit" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Automated Anatomical Labeling" |
"2012" |
2 |
"CatWalk" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MicroELISA" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"WEGO" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Primer Express" |
"2010" |
2 |
"ROCR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ImageMaster" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Heidelberg Eye Explorer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"VirtualDub" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MapInfo Professional" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Coefficient of relationship" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Huygens Essential" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MarsBar SPM" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"BBN" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Platinum" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Image Quant" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SaT Scan" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"VarScan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BaltiX" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"MeSH" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Coda (web development software)" |
"2017" |
2 |
"T-Coffee" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MLST" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Barabási" |
"2011" |
2 |
"NeuroExplorer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MetaModel" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Bayesian Output Analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TerraView" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Kubios HRV Analysis" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"ProxECAT" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Lasergene" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Fragstat" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SwissProt" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MetaXL" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BD Cflow analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Kubios" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Fiji-Image J" |
"2016" |
2 |
"NetLogo" |
"2011" |
2 |
"BaTS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"adehabitatHR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MethPrimer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GenomeLab GeXP eXpress Profiler" |
"2015" |
2 |
"THB" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PedsQLTM" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Cirrus ™ HD-OCT" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"ICD9" |
"2018" |
2 |
"EScribe" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ROCR" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"FunCat" |
"2013" |
2 |
"power analysis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"COSI" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FAST" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SASS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BioRad CFX Manager" |
"2015" |
2 |
"same" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"spatstat" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Kodak Digital Science" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FreBAQ-J" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SnSt" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Staden Package" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Spectrum" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"PMOD" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BayesX" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TurboReg" |
"2017" |
2 |
"DTIStudio" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PrognScan" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Leica Confocal" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SoftMax Pro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SISA" |
"2013" |
2 |
"custom-made" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BeGaze" |
"2018" |
2 |
"tximport" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Resampling Stats" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Pfam" |
"2011" |
2 |
"PennCNV" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Microsoft Visual Studio" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SIFT" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GeneDoc" |
"2012" |
2 |
"E-Prime" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Seqboot" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Sage Synapse" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Yamaha DSP-1" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Picante" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GAMMs" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Phylogeny.fr" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Cutadapt" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Groups" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Brain" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Peninsular Malaysia" |
"2014" |
2 |
"public domain NIH Image" |
"2011" |
2 |
"glm.nb" |
"2019" |
2 |
"pscl" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Rhinoceros 3D" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Social Sciences" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NetLogo" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Prot" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2003" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"PROCESS macro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Brown-Forsythe" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ExPASy" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BEST" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"GWR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GAITRite" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Sleep analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"arm" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CLC" |
"2018" |
2 |
"LinRegPCR" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Mplus" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Erdas Imagine" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Nutrition Data System" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2010" |
2 |
"FASconCAT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Ensembl" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Genotype" |
"2013" |
2 |
"gallus" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"Monte" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Astra" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RT=" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NS3" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ManLAM" |
"2012" |
2 |
"3D-Slicer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Oriana" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FastMath" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FV10-ASW" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PlasmoDB" |
"2010" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"SIMCA-P+" |
"2006" |
2 |
"2007" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"MeterPlus" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RFMix" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Coulter Counter CBC5" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BaseSpace" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MySQL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Samsung Galaxy Tab" |
"2018" |
2 |
"RMark" |
"2018" |
2 |
"commercial" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CLC Genomics Workbench" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Actiheart" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Softworx" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Gene Marker" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"@Risk" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"ROS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ABM" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Liftover" |
"2011" |
2 |
"PIXImus" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"EZ-C1" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Vision patient record" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SEAN" |
"2008" |
2 |
"BrainVision Analyzer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GLM" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Prokopack" |
"2019" |
2 |
"gamm4" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MagNALyser" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GTC" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Endicott" |
"2015" |
2 |
"iNEXT" |
"2014" |
2 |
"LabWindows/CVI" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Professional" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GWAS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Signed-Rank" |
"2017" |
2 |
"WorldPop" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Graph Prism" |
"2014" |
2 |
"VBM8" |
"2010" |
2 |
"GenoDive" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Mimics" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Viewing Window" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"MAST" |
"2010" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"SeqScape" |
"2010" |
2 |
"PSI" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Elite" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MRIcroGL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Genotyper" |
"2011" |
2 |
"TASK" |
"2012" |
2 |
"JWatcher" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Thrombinoscope" |
"2011" |
2 |
"arfit" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FACSCalibur" |
"2013" |
2 |
"HKL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RASP" |
"2014" |
2 |
"specialist" |
"2017" |
2 |
"OsiriX" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Phylocom" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Coot" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GenBank" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Mini Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Spike2" |
"2019" |
2 |
"GTR+I+G" |
"2014" |
2 |
"EditSeq" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TMHMM Server" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SMEs" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"CTAn" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Proteome" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Mobile-Labo" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"adehabitatHR" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Noldus Ethovision XT" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"SPME" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Gelman-Rubic" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ArcView 3.x" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SSPS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MiniPATs" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Nikon-Elements-Ar" |
"2014" |
2 |
"miRanda" |
"2015" |
2 |
"calibFit" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"PrimeScript" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SpeciesIdentifier" |
"2016" |
2 |
"iPLEX" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SameSpots" |
"2014" |
2 |
"National Cancer Institute CTCAE" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FactoMineR" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ordinal" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"nruRosim" |
"2015" |
2 |
"FACSCalibur" |
"2015" |
2 |
"WalCT" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BrainSuite" |
"2010" |
2 |
"GPS Explorer" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SCPI" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Visual Molecular Dynamics" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SoundPLAN" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"DNAStar" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Operating system" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BIC" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Quantity One-1D analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Flowing" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Raosoft" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PBAT" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Epi InfoTM" |
"2017" |
2 |
"AIR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"antiNGAL" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TUNEL assay" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"BET" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ImagePro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GGIR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Modeltest" |
"2017" |
2 |
"AngioVue" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Tscope" |
"2017" |
2 |
"FoldX" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BigDye" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GIBBS2F90" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Frankfort" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Stella Professional" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PMOD" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MOS SF-36" |
"2018" |
2 |
"R Foundation for Statistical Computing" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Nikon ACT-1" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Image Quant" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GDA" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Peak" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ODLog" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MPI" |
"2011" |
2 |
"R-Program" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Gelpro3.5" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Psylab" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SSIs" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Source (game engine)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AmberTools" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"network graphs" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Pretty Good Privacy" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Neurolucida" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Open Payments" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SwissProt" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Val66Val" |
"2018" |
2 |
"catR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Jump point search" |
"2018" |
2 |
"powerlaw" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Gensim" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Malvasia" |
"2019" |
2 |
"add-on" |
"2018" |
2 |
"gstat" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"FIMO" |
"2017" |
2 |
"FDR<0.05" |
"2012" |
2 |
"TALENs" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Beagle" |
"2012" |
2 |
"QuantArray" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"ProteoIQ" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Cochrane Collaboration Review Manager" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"AAL atlas" |
"2016" |
2 |
"AnyLogic" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Random Forest" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Freesurfer image analysis suite" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"Lasergene" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Robert (P2P software)" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BrainMatch" |
"2016" |
2 |
"KING" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Colony Framework" |
"2010" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"Natural Earth" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SR-LAB" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Microsoft FoxPro" |
"2015" |
2 |
"DSIGoM" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Image" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Kodon" |
"2009" |
2 |
"TruScan" |
"2012" |
2 |
"oligos oCS229" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Summit" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NIH Image J" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Intercooled" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Nikon NIS-Element" |
"2016" |
2 |
"gam ’" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SyMAP" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Bayley-III" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MUST" |
"2014" |
2 |
"InVEST" |
"2019" |
2 |
"poLCA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MultiCycle" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Courtesy reply mail" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GeNorm" |
"2014" |
2 |
"CellSorter" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FUELt" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Tris-EDTA" |
"2012" |
2 |
"AliBaba" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Amplified fragment length polymorphism" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ISIS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Pyro Q-CpG" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FlexControl" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BASE (search engine)" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PolyPhen" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Labscan" |
"2014" |
2 |
"LimeSurvey" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SITT" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Cutadapt" |
"2015" |
2 |
"TreePuzzle" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ProteinPilot" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"MacVector" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Leica QWin" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Tissue-Tek VIP 6 tissue processor" |
"2014" |
2 |
"RapidMiner" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Leica MM AF" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Rate-monotonic scheduling" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"R igraph" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Noldus Observer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"DTIStudio" |
"2016" |
2 |
"QuickTime" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BMDP" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SPPS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Dedoose" |
"2019" |
2 |
"matrix-eQTL" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"ProZone MatchViewer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2010" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"INRIAlign" |
"2012" |
2 |
"glmmADMB" |
"2013" |
2 |
"R language and environment for statistical computing" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Pascal" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SoftMax Pro" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Landmark" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Bayesian inference" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PAL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ggplot2 R" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SUMA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Pendragon Forms" |
"2011" |
2 |
"jModel Test" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Resting-State fMRI Data Analysis Toolkit" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Polar ProTrainer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"near" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Operating system" |
"2017" |
2 |
".NET Framework" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"CLC Genomics" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Neuroscan Edit" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Nestedness Calculator" |
"2008" |
2 |
"ArcInfo" |
"2008" |
2 |
"VibroToolbox" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Qualtrics" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Acknowledge" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MED-PC" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TopScan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Qualtrics survey" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Diffusion Toolkit" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Automatic Parameter Search" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ade4" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"StatPlus:mac" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"language framework" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BaTS" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Image Quant" |
"2015" |
2 |
"FMRIB Software Library" |
"2005" |
2 |
"LDhat" |
"2011" |
2 |
"saltator" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Leica Confocal" |
"2009" |
2 |
"in-house" |
"2010" |
2 |
"IBC" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Brainworkshop" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Treefinder" |
"2015" |
2 |
"TASCAM digital recorder" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Mascot Server" |
"2016" |
2 |
"LingPy" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Tris-Cl" |
"2017" |
2 |
"X-ray" |
"2018" |
2 |
"dlnm" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Erdas Imagine" |
"2008" |
2 |
"TeleForm" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"BluePippin" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Callicebus" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Saldaña" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Grubb" |
"2019" |
2 |
"TSA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Proteome" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Survey Monkey" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PC-managed" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SFMU" |
"2018" |
2 |
"BayesTraits" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"SPIONs" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Boot" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ImageXpress" |
"2012" |
2 |
"InterPro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"powerlaw" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Microsoft Excel" |
"2006" |
2 |
"Cassette" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Quantum Turing machine" |
"2017" |
2 |
"R/Bioconductor" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Tris-HCl" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SpectraMax" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TrueSurface" |
"2019" |
2 |
"OLIGO Primer Analysis Software" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"SNPSpD" |
"2011" |
2 |
"PathVisio" |
"2017" |
2 |
"LAS AF" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Brain Vision analysis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RSEM" |
"2014" |
2 |
"fastPHASE" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Vienna RNA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Google Trends" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Leica Map DCM" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Simplot" |
"2008" |
2 |
"means" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Picard-tools" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TBS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MxPro QPCR" |
"2015" |
2 |
"FSLView" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Semi-PCR" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Open Science Framework" |
"2014" |
2 |
"OrthoMCL" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CCM2" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ImageLab" |
"2014" |
2 |
"xjView" |
"2018" |
2 |
"parametric mapping" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MSigDB" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"FCAP Array" |
"2016" |
2 |
"RegulonDB" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SybrGreen" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SAS-callable SUDAAN" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PyNAST" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Caret" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PAFit" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PyroMark" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Avisoft" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BrainVision Recorder" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cast/EiJ" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MacOS" |
"2009" |
2 |
"LOCALITE TMS Navigator" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Bristol" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Steepness" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SaTScan" |
"2009" |
2 |
"METH" |
"2010" |
2 |
"AxioCam" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MIDI" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"SpectraSuite" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SAS-callable SUDAAN" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Freesurfer stable release" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GLM" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Eyes Test" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2009" |
2 |
"NIST (metric)" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Cellsens" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Solomon Coder" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SNPstat" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ERS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Curry" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Ekondo-Titi" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Skype" |
"2019" |
2 |
"glmulti" |
"2014" |
2 |
"commercial" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Visual Basic for Applications" |
"2013" |
2 |
"File).The" |
"2018" |
2 |
"VitalView" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Actigraphy" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GeneXpert" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SATS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"WorldPop" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BioGPS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EML" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Signal" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PowerShot" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"Collection" |
"2012" |
2 |
"C3H17N5Pt" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Realplex" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Martin Stumpe" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Primer Select" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ICM" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Genotyper" |
"2013" |
2 |
"F-SNP" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ImageRater" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CaCl2" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Agilent" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BioPortal" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Open Payments search" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SeqMan" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Suite" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"VirtualDub" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Richards" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Grubb" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Sigma Stat" |
"2008" |
2 |
"IBS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"CD-HIT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"R stats" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Protégé" |
"2012" |
2 |
"WinMDI" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"AIR" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Spike2 audio" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Paravision" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Bellerophon" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GeneMark" |
"2013" |
2 |
"IntelliCage" |
"2012" |
2 |
"CFX" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AutoAssembler" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MetaMap" |
"2015" |
2 |
"OriginLab" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ComBat" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SamEn" |
"2015" |
2 |
"car" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BioMart" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"FEAT" |
"2010" |
2 |
"AlexaFluor" |
"2011" |
2 |
"March–May" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"FaceGen" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Sigma Stat" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Open-source software" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GLM" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Top Scan" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Brill tagger" |
"2009" |
2 |
"rptR" |
"2012" |
2 |
"QSR NVivo" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MicroView ABA" |
"2012" |
2 |
"TMHMM Server" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"FreezeScan" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Arc GIS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SUMA" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Lumi" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Grubb" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Etholog" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Medis Medical Imaging Systems" |
"2018" |
2 |
"VICON Tracker" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TSE Videomot" |
"2018" |
2 |
"rgl" |
"2018" |
2 |
"RTA" |
"2014" |
2 |
"IGF2BP3" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Analyst QS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"CAP3" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ABySS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"geoRglm" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"ArtRepair" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CLAM" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Proc Traj" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SA/ATT" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Spatial Analyst Extension" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Regression Analysis of Time Series" |
"2014" |
2 |
"StatCalc" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SterEOS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Curry Neuroscan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"RegulomeDB" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SAPA" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Optimas" |
"2018" |
2 |
"StataIC" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"GeneWays" |
"2009" |
2 |
"R/GenABEL" |
"2010" |
2 |
"NCBI" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Genewise" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Bayesian" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ImagePro" |
"2015" |
2 |
"EpiR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CIPRES Science Gateway" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Open Access" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GeneChip" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Global Land Cover" |
"2010" |
2 |
"RoB" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"GPS" |
"2010" |
2 |
"OpenCV" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"STIM2" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PhyloBayes" |
"2016" |
2 |
"plm" |
"2016" |
2 |
"OmpL37-Rev" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Nikon NIS Advanced Research" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Genotyper" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Science Image Station" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"image processing" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"PET/CT Volume Viewer" |
"2011" |
2 |
"UCSF Chimera molecular analysis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"tRNAscan-SE" |
"2012" |
2 |
"P2XkdG" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ExPASy" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PoPoolation" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Phrap" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ANTS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FBAT" |
"2012" |
2 |
"QGIS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Biacore" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BayesPhylogenies" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Video" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Visiopharm Integrator System" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BrainLOC" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ExPASy" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MATLAB Statistics" |
"2011" |
2 |
"De Havilland Spectre" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Concept Systems Inc.@" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PowerLab" |
"2019" |
2 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Window" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SIAR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"StreamGas" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SPSS Inc ." |
"2019" |
2 |
"TriReagent" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Tripadvisor" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"PostgreSQL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"APEX" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Vizard" |
"2014" |
2 |
"OpenSesame" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Expression Arrays" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Illumina BeadStudio" |
"2013" |
2 |
"OpenMx" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Coral Point Count" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"phyloMeta" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GS Reference Mapper" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Monte" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MDSS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Intercooled" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MATLAB-based" |
"2015" |
2 |
"U-CARE" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"ICC" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MPI" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Freesurfer image analysis suite" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MCMCglmm" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Statistical Package for the Social Sciences—SPSS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"NeuroIMAGE" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Life Guide Toolbox" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CCHS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"metagear" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ArtRepair" |
"2015" |
2 |
"NumPy" |
"2015" |
2 |
"image ProPlus" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ExPASy Proteomic" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mascot Distiller" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"JEOL" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Chart" |
"2008" |
2 |
"NetDraw" |
"2010" |
2 |
"SPM Anatomy" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"TcMRgFUS system" |
"2012" |
2 |
"OpenMEEG" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"TBSS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"pCR" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Statistical graphics" |
"2012" |
2 |
"InterProScan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Mokken" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"LabChart" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"BestKeeper" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Swiss-pdb" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GmolGOBP2" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Adobe Illustrator" |
"2017" |
2 |
"rpart" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PostGIS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Brill tagger" |
"2015" |
2 |
"language" |
"2016" |
2 |
"image manipulation" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"gamm4" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"S-Plus" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2008" |
2 |
"C57BL/6J" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"FatiGO" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Spatial Statistics" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BioSigRP" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NTSYS-pc" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SNPStats" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PaDEL" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Spectrum" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ERDAS Image" |
"2015" |
2 |
"custom" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Sokoto" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"GeneSpring GX" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ObstetrixR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ArrayStar" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"MaxFilter" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"TASK" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"NetMHCII" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Microsoft map" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Etholog" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Microdrop" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Leica Application Suite Advanced Fluorescence" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FDR<0.05" |
"2018" |
2 |
"OpenCV" |
"2012" |
2 |
"DNASIS Max" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Section" |
"2011" |
2 |
"HRV" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MetaXL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MedINRIA" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"WebMD" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"GingerALE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GenePix" |
"2010" |
2 |
"plspm" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SSR Finder" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Brain Vision Recorder" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MINI" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PyCogent" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"rjags" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Visual Basic" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Image Lab" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Analysis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"EcosimPro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Gene Expression Omnibus Web" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"OsiriX" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Palamedes" |
"2014" |
2 |
"S1–S4" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Align" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"AIS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Access" |
"2010" |
2 |
"MapQTL" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ArrayScan XTI" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BioGRID" |
"2010" |
2 |
"OptSeq" |
"2013" |
2 |
"EEProbe" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SignalMap" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Psignifit" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BioPlex Manager" |
"2017" |
2 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"BIVA" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BibTeX" |
"2018" |
2 |
"JAST" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PopGenome" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Transition path sampling" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Relative Expression" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Clampex" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Mimics" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Instat" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SPSS Missing Value Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ProBMoT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Akonolinga" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Unipark" |
"2014" |
2 |
"R randomForest" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"ATS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Soft independent modelling of class analogies" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Combo" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Epi Data" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Crystal Ball" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TestEI" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Leica Application Suite Advanced Fluorescence" |
"2017" |
2 |
"stats" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MediaWiki" |
"2013" |
2 |
"VivoSense" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GeneJET" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ConDeTri" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MuseScore" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Ishmael" |
"2019" |
2 |
"nparLD" |
"2019" |
2 |
"TRIzol Reagent" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ImageQuant" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BZ-II analyzer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"S-Plus" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BZ-II analyzer" |
"2017" |
2 |
"statnet" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Qual Browser" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Ersatz" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Qualtrics Research Suite" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mallet (software project)" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"ordinal" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RMark" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Wavefront .obj file" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SPM8-compatible" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Iolite" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PAML" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Paint" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"PONS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Extended" |
"2018" |
2 |
"fpc" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MATLAB-based" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BrainNet Viewer" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Psylab" |
"2011" |
2 |
"McMahon" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Adobe" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Phytools" |
"2016" |
2 |
"NEST" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MediaLab" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Biopac" |
"2014" |
2 |
"OptSeq" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BLOSUM62" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SPIN" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FCAP Array" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Eye of GNOME" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Sequence Scanner" |
"2013" |
2 |
"EEProbe" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MitoSOX" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Flight" |
"2015" |
2 |
"TrakEM2" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GenBank/EMBL/DDBJ" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SigmaPlot" |
"2008" |
2 |
"AntWeb" |
"2016" |
2 |
"RepeatModeler" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"CAST-Grid" |
"2011" |
2 |
"TEDxRíodelaPlata" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"M13F/R" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SIMULAUsub" |
"2013" |
2 |
"nnet" |
"2018" |
2 |
"StatXact" |
"2008" |
2 |
"ODLog" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RDP Classifier" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Novo" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Lotus Magellan" |
"2017" |
2 |
"STIM2" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Metaprop" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MASS R" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Genome-wide complex trait analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"OrthoMCL" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MCMCcoal" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Talairach atlas" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GoTreatIT Cancer" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GazeTracker" |
"2015" |
2 |
"lmPerm R" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GingerALE" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Database" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Behavior Tracker" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Ulead VideoStudio 9.0 SE DVD" |
"2008" |
2 |
"TSAP-Win" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GS Assembler" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"PowerPlex" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ESRI" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SPSS Inc ." |
"2016" |
2 |
"TargetScan" |
"2012" |
2 |
"LightCycler" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BayesAss" |
"2017" |
2 |
"popABC" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Ridom StaphType" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SeaView" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Chromas" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SIVsmE543-3" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Gene Expression Omnibus" |
"2012" |
2 |
"gbm" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Nis Elements-Imaging" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ProStar" |
"2014" |
2 |
"EyeLink" |
"2010" |
2 |
"RDS Analyst" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"POMP" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Electrolyte" |
"2008" |
2 |
"GNU Image Manipulation" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"SubMat" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Crysol" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Google Earth" |
"2010" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"rjags" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Factor" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Triton-X" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Google Docs, Sheets and Slides" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EnCore Processor" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CalcuSyn" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PolyPhobius" |
"2011" |
2 |
"WFU Pick Atlas" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BioEstat" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ArcGIS ArcMap" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"MediaLab" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Wildbook" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Image J analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"RASP" |
"2013" |
2 |
"same" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Mapper" |
"2018" |
2 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2019" |
2 |
"GenABEL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Psychological" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ModFit" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cavalieri Estimator" |
"2011" |
2 |
"BoundarySeer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"CRISPR optimal target finder" |
"2018" |
2 |
"N-Vivo" |
"2019" |
2 |
"DNAStar" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AB BigDye Terminator" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Genedata" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ape" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NeuroGuide" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Statgraphics" |
"2015" |
2 |
"raster" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Clustal X" |
"2017" |
2 |
"DMDX" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"Computer-aided dispatch" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TrackVis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SML" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Vital Tracer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ClearView" |
"2014" |
2 |
"S-Plus" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Web (web browser)" |
"2014" |
2 |
"CED Spike" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Avisoft" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PostgreSQL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"OrthoMaM" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MetaVue" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"languageR" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ProQuest" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BayesAss" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Burroughs MCP" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ML-Relate" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MacroModel" |
"2012" |
2 |
"R/qtl" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"StatsDirect" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GenBank" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Paravision" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MISA" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BEEWELL AminoPlus" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Tacx Trainer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MongoDB" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Volocity image analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Open Code" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"Primer3Plus" |
"2011" |
2 |
"REWT" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"GCA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SAG2-GRA1-ROP1" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BeCAS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2007" |
2 |
"NetCDF" |
"2017" |
2 |
"AniRes" |
"2012" |
2 |
"STRINGdb" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"SASS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Caltech Behavior Annotator" |
"2010" |
2 |
"MALDI Biotyper" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TrisHCl" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"FleXScan" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Lasergene" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MALDI Biotyper" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GS+" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ClinicalTrials.gov" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Reconstruct" |
"2011" |
2 |
"gplots" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Smart Capture" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ActiView" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"CellProfiler" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MCID Basic" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NetNES" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Caper" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ApneaLinkTM" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ResearchGate" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Observer" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"TRIzol Reagent" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RAI-HC and MDS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"pROC" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Swiss-Prot" |
"2015" |
2 |
"IChem" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Affymetrix Genotyping Console" |
"2015" |
2 |
"RMSE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Collaborative Computational Project Number 4" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AWTY" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RNAlater" |
"2014" |
2 |
"VODE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PRSD" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PhyML" |
"2008" |
2 |
"NCBI Gene Expression Omnibus" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Haploview" |
"2007" |
2 |
"MirVana" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PDQuest" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NMRPipe" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MapQTL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Tianyou" |
"2019" |
2 |
"WorldPop" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Analyze (imaging software)" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Saliency Toolbox" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GAITRite" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BioEdit" |
"2004" |
2 |
"SPTB" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"CLC Main Workbench" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MMAT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ProGres Capture Pro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"R language" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Google Scholar" |
"2017" |
2 |
"STx" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Primer Express" |
"2007" |
2 |
"BayesAss" |
"2011" |
2 |
"NanoDrop" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Gblock" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"AxioCam" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"GoPro" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Mixed-Effects" |
"2015" |
2 |
"LSM Image Browser" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"TreeAge.Pro" |
"2010" |
2 |
"PDB (Palm OS)" |
"2015" |
2 |
"FLUKE SmartView" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BrainView" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Genome Studio" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Montane Elk Research" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Etholog" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Isoflurane" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Ngene" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FibroScan" |
"2012" |
2 |
"fMRI expert analysis" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ROS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MEME" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Tree Annotator" |
"2015" |
2 |
"clickR" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Reaktor" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"MatlabTM" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CummeRbund" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Animal Movement extension" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Agilent" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BioWorks" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Bioportal server" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Oasis" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Olympus" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"ARB Project" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MedDRA" |
"2016" |
2 |
"KCl" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Anthro-Plus" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"BMMo" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Wordsmith Tools" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Image-Pro Premier" |
"2019" |
2 |
"AICcmodavg" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Abelbeck" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MGIT" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PBS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Galaxy (computational biology)" |
"2014" |
2 |
"custom-written" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Operating system" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"BECT" |
"2017" |
2 |
"iTOL" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ColourWorker" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Ruby" |
"2015" |
2 |
"TrueLab" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Lasergene" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Intersect Point" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Espírito" |
"2016" |
2 |
"iPLEX" |
"2011" |
2 |
"WEGO" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BrainVision Analyzer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"ClinicalTrials.gov" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"cellHTS2" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cubase Studio" |
"2019" |
2 |
"VideoRay" |
"2015" |
2 |
"miRBase" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Unified Genotyper" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Docker" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Prodigal" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Image Master" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MacClade" |
"2009" |
2 |
"rpart" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"BPTT" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"BioEdit" |
"2008" |
2 |
"R2JAGS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"S∩N¯=∅." |
"2016" |
2 |
"Ubuntu (operating system)" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"ANY-maze" |
"2013" |
2 |
"EQS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Templo" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"EPPI-Reviewer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Graphics Animation System for Professionals" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SIT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mango" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MATLAB Statistics" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PsychoPy" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"MatlabBGL" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Prokopack" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Spectralis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"adehabitat" |
"2015" |
2 |
"NetStation" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GenoDive" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Haplopainter" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BeadStudio" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"C++" |
"2011" |
2 |
"VCFtools" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Huygens Professional" |
"2017" |
2 |
"OpenCV" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"HMDD" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Payment protection insurance" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MPoRT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ScanStudio" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Proteome" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Lotus Magellan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AFNI AlphaSim" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"MNE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"SPPS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Monte Carlo algorithm" |
"2012" |
2 |
"TraMineR" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MetaWin" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"PaintShop Pro" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Ficoll-Paque" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SEER" |
"2014" |
2 |
"@Risk" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FMAB" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Learning classifier system" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ASReml" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Solomon Coder Beta" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"R Project" |
"2018" |
2 |
"EDENetworks" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FAST" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Community Climate System Model" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SwissPOD" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Wake Forest University Pickatlas" |
"2014" |
2 |
"JM109" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Vensim DSS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ordinal" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MedCalc Statistical" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Amplified fragment length polymorphism" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Berkeley Madonna" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BioQuant Nova Advanced Image Analysis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Glide" |
"2014" |
2 |
"IGOR Pro" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MeanES" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"2010" |
2 |
"TEMPau" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"PS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GeneChip Scanner" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Big Dye Terminator" |
"2013" |
2 |
"LinkPlus" |
"2014" |
2 |
"EyeLink API" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Virtuoso Universal Server" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Statistic" |
"2019" |
2 |
"TrackVis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MNE" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Berkeley" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SNPStats" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"mgcv for GAMs" |
"2018" |
2 |
"DIVA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Merlin" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TMHMM Server" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GNU Octave" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Statgraphics Plus" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Illumina GenomeStudio" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ordinal" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"NaCl" |
"2011" |
2 |
"DNAStar" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Image Studio" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Genomatix" |
"2017" |
2 |
"VideoFreeze" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Clust&see" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Nikon EZ-C1" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Typer" |
"2014" |
2 |
"DMDX" |
"2017" |
2 |
"FastSNP" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Axio Vision" |
"2012" |
2 |
"iTOL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GraFit" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Google Trends" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Summit" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TESS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"WEGO" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"neuralnet" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Geomagic Wrap" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Open Access" |
"2018" |
2 |
"IsiXhosa" |
"2019" |
2 |
"HelixTree" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Meat slicer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Amplicor Monitor Assay" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TreeDyn" |
"2015" |
2 |
"XCMS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FreezeScan" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Mac OS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"ape" |
"2010" |
2 |
"TMSi Polybench" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PrimerExpress" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"BioSemi ActiveTwo" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MarkDuplicates" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Gen5" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Sosa-Rubi" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Treefinder" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Statistix" |
"2015" |
2 |
"environment" |
"2018" |
2 |
"latest" |
"2014" |
2 |
"McNemar" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Sci-Hub" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"MiniAnalysis" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PsyScope" |
"2015" |
2 |
"EQS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"PedCheck" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Neuroscan" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Swiss-Prot" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PeakScanner" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BET" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Patchmaster" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Self-Esteem Scale" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Path-O-Gen" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Fisher´s" |
"2019" |
2 |
"R Development Core Team" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PhotoModeler" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MPEG-4" |
"2018" |
2 |
"NVivo" |
"2010" |
2 |
"pClamp" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"StatsDirect" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CCHS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FSLView" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SSPS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2008" |
2 |
"ArrayOligoSelector" |
"2007" |
2 |
"WEGO" |
"2012" |
2 |
"IMF (file format)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MapInfo Professional" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Avisoft SASLab Pro" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SPAGeDi" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GTC" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Brill tagger" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Fastsimcoal" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Surrogate model" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Masslynx MS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"qqman" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Project Implicit research" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Spade" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WHO Anthro" |
"2014" |
2 |
"DSSP" |
"2014" |
2 |
"CIPRES-Portal" |
"2011" |
2 |
"R System" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Visual C++" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Andrews" |
"2019" |
2 |
"NTSYSpc" |
"2014" |
2 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Genome-wide complex trait analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Sawtooth" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BaseQRankSum" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Nexus Copy Number" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MiniPAT" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Genome Studio" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Protégé" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Softworx" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2007" |
2 |
"Predictive Analytics" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ConsensusPathDB" |
"2019" |
2 |
"LogCombiner" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Palamedes" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CIA" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SigmaPlot/SigmaStat" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"GSDS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PolyPhred" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ESPript" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GeneTools" |
"2017" |
2 |
"qBase" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Fast statistical alignment" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FluoView" |
"2012" |
2 |
"smatr" |
"2016" |
2 |
"spdep" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ESTScan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Sequencing Analysis" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Phylogeny Inference Package" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"PicoGreen" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Apollo" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Ranges8" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MRtrix" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Bayes Net Toolbox" |
"2011" |
2 |
"BLASTing" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Power and Sample Size Calculations" |
"2016" |
2 |
"NutriBase Clinical Nutrition Manager" |
"2013" |
2 |
"geoR" |
"2012" |
2 |
"EyeCane" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PharmGKB" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Pillai" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"iScan Control" |
"2012" |
2 |
"VideoFly" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PopTools" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Predictive Analytics" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Imaris" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PrediXcan" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Expert Analysis Tool" |
"2011" |
2 |
"R-software" |
"2016" |
2 |
"R/qtl" |
"2014" |
2 |
"iTEM" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ProtParam" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Analysis Tool" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Pattern" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Winsteps" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Statistical" |
"2009" |
2 |
"SeqMan II" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Generalized linear mixed model" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Brain Vision Analyser" |
"2016" |
2 |
"NIS Elements image analysis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"QCPR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SMART Information Retrieval System" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Xgboost" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Keras" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SMEs" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Mini-Mental State Exam" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Vortex" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Gblocks" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Visual Molecular Dynamics" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SkeeterBuster" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RFStatistics" |
"2011" |
2 |
"WinATS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Fig Tree" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Adobe Acrobat Pro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GenAIEx" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"SEMs" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Noldus Ethovision" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Bio-Rad Quantity" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Abcb1b" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GOrilla" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"ProbABEL" |
"2015" |
2 |
"EMSE Suite" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GlobCover" |
"2013" |
2 |
"AutonoMouse" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"GWR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Android (operating system)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Babelomics" |
"2012" |
2 |
"General Algebraic Modeling System" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Coancestry" |
"2013" |
2 |
"molecular analysis" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Pathway Studio" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ClueGO" |
"2017" |
2 |
"S-PLUS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"DendroPy" |
"2013" |
2 |
"R Archive Network" |
"2019" |
2 |
"LDsnpR" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GeoDA" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Geneious R8" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PopART" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Joinpoint Regression" |
"2014" |
2 |
"REGA HIV subtyping" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Ersatz" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Primer3 plus" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Factbook" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Sommer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"CellProfiler" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CSA Sleep Analysis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"BALB/cJ" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SPM Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"InfoStat" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NucliSENS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PGA" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"NetLogo" |
"2019" |
2 |
"IDRISI Selva" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Vienna RNA" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PrimeScript" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SolexaQA" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"HRc Zeiss Axioscope" |
"2012" |
2 |
"AcousticNDLCodeR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TraMineR" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Bayesian Tools R" |
"2019" |
2 |
"IOLMaster" |
"2017" |
2 |
"EasyCap" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Microsoft Windows" |
"2010" |
2 |
"WASH" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MetaFluor" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Stare" |
"2017" |
2 |
"StereoInvestigator imaging" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TransAM" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Cell Quest" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Source : Google Trends" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Trimmomatic" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BrainShow" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GenCall" |
"2011" |
2 |
"EpiMax Table Calculator" |
"2013" |
2 |
"camtrapR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Scopus" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Brain Voyager" |
"2016" |
2 |
"XinLiDiTu" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ActiveTwo" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Bayescan" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BiodiversityR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SwissDRG" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"MNH" |
"2016" |
2 |
"REX" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"R ADE4" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Reconstruct" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Natural Language Toolkit" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Google Maps (mobile application)" |
"2017" |
2 |
"lsmeans" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BrainMap" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ViiA ™" |
"2014" |
2 |
"EAG" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ASReml" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Talairach Client" |
"2017" |
2 |
"FCS Express" |
"2016" |
2 |
"nQuery Advisor" |
"2015" |
2 |
"HelixTree" |
"2009" |
2 |
"ExPASy" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Repository Open Service Interface Definition" |
"2018" |
2 |
"BioGRID" |
"2018" |
2 |
"betapart" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Collapse" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ArcInfo" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ModelFinder" |
"2019" |
2 |
"E-Prime Professional" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AnyMaze" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MDR" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Prokka" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"SentiWordNet" |
"2017" |
2 |
"AirGIS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"NanoDrop" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PmeI3′attBAS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"klaR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SF-12" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FastMap" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CSPro" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MoPoTsyo" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Mutation Surveyor" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GLMMs" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MAHUffe" |
"2014" |
2 |
"CleverSys" |
"2013" |
2 |
"AerobePAR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Epi Info" |
"2008" |
2 |
"MINE" |
"2012" |
2 |
"LiDAR Analyst" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Spanish" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AlphaView" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TreeView" |
"2014" |
2 |
"R CRAN" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Max" |
"2012" |
2 |
"@Risk" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Pathway Studio" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"SlideBook" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CatchAll" |
"2012" |
2 |
"CommCare" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WFU Pick Atlas" |
"2014" |
2 |
"LAST" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Delphi" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Professional" |
"2014" |
2 |
"JACoP" |
"2014" |
2 |
"IVEware" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"GRID" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"Meshlab" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Lolitrack" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"MassGIS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"metan" |
"2011" |
2 |
"FMRIB 's nonlinear image registration" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Swiss-model" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Kodak molecular imaging" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"MegAlign" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Clinical Trials" |
"2017" |
2 |
"UCSF Chimera" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SPME" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ABI" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PseDNC" |
"2018" |
2 |
"VBM5/SPM5" |
"2015" |
2 |
"TotalLab" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Tri-Reagent" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Tissue Studio" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Rukwa" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TreeCluster" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Factor" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"ArcView" |
"2017" |
2 |
"FibroPlus" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Scaffold" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Coefficient of relationship" |
"2012" |
2 |
"OrthoMCL" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Google Scholar" |
"2013" |
2 |
"R2OpenBUGS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TSA" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MetaXL" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Matching theory (economics)" |
"2019" |
2 |
"CDSS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SciPy" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"G*Power" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Affymetrix" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"Dendroscope" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"TestWorks" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BSA" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SteREO" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Analytic Rarefaction" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"tpsRelw" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Security event manager" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SOAPdenovo" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"HCOP" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Stata Data Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Bacon" |
"2016" |
2 |
"rjags" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"BioMart-Ensembl" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Oracle Fusion Architecture" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TagIT" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Newton-Raphson" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"FacsCount" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"PBS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MyPlan" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Open Market Economies" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"MetaFluor" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ExPASy-Translate" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NeuronJ" |
"2018" |
2 |
"OpenClinica" |
"2011" |
2 |
"TaqMan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SeaView" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Slope rating" |
"2016" |
2 |
"AltaVista" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RNase" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Social Responsiveness Scale" |
"2013" |
2 |
"tRNAscan-SE" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Neuroscore" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"IMovie" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Jacob" |
"2013" |
2 |
"built-in" |
"2019" |
2 |
"S-PLUS" |
"2010" |
2 |
"GEE" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CircWave Batch" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MobiDB" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ParaView" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Brain Entropy Mapping Toolbox" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Fisher-Exact" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NaCl" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"ENVI" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PowerSoilR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"EZ-C1" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Chart" |
"2009" |
2 |
"ITKGray" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"FreeNA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CART" |
"2015" |
2 |
"QuantArray" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Mobile Service Architecture" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"BioTools" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"ADMB" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Chronux" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ENA" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Advanced Normalization Tools" |
"2016" |
2 |
"STAR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"SPSS Windows" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FSLNets" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Momocs" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MusicBrainz Picard" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Merlin" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PQ Method" |
"2015" |
2 |
"WG-Permer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"Transition path sampling" |
"2012" |
2 |
"EthoVision" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Windows Live Expo" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Leica QWin" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Figure drawing" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ASReml" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MgCl2" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GoPro" |
"2014" |
2 |
"VitalView" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GeoDA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Bayes" |
"2019" |
2 |
"standard" |
"2013" |
2 |
"QGIS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SpectraSuite" |
"2016" |
2 |
"DTIStudio" |
"2019" |
2 |
"CellQuest" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Gene Expression Omnibus" |
"2009" |
2 |
"language" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Tableau" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FaceGen Modeller" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NOIseq" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ECO (Domain Driven Design)" |
"2019" |
2 |
"OpenBUGS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Sequence Detection" |
"2011" |
2 |
"motion analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Scott" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Statistical graphics" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SPSSv20" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NIH Image Analysis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"NaHCO3" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"FinchTV" |
"2012" |
2 |
"R library" |
"2012" |
2 |
"accompanying" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Chart" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Group*Period" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PolyPhred" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Java Treeview" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MATLAB Statistics" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SSPS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SEER*Stat" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Twitter" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Bio-Rad iQ5" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Bristol Perseus" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"activPAL" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GenCall" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Braun-Blanquet" |
"2018" |
2 |
"standard" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Arduino" |
"2019" |
2 |
"GPower" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Leica LAS AF Lite" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ScanExpress" |
"2015" |
2 |
"AutoCAD" |
"2017" |
2 |
"dmGWAS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Wordle" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Talairach Daemon" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Brown-Forsythe" |
"2018" |
2 |
"EmoPicS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Pknpbxa" |
"2014" |
2 |
"March–May" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Opticon Monitor" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MAF<1" |
"2011" |
2 |
"NUCmer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"DMU" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SAMs" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MiDAS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Move-tr/2D" |
"2010" |
2 |
"SurfStat" |
"2019" |
2 |
"AdapterRemoval" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SeqMan II" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ScanStudio" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MalAvi" |
"2015" |
2 |
"lme4 R" |
"2019" |
2 |
"qBase" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Research" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Mac OS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RNase" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"rgeos" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Galaxy (computational biology)" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PowerMarker" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TIS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ICD9" |
"2012" |
2 |
"OpenMEEG" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Actigraphy" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Biacore T200 BiaEvaluation" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Spanish" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SB216763" |
"2013" |
2 |
"R survival" |
"2019" |
2 |
"RapidMiner Studio" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"SensewearPro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CircStats" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SaTScan" |
"2005" |
2 |
"DeCyder" |
"2011" |
2 |
"H2O" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Origin" |
"2010" |
2 |
"idTracker" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MiST2" |
"2016" |
2 |
"CRIS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Mac OS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Spectrum/AIM" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Cogent" |
"2019" |
2 |
"review" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Tris-EDTA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FamPlan" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Pythagoras tree (fractal)" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GPCP" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"TMEV" |
"2012" |
2 |
"StepOne" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Velvet assembler" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BandScan" |
"2013" |
2 |
"dbNSFP" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ImageQuant TL" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Acknowledge" |
"2014" |
2 |
"R igraph" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SAS-callable SUDAAN" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Pseudo-R2" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"PASS Sample Size Software" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Prism" |
"2007" |
2 |
"APIM" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Automated Vascular Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MatConvNet" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"BEST" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Actigraphy" |
"2016" |
2 |
"IYPB" |
"2016" |
2 |
"OpenSesame" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TruCount" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NCBI" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Mallet (software project)" |
"2012" |
2 |
"free" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SignatureChipOS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Wilcox-Muska" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Cortex" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ProQuest" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Grubb" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Calibrated Population Resistance" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Cluster of differentiation" |
"2009" |
2 |
"FACSCalibur" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PV3955" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Image Quant TL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Qubit" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GapCloser" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Aviso" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Platinum" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MySQL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"WHO Anthro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"spdep" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Microsoft Office" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Illumina HumanOmniExpressExome-8" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"RVtests" |
"2018" |
2 |
"OpenRefine" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Enrichr" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PyroMark CpG" |
"2016" |
2 |
"z-Tree" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"ViiA ™" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Axiom ™ Analysis Suite" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PyroMark" |
"2017" |
2 |
"DAS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Gannet" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SPSSv20" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"PowerLab" |
"2015" |
2 |
"EDE-Q" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mann-Whitney U test" |
"2013" |
2 |
"DataAssist" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Graph Prism" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SANS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Cramér-Rao" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Twitter API" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Clinical Classification" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Mturk" |
"2014" |
2 |
"rgeos" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Caffe" |
"2018" |
2 |
"iNEXT" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Mean±S.D." |
"2014" |
2 |
"WeiboScope" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Motic Images Plus" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CAL" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"AOdetect" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TrisHCl" |
"2017" |
2 |
"EViews" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Microsoft Academic Search" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Survey Monkey" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Velvet assembler" |
"2013" |
2 |
"The Sleuth Kit" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"R/S plus" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MitoMap" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BiAS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RTA" |
"2016" |
2 |
"HaploReg" |
"2015" |
2 |
"OsmAnd" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Olympus FluoView Viewer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Monte" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Sutter" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Analysis of Moment Structures" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ape" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"CropWatR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WikiProject" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Lotus Magellan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BeadStudio" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"AbiPrism" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Merlin" |
"2015" |
2 |
"forecast" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ModFit" |
"2013" |
2 |
"WebLogo" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Agilent Feature Extraction" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Nutrica" |
"2016" |
2 |
"gam ’" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ExPASy" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Abaqus" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Patch Analyst" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SEED" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Artemis" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SeqMan NGen" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SAM" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Isodat" |
"2019" |
2 |
"GeneDoc" |
"2019" |
2 |
"system Lipsia" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Linux" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BRugs" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Microsoft PowerPoint" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Mac OS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"GitHub" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Neuron" |
"2012" |
2 |
"English" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ImageJ image analysis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"custom" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MLST" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Syntana" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"Dar (disk archiver)" |
"2009" |
2 |
"GIFT" |
"2008" |
2 |
"public domain NIH Image" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cortex" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GraphPad QuickCalcs" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GS Amplicon Variant Analyzer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Visiopharm Integrator System" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PedsQL" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NCBI Build" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Winsteps" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ELISA-Reader" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"HRV analysis" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Flex Analysis" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ImmunoSpot" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"MatlabBGL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PhenoSoft" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Trizol" |
"2006" |
2 |
"IdeaMap" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Prism5a" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TAMs" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Nutritionist Pro" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MCL" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ImageScope" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MSEL" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FuGENE" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Hyperchem" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Bio-Edit" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ChemBioOffice Ultra" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Pretty Good Privacy" |
"2014" |
2 |
"IOS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MicroVigene ™ RPPA Analysis Module" |
"2015" |
2 |
"D-Lab" |
"2017" |
2 |
"EasyQC" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WHO Anthro" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"PsycINFO" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MiniBEST" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mi≡E[titiT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Window" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NAMD" |
"2018" |
2 |
"C-POD.exe" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Erdos-Renyi" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GWAS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ProbABEL" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Agilent GeneSpring GX" |
"2014" |
2 |
"emmeans" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Manager" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Quanto" |
"2019" |
2 |
"in-house" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Oxford Diabetes Trials Unit calculator" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TMHMM Server" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EZR" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"SPM Anatomy" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Annexin" |
"2015" |
2 |
"FACS Diva" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Balance Clinic" |
"2018" |
2 |
"RapidWorks" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NetworkX" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FreeView" |
"2016" |
2 |
"R Statistical" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ResFinder" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Entry (cards)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"InMotion" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WinNonlin" |
"2015" |
2 |
"AER" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SASLab Pro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Plexon CinePlex" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"GSE50014" |
"2013" |
2 |
"geoRglm" |
"2016" |
2 |
"CAP3" |
"2016" |
2 |
"NumPy" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Avicol" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FocusStack" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Brno-Maloměřice" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NetPhos" |
"2016" |
2 |
"LabVIEW" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"DMDX" |
"2011" |
2 |
"BayesAss" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Paleontological Statistics" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Object Based Image Analysis" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Multilocus" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FinalCut Pro" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Agilent Mass Profiler Professional" |
"2013" |
2 |
"WinMorph" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Trans-Proteomic Pipeline" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SNA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"EyeLink Data Viewer analysis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PyPsignifit" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"Biokit" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PBST" |
"2016" |
2 |
"General Algebraic Modeling System" |
"2015" |
2 |
"McMahan" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Psychomorph" |
"2015" |
2 |
"DNAStar" |
"2015" |
2 |
"fastPHASE" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Structural Image Analysis" |
"2013" |
2 |
"qBasePLUS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Protein Pilot" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Eprime" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Goa" |
"2017" |
2 |
"StepOnePlus" |
"2018" |
2 |
"specialist" |
"2019" |
2 |
"meta" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GOstat" |
"2013" |
2 |
"DataAssist" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NIC" |
"2019" |
2 |
"TMEV" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BrainSuite" |
"2015" |
2 |
"RNase" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SOAPdenovo" |
"2015" |
2 |
"DeCyder" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SigGenRP" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mark (designation)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"ViewRNA" |
"2014" |
2 |
"DTIStudio" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Multicalc" |
"2013" |
2 |
"mean±SEM" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"Microsoft Visual Studio" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Etholog" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MIR" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Epi Data" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Trypsin-EDTA" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Assistat" |
"2017" |
2 |
"COMPlog" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MZmine" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Genetic Power Calculator" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Statistic" |
"2011" |
2 |
"QMass" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Data Viewer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Medicare Provider Analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ELISA (satellite)" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Normfinder" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Walking Corsi Test" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Agisoft Photoscan Professional" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Eclipse" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Human Genetic Variation Browser" |
"2016" |
2 |
"StatSoft Statistica" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SpatialPosition R" |
"2019" |
2 |
"UCSF Chimera" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"R language" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"IqTREE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FMRIB 's Non-linear Image Registration Tool" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Venn diagram" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Enter" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Image HA" |
"2011" |
2 |
"AffymetrixGeneChip" |
"2018" |
2 |
"StatistiXL" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Jacob" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CleverSys" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"JMP Statistical" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CricketSong" |
"2014" |
2 |
"XWAS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie" |
"2012" |
2 |
"LinRegPCR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Qualtrics Stats" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Protein Pilot" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SilkMap" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Matlab-software" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MyPlan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Agilent feature extractor" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FoldX" |
"2014" |
2 |
"JoinMap" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MatchIt" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FCS Express" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MetaboChip" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RDP Classifier" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"GeneChip" |
"2011" |
2 |
"PageRank" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"MayaVi" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Adobe Photoshop Elements" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FSL Analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"McCoy" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SQL" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SEER*Stat" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"GOseq R" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MicroAmp" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Integrative Genomics Viewer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Rasch analysis" |
"2017" |
2 |
"VCFtools" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ScEM" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ViiA ™" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Microsoft Academic Search" |
"2009" |
2 |
"DichroWeb" |
"2015" |
2 |
"LDpred" |
"2018" |
2 |
"DnaSP" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Sequencing System" |
"2013" |
2 |
"AmiGo" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ImageQuant TL" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Transition path sampling" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"BiorowTel" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"SeqClean" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MatMan" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ImageMaster 2-D Platinum" |
"2014" |
2 |
"N-Vivo" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Citrix" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Cronbach´s" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ATCC" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Genotyper" |
"2015" |
2 |
"NaCl" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Wikipedia" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"LCModel" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Template-O-Matic" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Imaris" |
"2015" |
2 |
"eCognition" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Invisorb" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BaTS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"FreeROI" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FILM" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PermaNet" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Perisoft" |
"2017" |
2 |
"interRAI" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Google Docs, Sheets and Slides" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Quantity One" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Final Cut Pro" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NeuroMatic" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Read" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Spectrum" |
"2016" |
2 |
"metaphor" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MATLAB-based" |
"2011" |
2 |
"NIS-Elements" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Scaffold" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ENVI" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"PE—EtOAc" |
"2015" |
2 |
"RPM" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GeneSpring GX" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Greek" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Vega-Redondo" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Spatial Analysis" |
"2011" |
2 |
"StepOnePlus" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"EMG" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Hmisc" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SciELO" |
"2018" |
2 |
"tpsRelw" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Picard-tools" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Meta-DiSc" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Science" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Imaging" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BestKeeper" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Staview" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Rio (windowing system)" |
"2019" |
2 |
"NetDraw" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Egret" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Chart" |
"2015" |
2 |
"EyeLink" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Mexico" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Variant Effect Predictor" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Operating system" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Dar (disk archiver)" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Data Analysis in Source Space" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SilkDB" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Navigator" |
"2015" |
2 |
"lmer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"MotionDV Studios" |
"2010" |
2 |
"cellSens Dimension" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Random Allocation" |
"2014" |
2 |
"OpenSCAD" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SPM Anatomy" |
"2013" |
2 |
"StataSE" |
"2014" |
2 |
"DIVA" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Science" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"TaqMan" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Interact" |
"2010" |
2 |
"EnCore Processor" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MLNE" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mesquite" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"GRADEpro" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Infinity Camera" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Thrombinoscope" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Prokka" |
"2015" |
2 |
"DARwin" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SurveyGizmo" |
"2016" |
2 |
"nnet" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Professional" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BiNGO" |
"2017" |
2 |
"least" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Hum-mPLoc" |
"2014" |
2 |
"lme4 R" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Time Window" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SnPM" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PsyScope X" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Pseudomarker" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"geoR" |
"2015" |
2 |
"dbSNP" |
"2018" |
2 |
"marmap" |
"2015" |
2 |
"lpSolveAPI" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Cortex" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"NIS-Elements AR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PlayerRatings" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Expression Console" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SIAR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Mimics" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GOstat" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PLS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Brain Rhythmic Analysis for MEG" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Maxilim" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Metaeasy" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Leica QWin" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MultiClamp" |
"2012" |
2 |
"genome synteny aligner Satsuma" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"NoMAD" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PAML" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Volocity" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Visual Understanding Environment" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Multi-image Analysis GUI" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Solomon Coder" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"PyMOL" |
"2009" |
2 |
"PennCNV" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Wilcoxon" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Pestle" |
"2014" |
2 |
"haplo.stats" |
"2015" |
2 |
"FluidSurveys" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TCR-Vγ1" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Affymetrix Expression Console" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Transcriptome Analysis Console" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PaintShop Pro" |
"2010" |
2 |
"trimAl" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"OsteoPerio" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Vicon Nexus" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Erdös-Rényi" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Sigma Stat" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PyroMark" |
"2016" |
2 |
"κσG(i" |
"2017" |
2 |
"StatXact" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Therapeutic Crisis Intervention" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Novo" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Metrohm" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"NimbleScan" |
"2011" |
2 |
"CryptoCoinCharts" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Command Console" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"EthoVision" |
"2009" |
2 |
"GeoDaSpace" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Mokken Scaling Analysis for Polytomous items" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MRIcro" |
"2009" |
2 |
"FASTX-Toolkit" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ExploreDTI" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Glyco-Pack" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Newton-Raphson" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Piano Sonata" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Mann-Whitney" |
"2013" |
2 |
"S-Plus" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PyNAST" |
"2012" |
2 |
"CyberTracker" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Visual Basic for Applications" |
"2018" |
2 |
"STIM2" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SNA" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BrainSpan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"RQ Manager" |
"2014" |
2 |
"STRING database" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Weka (machine learning)" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Pick-Atlas" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RDP Classifier" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SMART-Seq" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Echoview" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Orca-flash" |
"2018" |
2 |
"G(x)∪{{y" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Roche Lightcycler" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Cheetah" |
"2019" |
2 |
"StepPCO" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Syto" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PLINKv1.9" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Missing Value Analysis" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GingerALE" |
"2012" |
2 |
"mstate" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Bioanalyzer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Android" |
"2012" |
2 |
"HGF" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Pacscan" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PopTools" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NVivo qualitative analysis" |
"2017" |
2 |
"kinematic analysis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"LMSchartmaker" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ProvLab" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Fig Tree" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Visual Basic for Applications" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Table (information)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"NIS-Elements BR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ProtTest" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GEMS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MetaboChip" |
"2015" |
2 |
"IBM i" |
"2010" |
2 |
"ImageJ analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Aimsun" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BigDyeTM Terminator" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Open-source software" |
"2010" |
2 |
"GLM" |
"2011" |
2 |
"PopGis" |
"2011" |
2 |
"NeuroExplorer" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GENEPOPv4.0.10" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GenAIEx" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Progenesis SameSpots" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Global MAX" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"tpsDig2" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SNPstat" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ImageQuant TL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"StatView" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"Mean±SD" |
"2016" |
2 |
"VectaMount" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BigDye" |
"2018" |
2 |
"KGG" |
"2015" |
2 |
"survival" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MCMCglmm" |
"2016" |
2 |
"KS400" |
"2012" |
2 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Pyro Q-CpG" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SM10λpir" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SB RAS Genomics" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FoodWorks" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"MassARRAY" |
"2017" |
2 |
"REML" |
"2018" |
2 |
"DAGitty" |
"2019" |
2 |
"CAAE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Wilcoxon" |
"2016" |
2 |
"NanoDrop" |
"2018" |
2 |
"relaimpo" |
"2017" |
2 |
"AutoMS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"OS/VS2 (SVS)" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Populus" |
"2019" |
2 |
"EMAN2" |
"2011" |
2 |
"BiLEVE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"MatlabBGL" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ProbABEL" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SPPS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"goal" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Meshlab" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SnpEff" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Cortex" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ArcInfo" |
"2014" |
2 |
"rgdal" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Quanto" |
"2009" |
2 |
"PeekAcuity" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BigDye Terminator" |
"2009" |
2 |
"DEXi" |
"2013" |
2 |
"C57BL/6J" |
"2017" |
2 |
"LingRegPCR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Fujifilm MultiGauge" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TriTrypDB" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Chromas" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Design" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FACSDiva" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Google Correlate" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PsychInfo" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Parrinello-Rahman" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Flybase" |
"2013" |
2 |
"nQuery Advisor" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PikoReal Real Time PCR System" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Fig Tree" |
"2014" |
2 |
"CVR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Vector NTI" |
"2018" |
2 |
"DAGitty" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Google Trends" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Epic" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"CART" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Mayo" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Clone Manager" |
"2015" |
2 |
"dive analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CSPro" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Avicol" |
"2015" |
2 |
"WorldPop" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FACSuite" |
"2017" |
2 |
"rrBLUP" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"SwissPOD" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Surfer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"TriPure" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"Twitter" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cell Quest" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Artemis" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Scipio" |
"2018" |
2 |
"RSEM" |
"2013" |
2 |
"StatView" |
"2008" |
2 |
"CNS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"Image" |
"2007" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"SF-12" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"leaps" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CentOS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Maestro" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Sample Power" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mendeley" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Partek" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Tris—pH" |
"2017" |
2 |
"pvclust" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Diffeomorphic Anatomical Registration Through Exponentiated Lie" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SplineProbe" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ProtTest" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ESPript" |
"2019" |
2 |
"DNA Polymerase" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Axograph" |
"2014" |
2 |
"mclust" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Landsat" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Ficoll-Paque" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RUMM2020" |
"2016" |
2 |
"VitalView" |
"2015" |
2 |
"OpenCV" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"MoverZ" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"BedOPs" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SNP Viewer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Olympus Fluoview" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NumPy" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"Pico" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GeneMapper ID-X" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Olympus Microsuite" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"BioRobot" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ChartPro" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Spot Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ModelDB" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PubMed" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Swiss-model" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Discovery Studio" |
"2012" |
2 |
"March–May" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Liftover" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Penn World Table" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TransDecoder" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Social Class" |
"2014" |
2 |
"StatXact" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2005" |
2 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Graphic State" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Chromosome Analysis Suite" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"BacMam" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"in-house" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Tri-Reagent" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ELISA-Wash" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SKAT" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Exome Variant Server" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"PFL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TiterMax" |
"2016" |
2 |
"LightCycler" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Analyzer" |
"2015" |
2 |
"RCurl" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PlanApo" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SleepSign" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FloMax" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PC-ORD" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"BayesX" |
"2015" |
2 |
"popbio" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SMRT Analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"21CFR Part" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TreeAnnotator" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Discovery Studio" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Pelli-Robson" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SEER*Stat" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Matplotlib" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ncf ’" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MuMIn" |
"2011" |
2 |
"in-house" |
"2018" |
2 |
"R boot" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PAMGuard" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Wald tests" |
"2016" |
2 |
"mean±SEM" |
"2011" |
2 |
"IgorPro" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Visual Basic" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"CSD" |
"2016" |
2 |
"LinReg" |
"2011" |
2 |
"VideoMot2" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Perl" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Mixed-Effects" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GeneID" |
"2011" |
2 |
"VOSviewer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Surfer" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Image" |
"2015" |
2 |
"iVision" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Gołebiewo" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Prodigal" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Tricaine-S" |
"2014" |
2 |
"custom-made" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SVM" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Student ’s t-test" |
"2017" |
2 |
"General Architecture for Text Engineering" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SoftmaxPro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"PGDSpider" |
"2019" |
2 |
"R Framework" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"EDTA" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Coda (web development software)" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FuGENE" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Rotor-Gene" |
"2015" |
2 |
"RT-PCR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FILM" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Self-Esteem Scale" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MarkDuplicates" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Tukey´s" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Primer3Plus" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Array Studio" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Pollard's rho algorithm" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Agilent" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RStudio Desktop" |
"2019" |
2 |
"WinISI II" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MAF<1" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2007" |
2 |
"MuMIn" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BioPlex" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Yamaha DSP-1" |
"2013" |
2 |
"WALS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Jacob" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Qualitative Data Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FMRIB ; linear registration" |
"2013" |
2 |
"VennDiagram" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FBG" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Genomes" |
"2013" |
2 |
"VOSviewer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"INRIAlign" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PRSice" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MedCalc" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BioNJ" |
"2010" |
2 |
"ProReflex" |
"2012" |
2 |
"OLIGO Primer Analysis Software" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Fanmod" |
"2013" |
2 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Psignifit" |
"2018" |
2 |
"QuickTime" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MetaXpress" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Imaris" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SMET" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Merlin" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Psychomorph" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"MeV" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Principal" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SF-12" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Epic" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TFR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SharePoint" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Microsoft Office" |
"2010" |
2 |
"GibbonFACS" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EMIL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"InterPro" |
"2011" |
2 |
"KaKs_calculator" |
"2011" |
2 |
"OMIM" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ExploreDTI" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Stanford" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Frankfort" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Mobile Service Architecture" |
"2017" |
2 |
"HCS CellMask Deep Red Stain" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FixErrors" |
"2017" |
2 |
"AIC" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Meta-DiSc" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"SAMtools" |
"2011" |
2 |
"GenStat" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"ViennaRNA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Pfam" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Stanford CoreNLP" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Since" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Olympus" |
"2014" |
2 |
"KCl" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Erdös-Rényi" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ESPript" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BioGPS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"EpiInfo" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Prism Graphpad" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"MAST" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PyMC3" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ASL" |
"2014" |
2 |
"xjView" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GenCall" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CellNetAnalyzer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Bio-Plex Manager" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SwissPdb Viewer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Hologic Discovery" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Compute pI/Mw" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Bio-Rad iQ5 Standard Edition" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Image TS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ResearchGate" |
"2018" |
2 |
"REX" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FastTree" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Cell Profiler" |
"2018" |
2 |
"BSA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"LabChart" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Multalin" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ML-Relate" |
"2017" |
2 |
"VBM Toolbox" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Psykinematix" |
"2014" |
2 |
"adegenet" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Functool" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Latent Gold" |
"2012" |
2 |
"I3S" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GeNorm" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Prospect-EPIC" |
"2016" |
2 |
"WinFOLIA" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SimNIBS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Viewpoint Media Player" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Analyse-it" |
"2009" |
2 |
"MAF<1" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RMark" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SoSci Survey" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GROMACS simulation" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Polar" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SpectroDESIGNER" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SpolTools" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NIS-Elements AR" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Image TS" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Swiss-model" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"AbES" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Brain Age" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FlexControl" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Rational Software Architect" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MorphoJ" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MedCalc Statistical" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Topspin" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Lego" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Ordinary least squares" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Noldus Ethovision" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Icy (application)" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"QUADAS-2" |
"2016" |
2 |
"TrackVis" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SEER*Stat" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"SAS Enterprise Guide" |
"2011" |
2 |
"START2" |
"2010" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"environment" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BehaviorSpace" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Ranger (file manager)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"bootES" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Calypso" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SnpEff" |
"2018" |
2 |
"deSolve" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MusicBrainz Picard" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Instat" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Just another Gibbs sampler" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Leica Map DCM" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Observer XT" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"ParaView" |
"2018" |
2 |
"haplo.stats" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Visual Analogue Scale" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"SAGA" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Novoalign" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Invivo5 ™" |
"2016" |
2 |
"OrthoDB" |
"2019" |
2 |
"REML" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Deep-View" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cost Path" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"NEST" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"TreeTagger" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FreeNA" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SplitsTree" |
"2010" |
2 |
"EEProbe" |
"2012" |
2 |
"NetNGlyc" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Creative Commons Attribution" |
"2016" |
2 |
"R.v" |
"2017" |
2 |
"EyeLink" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Extended" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"MAGL" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Automated Anatomical Labeling" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"CellQuestTM" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MxPro" |
"2009" |
2 |
"GNU Octave" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Microplate Manager" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Microsoft" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MuMIn R" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Beacon designer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BrainVISA" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TriReagent" |
"2012" |
2 |
"geoR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Imagene" |
"2011" |
2 |
"FileMaker" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Soft independent modelling of class analogies" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Chemidoc XRS+ system" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Papers" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Agisoft Photoscan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Spatial Analysis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Sauti" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Enter" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Haplogrep" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Api20E/NE" |
"2015" |
2 |
"EcosimPro" |
"2015" |
2 |
"NetOGlyc" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BioGRID" |
"2011" |
2 |
"glmmML" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Conneŕs" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Expression Analysis Systematic Explorer" |
"2010" |
2 |
"NeuroFax" |
"2017" |
2 |
"AdapterRemoval" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Word" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BisoGenet" |
"2014" |
2 |
"GraphPad InStat" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Signal" |
"2015" |
2 |
"TargetScan" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"ModelFinder" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Diagnostica Stago Start" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BioMAP" |
"2015" |
2 |
"JWatcher" |
"2016" |
2 |
"HRV" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Xcalibur" |
"2012" |
2 |
"IncMSE" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Statistical Analysis" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Ekuseru-Toukei" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GAITRite" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Genedata Screener" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Gardosi Bulk Centile Calculator" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"GenBank" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Autospike" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Winpepi" |
"2018" |
2 |
"One Way Anova" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Morpho" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Annexin" |
"2014" |
2 |
"BIAevaluation" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Chord diagram" |
"2012" |
2 |
"HTSeq" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FuGENE" |
"2011" |
2 |
"DTIFit" |
"2015" |
2 |
"limma R" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CLAM" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Surfer" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Proteome" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MACH" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Fisher´s" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ViewSonic" |
"2016" |
2 |
"JoinMap" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Computer-aided dispatch" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Pretty Good Privacy" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Bayesian Stochastic Search Variable Selection" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ENMGadgets" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2009" |
2 |
"RDS Analyst" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Sequencer" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"GeneScan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Na2HPO4" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MalAvi" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MCF" |
"2012" |
2 |
"OpenRefine" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Analyze (imaging software)" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Tri-Reagent" |
"2012" |
2 |
"SynAmps2" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Feature Extraction" |
"2011" |
2 |
"NAMD" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Stand-alone BLAST" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Feature Extraction" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ProteoSAFe" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Facelab" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ade4" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GenEx" |
"2015" |
2 |
"OrthoMCL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Scaffold" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Eyes" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BioEstat" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Whatman qualitative filter papers" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SMET" |
"2012" |
2 |
"PostgreSQL" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"TELiS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TeamSTEPPS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SeaWiFS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"GitHub" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"MetaImaging Series ™" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Windows Live Expo" |
"2008" |
2 |
"ELISA Rec" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Windows Genuine Advantage" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ESRI ArcView" |
"2007" |
2 |
"gbm" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SPSS PASW Statistics" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Biopython" |
"2018" |
2 |
"QTDT" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MinElute" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ISP Formal Verification Tool" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Affymetrix PowerTools" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Monitor" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Expander" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FDT" |
"2010" |
2 |
"xjView" |
"2006" |
2 |
"REML" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Fastq Quality Trimmer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SyMAP" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Lasergene" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TrEMBL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WebQTL" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"QDEC" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ClonalFrame" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CIDI" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MaxFilter" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Caret" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Macintosh" |
"2011" |
2 |
"nQuery Advisor" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Mobile Service Architecture" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WaveLab" |
"2009" |
2 |
"VicLANES" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Calib Rev" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Open Access" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"RDP Classifier" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MetaMap" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MarketScan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FileMaker" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TransEdit" |
"2012" |
2 |
"LENA" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Haploview" |
"2008" |
2 |
"LSM" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Torrent Suite ™" |
"2016" |
2 |
"PainDETECT" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Qualtrics survey" |
"2017" |
2 |
"OSL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Big Dye" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CRISPR Design" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MovAlyzeR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Hypermut" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Security event manager" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TALcNH" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"BioSemi ActiveTwo" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TribeMCL" |
"2005" |
2 |
"MapDamage" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BioNumerics" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ArrayExpress" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ModFit" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Visilog" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FantaMorph" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Octopus Mobile Survey Tool" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"WorldClim" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SPM Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Kubios HRV Premium" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Spectralis OCT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"extract" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FoxPIsoBfor" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PC" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ChromasPro" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SwissProt" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PoloPlus-PC" |
"2015" |
2 |
"EcosimPro" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Prism Graphpad" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"FaceGen" |
"2016" |
2 |
"OptiPlex" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Mimics" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MNE" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Inquisit" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Vision" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GNU Compiler Collection" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Unipark" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"C57BL/6J" |
"2012" |
2 |
"WatSan" |
"2014" |
2 |
"jMRUI" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Bruker Topspin" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GAPipeline" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"OpenMx" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Frog-Ringer" |
"2013" |
2 |
"AIR" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MNE-Python" |
"2018" |
2 |
"languageR" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"FACS Diva" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CodonCode Aligner" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Partek" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Socio-Economic" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Atlas.ti" |
"2006" |
2 |
"Velvet assembler" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Zones" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Ficoll-Paque" |
"2013" |
2 |
"RFMix" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Drop Vision" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ENVI" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CummeRbund" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GeneArt" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Meat slicer" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Ishmael" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CIPRES Gateway" |
"2016" |
2 |
"limma" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Scion" |
"2012" |
2 |
"DIANA-miRPath" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Talairach" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Primer-BLAST" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Sentence_R" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"NetLogo" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Step" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"EgoNet" |
"2018" |
2 |
"InterProScan" |
"2016" |
2 |
"R Project for Statistical Computing" |
"2018" |
2 |
"QSR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"LibLAS" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cufflinks" |
"2015" |
2 |
"RepeatMasker" |
"2008" |
2 |
"ImageQuant" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"Vector NTI" |
"2014" |
2 |
"StrAuto" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BESA Statistics" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Phylocom" |
"2012" |
2 |
"OpenMetaAnalyst" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Brain Vision Recorder" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Lasso" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EMIM" |
"2013" |
2 |
"NEST" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BioGRID" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Leica" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Meat slicer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"tnet" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BASE (search engine)" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PrimeScript" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Iramuteq" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"R/qtl" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Cutadapt" |
"2013" |
2 |
"FV10-ASW" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Elastix" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Bayescan" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Affymetrix Command Console" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Matlab Circular Statistics" |
"2017" |
2 |
"STISIM-Drive" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GenePix" |
"2007" |
2 |
"MatMan" |
"2017" |
2 |
"NIH" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Smart File System" |
"2018" |
2 |
"StatistiXL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"HaploReg" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FMRIB 's Diffusion Toolbox - FDT" |
"2014" |
2 |
"FACSCalibur flow cytometer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MetaMorph Imaging System" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FlexAnalysis" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Statistic" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Protter" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Operating system" |
"2014" |
2 |
"LigandScout" |
"2015" |
2 |
"LAGB" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GCOS" |
"2008" |
2 |
"TBS iNsight" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SimplePCI" |
"2010" |
2 |
"IMF (file format)" |
"2008" |
2 |
"Lava" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RSiena" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"smatr" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Visual Basic" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Fragment Profiler" |
"2017" |
2 |
"UCSC Genome Browser" |
"2009" |
2 |
"SAGA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CAL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Visual Basic for Applications" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RSS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PowerMarker" |
"2011" |
2 |
"FishBase" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Raven Pro" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BrainAmp" |
"2012" |
2 |
"QIAGEN ’s Ingenuity Pathway Analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"gam ’" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GeneCards" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"MiSeq Reporter" |
"2014" |
2 |
"AutoCAD" |
"2014" |
2 |
"dlnm" |
"2013" |
2 |
"R Statistical Environment" |
"2015" |
2 |
"glmer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Pattern Recognition" |
"2013" |
2 |
"#P<0.05" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ProMED-SoAs" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Risk assessment" |
"2012" |
2 |
"CEQ" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Preacher" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Simplot" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Skyline operator" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Glyco-Pack" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Lumi" |
"2012" |
2 |
"HOMER2" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Caret" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Agilent Feature Extraction" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Quantasoft" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Bioanalyzer" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Statistical Package for the Social Sciences—SPSS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Aligner" |
"2014" |
2 |
"LI" |
"2010" |
2 |
"FDT" |
"2018" |
2 |
"UCSF Chimera" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Fitness" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Word2Vec" |
"2018" |
2 |
"FantaMorph" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Makler counting chamber" |
"2014" |
2 |
"WoRMS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"TraumaRegister" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RVAideMemoire" |
"2018" |
2 |
"DIVA" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Live Search Academic" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MorphoJ" |
"2019" |
2 |
"TA Universal Analysis 2000" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Image CSI" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"System SDS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"image lab-2 analysis" |
"2017" |
2 |
"WFU PickAtlas Tool" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"Artifact (UML)" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SkyScan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Steuerberater" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ImageJ analysis" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Geste" |
"2015" |
2 |
"geosphere" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Poser" |
"2014" |
2 |
"DemonsRegistration" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Tri" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Norsys Netica" |
"2017" |
2 |
"text analysis" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"PumpControl" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MLST" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Perkin Elmer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ProtTest" |
"2011" |
2 |
"SenseWear" |
"2017" |
2 |
"CaK2EGTA" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Agilent Genomic Workbench" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2008" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"RQ1 RNase-Free DNase" |
"2017" |
2 |
"gplots" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SecretomeP" |
"2017" |
2 |
"B6/CBA" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Scaffold" |
"2015" |
2 |
"NeuronJ" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Terminator" |
"2018" |
2 |
"HadGEM2_ES RCP" |
"2018" |
2 |
"JCVI" |
"2009" |
2 |
"MTS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NetDraw" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GAITRite" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Oases" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ApoE4−" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Atlas" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MaMoni" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CBC" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MplusAutomation" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Joinpoint Regression" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Helicon Focus" |
"2013" |
2 |
"R boot" |
"2015" |
2 |
"QTravel" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SD-OCT" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ACluster" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BigDye" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PrEP" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Google Public Data Explorer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Scott" |
"2011" |
2 |
"BBMM" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FACSuite" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MBT Compass Explorer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AAWL" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WHO Anthro" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"calculator" |
"2016" |
2 |
"CanFam" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Brain Voyager QX" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Expanded Disability Status Scale" |
"2016" |
2 |
"StataCorp" |
"2015" |
2 |
"plot" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Microbial Ecology" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Coda (web development software)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Scan" |
"2018" |
2 |
"lmPerm" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Gnuplot" |
"2017" |
2 |
"LSM" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Phytools" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SEED" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MarkerView" |
"2019" |
2 |
"RNAlater" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ChimeraSlayer" |
"2014" |
2 |
"LightCycler" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Surrogate model" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SigmaStat" |
"2010" |
2 |
"CorelDRAW" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ProtTest" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Logic Pro" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FlowJo_V10" |
"2015" |
2 |
"BioLab" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"Accelrys Discovery Studio Visualizer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Instat" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Terminator" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Dar (disk archiver)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Erdas Imagine" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"SOAPsnp" |
"2012" |
2 |
"DTIFit" |
"2016" |
2 |
"glmmADMB" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SVM" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Blender" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MPI" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Brain Voyager QX" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Census Bureau OnTheMap" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Beacon designer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"RPDB" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MATLAB Statistics" |
"2014" |
2 |
"RNAfold" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CLC" |
"2014" |
2 |
"NRecon" |
"2016" |
2 |
"edgeR Bioconductor" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Multi Gauge" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Vector NTI" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Modeltest" |
"2009" |
2 |
"HOMD 16S rRNA RefSeq" |
"2014" |
2 |
"mclust" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"SUIT" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Dankost" |
"2019" |
2 |
"TurtleCare" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PhyloTree" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GenePattern" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Sawtooth SSI Web" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"VirEPfam" |
"2018" |
2 |
"iTEM" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MarsBaR" |
"2019" |
2 |
"EZ Word" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SYBR Premix Ex Taq II" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Mascot" |
"2009" |
2 |
"MAFT" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Palamedes" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Dataquest" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"SnPM" |
"2016" |
2 |
"ELAN" |
"2010" |
2 |
"survey" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ActiReg" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Newbler" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Cytosim" |
"2018" |
2 |
"BALB/cJ" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Phaser (effect)" |
"2011" |
2 |
"FlyCapture" |
"2019" |
2 |
"ncf ’" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GInaFiT" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Microsoft SQL Server" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PyMOL" |
"2010" |
2 |
"idTracker" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"OpenClinica" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MetaDE" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Conservation Planning Atlas" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Research" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Beagle" |
"2011" |
2 |
"DTIStudio" |
"2009" |
2 |
"PooledEmg" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Newbler" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Cufflinks" |
"2019" |
2 |
"OBITools" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Geographic Distance Matrix Generator" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Adult album alternative" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Statistical graphics" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Gelman-Rubin" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Random" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"SWAT" |
"2015" |
2 |
"SciPy" |
"2010" |
2 |
"SALT" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GCMSsolution" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Lumicycle Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Galaxy (computational biology)" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"SMS" |
"2015" |
2 |
"pcalg" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Image EP" |
"2011" |
2 |
"WebLogo" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CowLog" |
"2017" |
2 |
"FreeNA" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MassHunter" |
"2018" |
2 |
"M5NR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Sample Size" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Analyze (imaging software)" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Surfer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MapManager QTXb" |
"2007" |
2 |
"BRB" |
"2007" |
2 |
"Mallows" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"RNase" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GENEActiv PC" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Biomatters" |
"2015" |
2 |
"adehabitat" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SPM Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SurveyMonkey" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Boost (C++ libraries)" |
"2010" |
2 |
"LSM Image Browser" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Spectrum Mill" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Molkin" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Questionnaire Development System" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Pathway Analysis" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GeneMapper ID-X" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Predictive Analytics" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Seqboot" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Multiquant" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MIDI Toolbox" |
"2014" |
2 |
"February-March" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RankProd" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EAST" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Apache HTTP Server" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Noldus Observer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Bootstrap" |
"2013" |
2 |
"GeneScan Analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Ficoll-Paque" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2007" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"SigmaScan" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Microcal Origin" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Pennycuick" |
"2015" |
2 |
"MedINRIA" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Trinity Rescue Kit" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ClockLab" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Graphviz" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TrueSkill" |
"2016" |
2 |
"mtPhyl" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Pargo" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Gel DOC XR" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Bayes Factors" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Peak Scanner" |
"2015" |
2 |
"fastPHASE" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Polo-PC" |
"2018" |
2 |
"SPSS-version" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Wake Forest University Pickatlas" |
"2016" |
2 |
"CLASlite" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SOAPsnp" |
"2014" |
2 |
"IntraFace" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"Mesquite" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Java" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Morphome3cs" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"System SDS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Polymorphism Phenotyping" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Tandem Repeats Finder" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Cartool" |
"2011" |
2 |
"dbSNP" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Kraken" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Analyst" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Signal" |
"2010" |
2 |
"EcosimPro" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Knitr" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PSORTb" |
"2015" |
2 |
"R-AnalyticFlow scientific workflow system" |
"2016" |
2 |
"statnet" |
"2015" |
2 |
"GeoCLIM" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Engauge Digitizer" |
"2012" |
2 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Design" |
"2011" |
2 |
"language" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MyotonPRO" |
"2019" |
2 |
"RapidNJ" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"sandwich" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Meadow (programming)" |
"2014" |
2 |
"TCS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Genetix" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"JM109" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Versamax" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ImageLab" |
"2016" |
2 |
"RFMix" |
"2016" |
2 |
"fmsb ’" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"GDA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Caret" |
"2011" |
2 |
"BioNJ" |
"2015" |
2 |
"March–May" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Noldus Observer 8.0 XT" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Amazon Alexa" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Biodex System" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Vicon Blade" |
"2016" |
2 |
"WebLogo" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Minimac" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WSTP" |
"2016" |
2 |
"BrainVoyager QX" |
"2008" |
2 |
"TreeAge Pro" |
"2007" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"OpenSesame" |
"2016" |
2 |
"R poweRlaw" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Progenesis QI" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Adobe Premiere Pro CS4" |
"2017" |
2 |
"VectorBase" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Kingdom of Poland (1916–18)" |
"2014" |
2 |
"existing" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"GenoDive" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Phred quality score" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AICcmodavg" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Matlab R" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Android" |
"2016" |
2 |
"StepOne" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Equation" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Command Console" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FreezeFrame" |
"2012" |
2 |
"LightCycler" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Rapidform" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BioEdit Sequence Alignment Editor" |
"2007" |
2 |
"SciELO" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SwissVar" |
"2013" |
2 |
"TreeSim" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ExoSAP-IT" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Peak Scanner" |
"2017" |
2 |
"SPPS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Avidemux" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"TrypLE" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SVM" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"MIRU-VNTRplus" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PedCheck" |
"2015" |
2 |
"FDR<0.05" |
"2013" |
2 |
"HEAT" |
"2013" |
2 |
"rtemis" |
"2018" |
2 |
"WikiExplorer" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PopRep" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Neurolucida" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"XCMS" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"FMRIB 's Non-linear Image Registration Tool" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PoloPlus" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Equation" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Brill tagger" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Psignifit" |
"2013" |
2 |
"EZR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Brain" |
"2013" |
2 |
"loo" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Scaffold" |
"2011" |
2 |
"NASA" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RTA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"PearPC" |
"2013" |
2 |
"KlustaKwik" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MASON (Java)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"FaBox" |
"2013" |
2 |
"School Information Management System" |
"2018" |
2 |
"HTSeq-count" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"BZ-X Analyzer" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SNPStats" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RandomForest R" |
"2019" |
2 |
"TargetScan" |
"2017" |
2 |
"miRecords" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PopTools" |
"2015" |
2 |
"RAND" |
"2016" |
2 |
"D-Sight" |
"2016" |
2 |
"AnyLogic" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"CFinder" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Cary WinUV" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"MarketScan" |
"2014" |
2 |
"OpenGL" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SHCal13" |
"2019" |
2 |
"cowplot" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Rotor-Gene" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Mfold" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"IDL" |
"2019" |
2 |
"WebLogo" |
"2009" |
2 |
"ASReml" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Zen Cart" |
"2011" |
2 |
"AviSoft-SAS Lab Pro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Bacon" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Cronbach´s" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Erdös-Rényi" |
"2012" |
2 |
"RNAlater" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"CalPal" |
"2010" |
2 |
"VBM8" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Morpheus" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"iMap" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FastQTL" |
"2019" |
2 |
"jsPsych" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Illustrator" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Phyloseq" |
"2019" |
2 |
"CAT" |
"2013" |
2 |
"near" |
"2018" |
2 |
"lmPerm" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Tearlab" |
"2016" |
2 |
"InterPro" |
"2006" |
2 |
"Pro Tools" |
"2011" |
2 |
"CorelDRAW" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Perl" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"TMHMM Server" |
"2015" |
2 |
"HPLC" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Ficoll-Paque" |
"2016" |
2 |
"KCl" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"GeneChip Yeast Genome" |
"2017" |
2 |
"EndoPAT" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Windows" |
"2006" |
2 |
"Microsoft Academic Search" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FantaMorph" |
"2018" |
2 |
"fGWAS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"R Environment for Statistical Computing" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Google Notebook" |
"2017" |
2 |
"FACT-G" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Epi Info" |
"2009" |
2 |
"SQL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"CLC Main Workbench" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SPM Anatomy Toolbox" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Boxshade" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2018" |
2 |
"GraphPad Prisma" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Nikon NIS Advanced Research" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MaxQuant" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CATI" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MySQL" |
"2012" |
2 |
"FASTX-Toolkit" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Service Development Studio" |
"2010" |
2 |
"@Risk" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BrainAmp" |
"2013" |
2 |
"tpsRelw" |
"2014" |
2 |
"WHOQOL-BREF Taiwan" |
"2019" |
2 |
"RDQA" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Visual C++" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Newman-Keuls" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Adobe Illustrator" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Figure drawing" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Mauve (test suite)" |
"2015" |
2 |
"CellQuestPro" |
"2009" |
2 |
"ABI Prism Linkage Mapping Set" |
"2010" |
2 |
"GraphPad Prizm" |
"2018" |
2 |
"AttrakDiff" |
"2019" |
2 |
"BDgraph" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Białowieża" |
"2014" |
2 |
"PolyJet" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PLS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Clinical Classification" |
"2018" |
2 |
"ReVue" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Bchron" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Biokit" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"AsiaFluCap" |
"2012" |
2 |
"EventFlow" |
"2018" |
2 |
"VCFtools" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"OpenSim" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Micro" |
"2018" |
2 |
"BrainVoyager" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"TBST" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Joinpoint Regression" |
"2016" |
2 |
"OrthoMCL" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Bio-Edit" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Brain Voyager QX" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ARNold" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Statistix" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SCC" |
"2014" |
2 |
"pROC" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"3-Matic" |
"2018" |
2 |
"NCSS (statistical software)" |
"2012" |
2 |
"biomaRt R" |
"2017" |
2 |
"RS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"TOPALi" |
"2012" |
2 |
"TruSeq" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Presentation" |
"2007" |
2 |
"VassarStats" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Cytoskape" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"Pdc,tES" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Seniors-ENRICA" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MediaLab" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Fibonacci" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"EUR" |
"2017" |
2 |
"IMa2" |
"2015" |
2 |
"DIALIGN2.2" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Mascot Distiller" |
"2012" |
2 |
"QUESTOURnament" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"Statistical" |
"2019" |
2 |
"IntCal13" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Spectralis OCT" |
"2019" |
2 |
"MPI" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Nikon elements" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PyMVPA" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Berkeley Madonna" |
"2007" |
2 |
"PhenoCHF" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Metastats" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2009" |
2 |
"Series" |
"2010" |
2 |
"P(A)P(B" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Expert" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"OCT" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Actiheart" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Multi Emulator Super System" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"FACSCanto II" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Imaging" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GelRed Nucleic Acid Gel Stain" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Expression Console" |
"2013" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"SF-12" |
"2017" |
2 |
"XLEaP" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Pianoteq" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Alvin" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Java Treeview" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Path-O-Gen" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Cytoscape" |
"2009" |
2 |
"STUDENT (computer program)" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Image PS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"MDC95" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MEME" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"BrainCap" |
"2013" |
2 |
"audio" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Rotor-Gene" |
"2010" |
2 |
"UniProtKB" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Agilent GeneSpring" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"Mouse Genome Informatics" |
"2009" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"RSS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Notung" |
"2012" |
2 |
"genetics" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"MACH" |
"2016" |
2 |
"IDRISI Selva" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Science Image Station" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Mirdeep2" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GPRO" |
"2016" |
2 |
"STATA Statistics" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Partek Flow" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2019" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"ArcSWAT" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Final Cut Pro" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"Joinpoint Regression Program" |
"2014" |
2 |
"SlideBook" |
"2012" |
2 |
"ASReml" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MatlabTM" |
"2019" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Agilent GeneSpring" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Transect" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Mr.Bayes" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Clampfit" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Circuitscape" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Ensembl Genome Browser" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EViews" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Graphviz" |
"2016" |
2 |
"GCEAD2011" |
"2014" |
2 |
"MCMCTree" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EPMT" |
"2012" |
2 |
"BeGaze" |
"2013" |
2 |
"OptSeq" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"PrairieView" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Boruta" |
"2017" |
2 |
"COBRApy" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ClockLab" |
"2010" |
2 |
"WebGestalt" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Analyze (imaging software)" |
"2008" |
2 |
"VantagePoint" |
"2009" |
2 |
"SIEM" |
"2016" |
2 |
"VarSelRF" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Sequence Detector" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Lasergene" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"GRS" |
"2018" |
2 |
"e-MOUSE" |
"2018" |
2 |
"MMAS" |
"2007" |
2 |
"SPTB" |
"2016" |
2 |
"CalMorph" |
"2016" |
2 |
"VIVO International Researcher" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Tabulate Area" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FlowCytomix ™ Pro" |
"2012" |
2 |
"AlphaEase" |
"2015" |
2 |
"ModFit" |
"2014" |
2 |
"WMTSA Wavelet Toolkit" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SleepSign analysis" |
"2013" |
2 |
"CLC DNA Workbench" |
"2013" |
2 |
"BCI2000" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"S-estimator" |
"2007" |
2 |
"2017" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Community Atmosphere Model" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2010" |
2 |
"SMP8" |
"2018" |
2 |
"NIST (metric)" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"RView" |
"2017" |
2 |
"BMA" |
"2014" |
2 |
"LDhat" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Amazon Mechanical Turk" |
"2019" |
2 |
"FCS Express" |
"2011" |
2 |
"LDNe" |
"2013" |
2 |
"PDAP computer" |
"2008" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"Missing Value Analysis" |
"2019" |
2 |
"SubtiList Web Server" |
"2012" |
2 |
"Astra" |
"2011" |
2 |
"ActiGraph GT3X" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Oriana" |
"2017" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Open Source Epidemiologic Statistics" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CorelDRAW" |
"2009" |
2 |
"MoorLDI" |
"2016" |
2 |
"FIRDeconvolution" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Osteomeasure" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ReStructuredText" |
"2019" |
2 |
"NAMD2.9b" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MySQL Workbench" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2006" |
2 |
"GeneSpring" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2011" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Final Cut Pro" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ALMaSS" |
"2011" |
2 |
"Sound Analysis Pro" |
"2009" |
2 |
"Methyl Primer Express" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Mini Analysis" |
"2015" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Distance" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PQmethod" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Typer" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"NAMD" |
"2017" |
2 |
"PlanS" |
"2014" |
2 |
"2018" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"NEST" |
"2015" |
2 |
"DictDb" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Raster Calculator" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SmartPLS" |
"2017" |
2 |
"TSB" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2013" |
2 |
"Tris-EDTA" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Cogent" |
"2017" |
2 |
"ESEM" |
"2019" |
2 |
"AntWeb" |
"2018" |
2 |
"CircWave" |
"2013" |
2 |
"ClonalFrame" |
"2014" |
2 |
"ModelGenerator" |
"2016" |
2 |
"MICE" |
"2013" |
2 |
"SYBR Green" |
"2013" |
2 |
"image processing" |
"2018" |
2 |
"EyeLink Data Viewer" |
"2016" |
2 |
"SurveyCTO Collect" |
"2018" |
2 |
"Genotyper" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Beacon designer" |
"2009" |
2 |
"BrainWave" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MUST" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2015" |
2 |
"OpenEpi" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Sawtooth" |
"2017" |
2 |
"Tris-EDTA" |
"2014" |
2 |
"Intercooled" |
"2017" |
2 |
"LabSpec" |
"2018" |
2 |
"2014" |
2 |
"Picard-tools" |
"2017" |
2 |
"List of mass spectrometry software" |
"2010" |
2 |
"Rate-monotonic scheduling" |
"2016" |
2 |
"CFlow" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Transition path sampling" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Barrier (computer science)" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Amelia" |
"2016" |
2 |
"cavetopo" |
"2017" |
2 |
"MS-222" |
"2013" |
2 |
"Bayescan" |
"2015" |
2 |
"Power" |
"2012" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"Hmisc" |
"2011" |
2 |
"2012" |
2 |
"SPAS" |
"2019" |
2 |
"PyMVPA" |
"2012" |
2 |
"MxPro QPCR" |
"2016" |
2 |
"Top Scan system" |
"2018" |
2 |
"PC-ORD" |
"2013" |
2 |
"T/Maker" |
"2016" |
2 |
"EyeLink" |
"2015" |
2 |
"PearPC" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Gannet" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Adobe Audition" |
"2016" |
2 |
"2016" |
2 |
"WikiAves" |
"2019" |
2 |
"EnviroAtlas Dasymetric" |
"2019" |
2 |
"Poolscreen" |
"2017" |
2 |
"T-Coffee" |
"2013" |
2 |
"MutSα" < |